My boss said I am creating the perception not of being social and I should interact more with colleagues...

My boss said I am creating the perception not of being social and I should interact more with colleagues. Sorry for doing my work boss.

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Get off that phone wagie

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ask him to mind his own business

>be me in my wagecuck days
>boss tells me to show up at 9AM
>show up in the office
>boss says "user youre late"
>I show him the clock on his own fucking desk. literally 9AM sharp
>"youre right user but you should show up a couple of minutes earlier"
death to all boomers

Oh hi,

Yeah.. user, I'm gonna need you to move your desk again, sorry, Chad is gonna sit here. Have you met Chad? He's such a cool guy.

Oh, and could you do it today?

Thanks user.

this thread again
over and over and over again

you should already be in your cage at 9. you are not paid the time to clime into it.

it posible to pay less to happy people, you know

>facility is fully fenced in with card access gates
>walk in building 2-3 minutes before start time
>"user, could you come in a little earlier?"
>"the people who relieve you always come in 20-30 minutes early"
>promptly tell supervisor that my start time is X oclock and that the other faggots can show up as early as they want
>I'm in on time, every time
>its impossible to open the gate, park, and walk in the building without being at the gate 5-6 minutes early
>supervisor and co-workers leave me alone and it never comes up again
Fuck yuppie boomer retards

I don't come to work to make friends with brainlet normies that I have nothing in common with whatsoever

I accidentally fart really loudly in a quiet office today

I think you confuse coming in on time and actually working exactly on the dot.

you don't get paid to get ready to work. you get paid to be there.

I clearly said I'm in the building well early. I dont work in some labyrinthine Indiana Jones warehouse, so it takes about 15-20 seconds to walk from the front door to my office.
People before me come in early as hell and try to make it the standard so they can go home earlier. Yeah, no. If your start time is 7am, and you come in at 6:45am, you dont get to leave 15 minutes early at the end. Fuck that.

My boss said I should have a more open mind, and allow his experts into my study. I obliged, and let him and his experts inside the fortress of solitude floor of the complex where I maintain, upgrade, and research legacy tech.

He couldn't understand anything, and got very upset when I told him to lower his voice, keep his hands off fucking everything, and that it was an eyes-only tour. I had my two apprentices kindly escort him and his experts out about 5 minutes later. He kept saying I'd get fired, but when he arrived today, he didn't say fucking anything.

Who else in here literally irreplaceable master race?

I had the same thing happen to me. I asked him what, specifically, he wants me to do. He said "just go stand by our group of desks when you see us standing there." So I did that and it's awkward as fuck but eventually he started asking me questions and trying to pull me in and became like a fucking chore I had to do to keep my job once or twice a week at work.
I'm quitting in a few months anyway (this isn't why) but that's what worked for me. I just started fucking standing there and earnestly trying to seem interested in them. They're boring as fuck though. Every single wageslave I've ever met is boring as fuck.

This. Even worse people sometimes say things that will take an hour or two will come in at 5:00 and expect me to work an extra hour to finish it because I didn't have anything to do the rest of the day (but couldn't go home). Fuck that I'm paid to be there and it's not my fault if they don't have work for me to do.

explain him introverts are just like that. nothing can change that. and nothing will. doesn't mean you hate them though.

shortsighted normies really piss me off

He told me that when I go make drinks maybe stop by people's desks and chat with them. What the fuck I don't care about anyone here apart from myself and my work. Why would I waste time talking to roasties about how many Chad loads they swallowed on the weekend?

Why are some boomers like this? Me and another same age non Boomer show up few mins before work, and the owner who actually is a Boomer. But he is a cool dude. Then the always stressed Boomer co-worker shoe up always like 20-30mins early and then rest of the boomers who work at the sales shoe up almost same time me but their workday starts 30mins after mine. I'm always annoyed by it and sometimes we get comments "Anson's you should come earlier to work"
Great it's a chill place (besides the boomers who are stressed as fuck even if there is nothing to be stressed about, also really annoying) so I don't care about that.

Holy shit, I'm glad I live in Finland. In here you'd get strange stares if you tried to "socialize" with your co-workers.

socialise only with tractors amirite

Posting angry frog holding a gun while at work probably doesn't help the perception.

Bring a gun to work. That will show him.


There's nothing wrong with socializing. There's a lot of wrong with being forced to socialize however.

My boss told me that I have to start skipping lunch breaks when "we are really busy" but that he will still clock me out for them.


>Yeah, no. If your start time is 7am, and you come in at 6:45am, you dont get to leave 15 minutes early at the end.

What? Why the fuck not?

Illegal. Didn't happen

he works at amazon

>gets salary job
>”user we need you to do what it takes to do your job”
>suggests flexibility
>actually means work nights and weekends because the job is too big for one person to do in 40hrs/wk
>get paid the same regardless of how hard you work
>no bonus
>annual review: “user you met expectations, try harder to exceed experience”

Salary work - don’t do it. Not even once.

Honestly jealous of you
>no one ever breaks the law