Someone care to redpill me on this shit, thinking of accumulating a stack of this

Someone care to redpill me on this shit, thinking of accumulating a stack of this..

Attached: HOLO.jpg (355x240, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nice and conmfy, best choise

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I noticed you're not all in HOT yet, I arrived as fast as I could.

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You have been blessed

Attached: HoloPope.png (968x681, 821K)

Don’t let these faggots fool you op. Hot will likely fail

why is he pink?

>pink ID
you are a failure my nig
t. 14 millies

desu none so far are making any form of coherent argument to convince me.

' good coin sir, very good price sir! my friend you may have very good fortune sir, bah ding ding bong'

Attached: jarpeet_nig.jpg (361x352, 18K)

>spoonfeed me
DYOR nigger no one cares about your future. Buy LINK or some other flavor of the month

i improved it a little

Attached: file.png (426x364, 18K)

well, if you hit a randomize button and sources come back to you of varying degree's of truth, then I can make an assessment on said information.

Im not asking to be spoonfed, and frankly this crypto game is just a laughable hobby for me when my main chunk of funds are actually in real stocks with tangible value.

But hey, your the one taking the time out to write a non-constructive post instead of just sending a link for further reading my way.

>the state of Jow Forums , people will waste their own time to shitpost instead of using the board for what it was created for. meh...

read the whitepaper

green id again. the crypto gods know im all in holo, id recommend buying in now as its low

Attached: B639323A-07AE-4821-94BA-AE72FF67184A.png (1125x2436, 284K)

>crypto game is just a laughable hobby for me when my main chunk of funds are actually in real stocks with tangible value
OK boomer, enjoy your 1% returns

sound salty there bro, this crypto stuff is essentially like the gold rush, everyone is so greedy they are blind to see that most of these shitcoins dont really differ greatly from each other as a 'product'.

Do you really think the likes of the Rosthchilds who have been running shit for centuries are really going to allow neckbears like you to 'make it', hell no, there was a wave of millionaires/billionaires with the first surge, but this was quickly put a lid on.

Live in denial I dont care, but I wouldnt quit your job at maccy's thinking crypto is gonna make you rich.

Some of us are playing a long game of some 5+years, so yea, my 5% sustainable cumulative gains over this period is more than sufficient for me.

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dude what do you expect??? coming to /biz and we do all the research to hand it to you on a golden platter... deluded. i come here after my bag is so heavy i need someone to buy the top. i bought a huge stack in the ICO and researched the project for a whole week prior to buying.

a good start is obviously their website.... read the greenpaper, then the whitepaper. catch up on the developments of the last year. research competitors. make an informed investment, never buy anything without knowing what it is or what it does. we could be shilling you total garbage and you wouldn't know.

HOT did a 35x in ETH since April 2018.

>LINK or some other flavor of the month
Spotted the newfag
You are delusional to think holo will go up in mcap ranking from here, its skycoin pejeet tier shit essentially

you gonna get schooled son

Well go ahead user......

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thank you good sir
I appreciate this user, but if I get mixed responses from pro holo folks, and neg holo folks, and shill holo folks, thats x3 pools of data I can enquire, ultimately I do my own research but like trading stocks its good to get a varied perspective of the respective market.

Simply reading the whitepaper, well here we go with the shilling, of course the white paper is going to be biased.

If you asked the devs from XVG about their product they would say it was the best, most reliable, anonymous coin out there. But in reality, its a pile of shit, unsure if new patch has improved it but we will see.

well then read 3rd party reviews. read it to fully understand the technology, that's all you need to understand. you will be glad you did, 99% of invrstors just bought the pump not knowing about the tech.

You should never buy based on Jow Forums recommendation alone, read up on it though

you just described 99% of the market pool for all alt coins.

Like I said, this is like the gold rush and people are blindly gambling their money away without understanding what it is they are betting on (look at XRP for example).

This is why I tend toward tangible investments more so, there is a clearer direction for a company whom is say, developing energy technologies or pharmeceutricals.

aliens use it

If HOLO achieves 1% of Amazon AWS's success, HoloChain's marketcap will be $9.3 BILLION.
If HOLO achieves 5% of Amazon AWS's success, HoloChain's marketcap will be $46.55 BILLION.


I tell every dumb fuck that makes these threads that the time to buy was a year ago.

So you have sold I imagine?

I'm still holding most of my stack but I'm way in the green on this one.

Yeah the other user is right. Idgaf what you buy. If you want to tyen dyor if you dont want to then fuck fuck it who cares.i have no idea who you are and never will. This isnt a low volume shitciloin it doesnt need biz.

still, aint no one bringing shit to the table, just talking nonsense, ima sit back on my stacks of BNB and XCM thanks, byeeeeeeeeee


all this boomer drivel and you come at us with BNB XCM

pea brain

I fucking bought heaps of this when it was 600 gwei. Not ashamed to say it was drunk buy. No ragrets.

eat a dick you little shit,

My capital is in real companies, hence this is a 'redpill' thread, nothing more than a victorian 'folly' you dumb cunt.

also I got on BNB at $3, whats your point exactly, this shit will be $1k in 3 years time,

go and covet your linkies you deluded little bitch

>$1000 in 3 years

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You can buy the token which is supposedly a placeholder.
And you can buy their own little box of dedicated hardware, which is also supposedly a placeholder.

no.1 in east asia as a trading platform, reduced trading fee's with this coin, it has 35x in the last 1.5 years.

as things accumulate into the crypto space, I see BTC to go 100k per unit, Binance will follow suit due to the nature of the token.

If you believe anything else I truly pity you, im aware CZ is a manipulator but doesnt change the fact that his coin will moon as a direct result of normies entering the space to trade.


just go back to plebbit if you are more into boomer stocks. you won't get shit on here with this attitude, i bet you are one of those faggots who read /biz is always the first community to find gems. those days are over, even more so if you are a lazy boomer that by default thinks every altcoin is a shitcoin. You think you are smart, but arrogance is worse than incompetence really. Everyone here invested into HOT a year ago, so you are too late anyways.

Last but not least: keep that "gold rush idea" to yourself, that's cringe and blue-pilled af. If anyone is having a "gold rush" than the exchanges and the whales but surely not you the retail investor kek.

came here to post this, this is what really sold me

meh , this guy, literally no fucks given for this bait ass post, of course you know better, I didnt start this thread for the whack ass bitches such as yourself. go back to creeping around your parents basement you little ho,let the grownups get on with their things...

fuck off. what are you even doing here??? keep your chink bags. thinking binance will be the be all end all exchange is deluded af. exchanges come and go all the time, thinking one will be the #1 forever just shows how new you are. you probably don't even remember Bittrex or Polo kek. Binance is just a fad my boy, i am certain they won't be number #1 in 5-10 years. Kucoin/BitMax are already growing fast, making your BNB a little less relevant every day.

I honestly couldn't care less about your opinion. I only need HOT to do a 5x and I can retire big time. Don't even have to pay taxes because I held for 365 days. Keep your shitty boomer bags while the oldfags keep making the big bucks.

>Don't even have to pay taxes because I held for 365 days.
how does that work

Interesting project but it already mooned. Might be able to squeak out some meager gains from here but the mcap is too high for any serious moon mission.

yeah sure like any other altcoins never mooned with big market caps before

Absolute best case scenario is .5 to a dollar

Long term capital gains are modeled differently.

dude dollar per token would be mansion in bahamas for me

well in some jurisdictions outside the US, you can actually avoid crypto taxes completely just by following the HODL meme. If you hold for 365+ days, all gains are tax-exempt.

Reasons NOT to buy Holo today:

>wheelchair feminists
>not hiring white males unless they have to
>think rich people are evil
>don't want you to get rich from investing in holo because "it's not about money"
>lead dev and the other guy are both faggots(maybe even together?)
>lead dev was the head of occupy wall street, gave speeches etc there
>lead dev pimped out his 5 year old daugher just to make a point about capitalism or something(taking it a bit too far there mate?)
>the structure of holochain is "feminine", not on purpose though feminine just turned out to be better and more robust according to lead dev
>use fancy buzzwords like "immune system" etc
>literally have to email the department of defense a selfie
>purchases exceeding 1,000,000 HOT require cavity search, including anal speculum
>cost of finger box not included, literally have to bring your own finger box
>you have to personally maintain your own chain(mandatory KYC ofc)
>your chain dies forever if you go offline, all data is lost since there's no global consensus
>HOT token supply is dynamic, can be created out of thin air in order to keep the price stable
>lead dev himself has said $1 is the absolute maximum the HOT token's price will ever be
>the HOT token is not even needed for using the chain

>have to pass KYC + credit check for every coin on holochain. The whitepaper calls it the "membrane function." Holochain is ultimately based on trust, which means when you join a new subchain you have to have someone vouch for you. The only way to get money in holochain is through debt. Meaning you can spend money even if your balance is zero. You end up with negative balance and the other guy ends up with positive balance. If it was someone completely random with no KYC the debtor could just delete their account and make a new one over and over to get infinite money; a sybil attack. The membrane function prevents that from happening. You have to reveal who you are and prove you aren't a scammer. You have to prove that you are worthy of being issued credit. Its KYC or a credit check, however you want to call it. You cant just show up with your dick in your hand like bitcoin. Joining a coin on holochain requires social interaction. So you better practice your firm handshake and look them in the eye.

>have to either maintain your own personal blockchain history, or trust that someone else is storing it for you. If either party loses the chain data you lose all your money. It doesn't have guaranteed permanence like bitcoin. If being a notary (a node that maintains records) ever becomes unprofitable they will dump your records and bail in a heartbeat.

>have to pay fees to notaries any time you do anything. Its ethereum all over again. This incentivizes the notary to maintain and preserve the Distributed Hash Table. The DHT is a database that prevents people from double spending.

>HOT is not even required to use holochain; its bordering on useless even if holochain succeeds. HOT is used to buy time on Holohost, the native compute node to holochain. You can easily compute your own personal blockchain even from a small computer like a smartphone so the vast majority of users will not need HOT. HOT may have some uses for IOT devices and embedded microcontrollers; computers too small to act as their own compute node. You also have to install a client capable of interacting with holo, the equivalent of metamask basically. If someone doesnt install the browser extension they will need HOT to use holochain. Holochain itself may have some uses, especially stuff that isnt transactional like a decentralized website or something. That still doesnt mean you will make any money on HOT. You are basically getting excited over something that belongs on Jow Forums at this point. Like I2P or IPFS or TOR or torrenting or something. It's not a crypto, it's some old p2p protocol that they decided to do a cashgrab now because ICOs are popular.

sorry you are a little late nigger. FUD did only work before HOT listed on IDEX, after that? Don't even try it kek. You are wasting you time.

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the fud is accurate though. The first post is exaggerating but the other two are spot on. Read their medium article.

Have sex incel

>HOT is useless
>all HOT ICOs will accept priority funding through HOT
pick one

the FUD is baseless af, i am holo autist and have been obessing over Holo since the ICO. i would tell you if this shit were true. pajeets doing their thing, who cares.

Attached: Screenshot_20190601_at_06.11.22.jpg (1406x1100, 94K)

I'm sorry. It seems that you are mistaking me for a street shitter that understands Holochain and Holo just enough to believe your FUD is accurate.

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whatevs boomer, I know what its actually like to lay with a real human woman and not just my right hand bitch..

>I highly recommend you buy in and catch the knife with me

Then whats stopping a host from being reputable until they gain a high credit limit and they exit?

the general trend is bullish.
its a very comfy 3-5yr hold.

comfy hold, all in for over a year and just getting started too

>place transparent PNG on image a couple times
>write text
>Look, Jow Forums, it's meme magic!
>You must buy , sir !

It would be extremely painful

well, you really dodged a bullet by not buying HOT because the memes were low effort

Attached: 1558545214426.jpg (502x442, 29K)

is buying now FOMO?

I have no regrets.

Attached: dmyG798[1].png (780x296, 20K)

Long term no, short term yea

how many HOT to make it?

Essentially, it is the first framework that is efficient and organically scalable. POW/POS both are consensus models that have proven to be highly inefficient, and why do we need global conecensus to send a tweet or post a Snapchat? It's simply redundant and not necessary.

Holochain allows the application to create whatever conecensus model the developer wants, the validation rules are entirely maleable, which is a huge positive.

Holo the hosting app is essentially exactly what Airbnb is for hosting. Where people like me and you can benefit and profit on our spare computing power to host distributed applications onto the traditional internet and IPFS standards, which is a bridge that is necessary for mainstream adoption. Think of all of those 5-10 billion dollar data centers built by the Facebooks of the world that will soon be completely unnecessary because the applications of the future built on holochain will not need those giant resource expansive buildings, they will be able to function through the first ever distributed hosting network that is powered by the people, and not by massive corporations that are collecting our information for malignant reasons. This is the easiest no brainier in all of crypto, I see it having a much larger overall impact then Ethereum has and ever will have.

21 btc is ~ 175k HOT

That will buy you a sex robot, multiply by how many ai waifus you want


good post.

Attached: holochain_logo.png (1562x1562, 304K)

for you

>Essentially, it is the first framework that is efficient and organically scalable
[sounds of wet, loose anus farting begin to drown out the speaker]
[pffffffffffbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbf fbfbfbf]

5 cents in 2021. Screen cap this.

I expect higher then 5 cents by 2021, that is honestly quite conservative.

What’s your guess friend
