Ok, you have my attention

Redpill me on this thing. What are the fundamentals? Good team? Their vision?

Attached: images.png (301x167, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll link some introductory articles etc.

This one is a short version:

This one is much longer/detailed (8 parts): medium.com/@CryptoSeq/quant-networks-overledger-part-one-blockchain-fundamentals-db7fdb43058a


scroll through these bud, probly better to see for yourself.

this is literally the only project that connects blockchains without the use of another blockchain on top of it. no other project can do that to date.

Also they are positioning themselves up nicely politically:

Quant Network is already a major player in blockchain innovation and regulation. In 2015, Gilbert Verdian, founder and CEO of Quant Network, founded the Blockchain ISO Standard TC307.

Great price to buy now as well.

$22mil cap

destined for 1bn++ (i.e. top 40 in a good market, likely that all top 100 coins will be 1bn cap this time around)

SaaS product for multi-chain smart contracts. Basically a trusted version of Chainlink. Overhyped because there is no reason to use smart contracts but go through a proprietary software. It is nice for a sandbox though to test things.

Yup 5x if it goes back to ATH Feb price (satoshis)


Name one company that's actually using QNT. Pro tips you can't.
The technology doesn't even work.

lmao stay poor

One big scam

- CEO uses classic OMG tactics; taking pictures in front of buildings, the airplanes he took to ´important meetings´.
- Constant hints of big partnerships and clients yet never anything gets published
- Focus on enterprises yet bends his as over 5 times to please ´the community´ because hes such a good guy.
- Does big claims on regular basis and deletes them pretty quick afterwards.

The tellies have excuses for everything;´ under nda and got whistled back´. ´real business takes time´ etc.

In talks with everyone. Cant get shit done in the crypto world.

>Name one company that's actually using QNT



>Focus on enterprises yet bends his as over 5 times to please ´the community´ because hes such a good guy.

Incredible that this is mentioned as FUD. The fact that he still grooms the plebs in the tg because he knows how important they/we are to the success of his token, shows just a brilliant scammer/success he is going to be.

>Cant get shit done in the crypto world.

1 year since ICO, one of the best performing tokens in that time, huge developments and actual clients, more connected than any other team at this price level.

> cant get shit done



Regarding the team, their strength is a big part of what attracts me.

The CEO has been senior in MasterCard, HSBC, Bank of England and the EU. He founded the Blockchain ISO Standards TC307 and chairs the UK committee on Blockchain and DLT. He's an absolute blockchain OG, and knows everyone (check the number of big business execs who 'like' his Facebook and Linkedin posts).

The new COO has joined from HSBC, where she was a Director. Previously she was COO at Citibank for five years.

The CTO has worked for Deutsche Bank and Nationwide, and was just appointed Chair of Hyperledger Quilt, to integrate QNT's tech.

A Managing Director from Rockefeller Capital recently joined the Board of Directors. Rockefeller!!

The new Head of Marketing was previously at Rightmove, where she helped build it to a household name in the UK.

These guys are IN the business, not just blockchain nerds. They are NOT fucking around.

Try telling me that these people are scammers.
I don't fucking think so.

This, plus their product isn't as magical as the community thinks. The use case of interoperability is a big one no doubt, but going the closed source proprietary software route is why they will lose. There is simply not the same deterministic guarantees there and so they will lose. Might get some short term adoption but no one is going to transact big money on decentralized systems but use proprietary software to do so.


Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-03 at 13.50.41.png (1343x626, 570K)

Haha, they focus on enterprises. WHY exactly is the success of his token dependend on you guys? You're all CEO's of financial institutions?


>WHY exactly is the success of his token dependend on you guys?

It is not dependent on it, learn to read. But it's big part of it, in crypto - us retail buyers and free-shillers. If you don't know then you're clearly a newfag and haven't got the first idea about crypto so shouldn't be posting.

Or, you're trying to fud and haven't realised that /we/ are now turning back to QNT shill mode, you laggard.


Learn to think instead of typing brainlet everyday.

Big part of the potential succes> yes thats dependency

And ´ we´ are turning back to shill mode. You try this everyday clown. You have a very limited counter argument set. Last resort; new fag.


you just made it, thank me after next bullrun.

Name a time where Gartner released a report/analysis on a scam?

Fucking brainlets man.


I was just thinking again about how bullish the quality of the team makes me.
This is NOT your average faceless team from the Far East with hazy CVs and experience.
These guys have been inside this business for years.
The CEO literally advises the UK and EU on blockchain.
And the Gartner report is the icing on the cake.
I honestly cannot think of a coin that is more of a dead cert than this one.

Make a clear prediction about QNT price, sir. Come out and say it, where is this coin headed for the second half of the year, and 2020?

And let's not forget that Gartner speak to multiple paying clients to discuss whether they are happy with the service they get. It's a condition of the award (which Gartner research and decide - it can't be applied for).
The only previous blockchain awards went to LINK and BAT. Compare the marketcaps.
Anyone falling for this 'scam' fud needs their head examined.


Getting old now. Kids getting desperate so just flinging "its a scam" and hoping it sticks. hahaha

They're only joking. I was doing the same for a while.

For what it's worth, I can't see it remaining lower than top 30 by the end of 2019. That's a 15x from here in current market. If the market rises 3x then let's say it's a 45x from here. If there's a 10x bullrun then let's say it's a 150x from here. If it goes higher than top 30... Sorry, I've just cum.

Check the quality of the team and the clients hinted at (top 3 banks in UK and US, major financial services institutions, government organisations in Australia and the UK, including the NHS).

And remember that Bitmax listing is this week, and they have an NDA with a Tier 1 exchange (confirmed to be either Binance, Coinbase, Bitstamp or Kraken).

And remember that the price has been suppressed with huge fake sell orders while whales accumulate.

Honest to god, it's the biggest no-brainer in crypto.

No problem. Btc will go back down to 3-4k at the end of the summer. You will be looking at 1$/1.2$

2020 the coin will be forgotten. When we FINALLY bull you might hit 4$ again. Getting a few % in on a dead coin (like icx, fusion).

TOP 30, brother you were at no 75 during a bear market. You got kicked out of the top 200 FFS

Props for giving a clear prediction. Obv I don't think it will go that way, but thanks for the legit details.

BTC back down low is very possible, yea - I don't think we're going straight up from here. no ATH on 'cone for two years, I'd guess.

>huge fake sell orders while whales accumulate.

Yea, I know - that was me.

Going down the proprietary route is actually why they will win.

Blockchain tech is still immature, and while businesses see the huge benefits of it, they remain highly cautious about it. What Quant offers is a way to seamlessly connect systems to multiple blockchains and leverage DLT tech, but crucially with the SLA support enterprises will want.

Gilbert said it himself. If something goes wrong with a tech, particularly if it's being used for important things, enterprises want someone on hand, 24/7, to take responsibility for it and fix it. That SLA, along with the multi-chain redundancy of Overledger, are what gives companies the sense of security and confidence to start using such systems.

Also, fucking loads of very important systems all over the world use proprietary software. With all due respect you don't know anything about the world of business IT if you think everything must be open source.

I called 2$ for quant numerous times in these kinda threads. Always received a bucket of tellie puke.

This mini bull is a trap (like may last year). Big fud topics are coming up; G20, mtgox coins released. Tether fud will be recycled for the millionest time.

Even during this mini bull your coin got decimated in half. If that doesnt give you a warning i dont know anymore.

Believe me or not. I rather make quick gains on pnd's like lto, aergo, btt, and lastly matic and one.

Biz did a lot for me (scam call outs or gems). Rturning the favor here.

It got decimated because It had just run 20x in fiat value across six months of a miserable bear market. It doubled in less than a week in February. It was always bound to retrace, regardless of our pal and his fake sell walls. The smart money sold near the top and bought back in lower. But none of this has any bearing on its future performance. Every big coin has had huge swings in its early days.

Looks like a perfectly normal price movement to me, and a very healthy chart (srs). We have different experience and different memories of how coins move, though.

We quantards think it's going to be a huge success for many reasons. You think it's done for. Who cares, we are all on different time lines, anyway.
>decimated in half

I don't even...

A lot of us were turned off by the q1 bank thing. And the idax thing. Deleting tweets. Stuff like that.

Deleting tweets, INATBA fuckup, promising name reveals - yep, definite fuckups.

IDAX was fine, exactly what was promised, was delivered. It actually mooned AFTER the IDAX announcement.

Being completely turned off by genuinely relatively small fuckups, though - nah, you need to see the bigger picture with this shit. Small mistakes will be forgotten.

if you actually bother to DYOR and not be a pathetic sheep then you'll realize this is the biggest no-brainer in crypto. Easily a top 30 in the next run.

>this is literally the only project that connects blockchains without the use of another blockchain on top of it. no other project can do that to date.
sure mate

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LINK is like NEO - no one is using it, no one can even if they want to.

QNT, you can literally build on RIGHT NOW, today. Like how you and I can go and put up some ETH projects and make our own shit.

LINK = mega joke.

mainnet, kek

the way this QUANT TARD talks about MUHHH BULL RUN VALUATIONS and 100x GUARANTEED makes it obvious this a fucking scam.


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I realize companies use proprietary software, but you don't use proprietary software when the entire point of use decentralized tech is to create complete determinism. I don't think you understand the true value proposition at hand.

Companies do want system integration help but that's why you have start-ups like Clovyr that offer BaaS parts to build your smart contract but also you get system integration specialists that understand the different parts.

More and more companies are going to come to the conclusion that EY cane to that public open source is the way to go. Private chains and private middleware is basically the same as current digital agreements. It is not where the true value is. Also it costs more to maintain and gives unfair advantage to those who own the blockchain or middleware.

I went all in the other day at 75k vits and I'm not worried about it at all.

Attached: Gilbertxmas.jpg (959x1280, 121K)

Quant is either a scam with the strongest team or the next uber, airbnb type of startup.

At the moment even if you say it's a scam or not it's a 50% 50% chance. None of the sides have proven facts.

Just look at their partners, Objecttech and Crowdz are enough to be a top 50 project.

Lets neglect what its doing during this run.........

You niggers are still Fudding this? Quant is obviously going to be massive. secure the bag, user.

I'm sure it's all just jokes. No one could be stupid enough to literally think this is a scam.

A scam does not have a fucking Managing Director from Rockefeller Capital on the Board of Directors.

> implying Rockerfeller Capital isn't a scam

I feel bad I’m not in the secret telegram channel. Someone invite me please.

There isn't a secret one.


>There isn't a secret one.



yeah a prestigious board of directors is an almost 100% guarantee that the project is legit. I mean, look at Theranos' board. Personally i'm all in.

Is the secret one where they circle jerk each other more than the normal price discussion channel!

checked, I got big bags of all 3. your post got my at full-staff.

it's a pretty obvious 50x in my opinion