1.5m HOTlet here
HOLO CHADS report in
Pick one
400% up since i bought, what is not chad about that faggot. stay salty.
Hot chocolate 700k reporting
very HOT
Also 1.5M chad here
1.7 million. Just bought my bag a few days ago at 27 sats.
Just fuck my shit up.
we goin' to 100 sats by EOM June/July. Cap this.
5.4m chad here.Feeling comfy
I put 75k in wish me luck frens.
You dont need luck fren. You are going to make it
we have been consolidating nicely and the TA just looks phenomenal currently. everything is hinting at 80-100 sats. fundamentals stronger than ever too.
$75k or 75k HOT?
75k $CAD
Thinking this is remotely braggable kek. Congrats on this, seriously. Hahahahahsha
omg nice. how much HOT do you have?
pump it up
to da moooooooon!
chads assembe
comfy. get in here chads
1.1M Holochad
Not selling until $1
hochad reporting in feetbased and comfy
laureli'd and feetpilled
Fuck I'm a brainlet with bags and don't know when it's time to sell the top
set yourself a price goal.
i will dump 70% at 0.008-0.01
Thanks fren
sold HOT for FTM today
imo ftm team will deliver mainnet this quarrter and holo we wait another yearfukt
Sats or dollars?
Who did this?
i did :)
Shut the fuck up. Cancer
4.7M reporting, Sir!
I can't wait to fuck Brazilian trannies all day in the ass when it moons to 10 cents
How low we going? 21? Back to 15?
Solid support will likely form at 22 sats. I've got buy orders at 22 and 23 sats and some tether in case HOT just crashes but I really doubt it. It's a slow low volume bleed. I'm just accumulating more for the next big piece of news that will pump this back to 30 sats with high volume.
Holochain is changing the world. Anyone with over a million will be sitting very pretty in 1-2 years.
That’s 2100usd right now, i got 50k holo,
hey guys.
Holo threads are so comfy, matbe it's the color scheme of Holo.
can somebody explain sats to me i'm an idiot
satoshi = smallest unit of BTC
100m sats = 1 btc
chads assemble. ready set go!!!
thank you
100 Sats = 0.00000100 BTC
uhhhh dude there are already apps live on the holo network and theyre already shipping hardware for the next iteration of it....but have fun with your FTM tranny shitcoin
>holofag calling ftm tranny shit when there's an actual nigger tranny on the dev team for holo
well FTM has an actual retard on the team that can't even keep a straight face when talking. this Michael Kong dude is a LITERAL spastic. I mean wtf I wanted to watch this AMA and that dude had like constant seizures - how can you charge someone like that with PR??
I just want to be rich. Please HOT bros, tell me I'll be ok.
I'd take a nervous system disorder over a mental disorder any day. Dude might twitch a little bit but at least he doesn't think he's a woman
You'll be more than ok user. You are in the next Eth at $0.60. The difference is, this is an even bigger deal than Eth. Potentially even more revolutionary than BTC.
Holoport never gonna be distributed. Haha the absolute state. Sold at 44sat never gonna go back there
Pretty sure he means dollars.
There is already a few thousand Holoports in the wild. They are waiting for mass production though.
fuck sats $ value is what counts, thats what you use to know btc value
Its gonna be ok
3 million HOT see y'all on the moon
Its literally in the name dude.....
Imagine getting obviously trolled and being completely oblivious to it lol but I guess it was mentioned somewhere that FtM is run by retards anyway.
28k for now lads! What number should I aim for?