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AAPL Tries to Fool You Edition

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>he didn't sell in may and go away

It's all falling apart.


With this most recent advancement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the bear and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the SPX BVLL, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of bearish powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler traders of the world. With the blessings of Federal quantitative easing, negative interest rate policy and quantitative plunge protection will be the instruments with which the BVLL affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world markets and offers the non-boga world a different option; a bovine alternative to the depredations of bearish leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified mercantilism.

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1. Electric cars? the lobbyists and industry killed off the electric car for years. People who had leased electric cars and loved them weren’t allowed to renew their leases or buy the cars. The industry disappeared for a time simply because of vested interests.

2. That study
Lol fine, but it’s from last year, and even that shows that only half of Dems, 30% of the population even wants single payer

This is a lie, dubs confirms this is a lie. They just took the golden bull off life support and gave him last rights.

long $rope we are done

the point is that as interests and demographics begin to slowly shift towards an idea that challenges the status quo, that even lobbyists won't be able to stop them

what I believe will happen is that healthcare companies like UNH will slowly decay and lose a majority of their "value" as healthcare becomes more and more subsidized by the government in the coming 20 years

there simply isn't any reason to buy UNH given its potential growth (how much longer can health insurance continue ripping off people until they've had enough?) combined with its enormous downside


>no please, not he gimpsuit
>you’re so mean to me when I wear the girl suit
>plz Ivanka think of our children!

In hindsight, I probably should have sold even my winners, like the aforementioned Merck and UNH. Is there still time? Who know.

I really won’t be happy if MO and MMM get much cheaper.

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Gold and Silver up almost 1% before the market even opens and its GOING to open right up our asses with a fat dildo dump. I tried to warn you all. Metals mooning this summer, digits confirm.



44 karat gold, you heard it here first folks.

It’s really hard to decide what to do in beartimes. Inverse funds, leveraged inverse funds, shorts, puts, precious metals, Yen, crypto, bonds, even DC’s.

Shut the fuck up boomer

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Did (they) cancel the recession? The futures look like they're going to push us to open green.


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Time to sell your T babies....

I believe that if people stoped using or subscribing to @ATT, they would be forced to make big changes at @CNN, which is dying in the ratings anyway. It is so unfair with such bad, Fake News! Why wouldn’t they act. When the World watches @CNN, it gets a false picture of USA. Sad!

Is it time yet?

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Oh yeah, real bullish, check out these NEON GREEN futures, Golden bull continues to ride.

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Those are the futures on CNN look at the ones on Investing.com

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its ogre

short T

We'll if theres no more talks I guess we're not getting any more bad news and it's finally bottomed. Time to buy the dip.

Wew DB

pmi data today, we're going to see how fucked we really are in like a few hours.


this is the report that will make or break our puts.

Oh no not China subsidizing its products so American consumers can get them for cheaper

What has the world come to

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at what price does it die?

Boeing what the fuck

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So is the threat here that once china kills all other manufacturing competition with their sweet low low prices, they will then be free to up the price to whatever?

Goddamn the weed bubble pooped CGC going to 37 if volume doesn’t pick up

>No visible increase in inflation
Checkmate fed. Check fucking mate.

I seem to remember 6 euro. Its at 5.88 now.

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Fuck, you too? I'm into 3M for like a third of my portfolio. Right when I was ready to secure my first house, too.

Ummm, goys?

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SL for DJ30 at 24500. Currently down 50%. Wish me luck.

U could have just not

That’s your bank right? What other banks do you lads even have in Krautland?

Galt bagholders, if you didn't sell your Galt last week when I told you, sell today

> that 10 year slow decline
its should have ben killed in 2008

Commerzbank, UBS, both were in talks of merge with DB.
In the end they all realized if you can't make anything good by merging shit with more shit.
I think Germany will be forced to nationalize it bcs of pic related.

I'm not in Krautland btw, I'm in a little land next them. Too much Allah in Germania rn iuam.

A lot should've been killed in2008.

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T babies under attack by Trump... Tariff man strikes again

I wrote a policy paper in 2018 January on future German bank mergers because they've all so fucked up. Yeah and
> I think Germany will be forced to nationalize it bcs of pic related.
I concluded the same

Hope the recovery begins today or this week. Hope Trump will keep the smack talk to a minimum. It's a long shot but oh well

Thanks just bought 100 more shares

Wow that's awesome, what are your opinions on future of EUR as we know it today? I think it's not a question of if it survives 3 more decades but when will it fall/be transformed to something new

I've got 190. If I had more funds right now I'd be buying more. T babies that is. Oh well, 190 is enough thanks to Drip, by the time I'm 65 there will be a nice payday waiting for me.

Bounce maybe, no true recovery until the rotted core is removed and replaced

Yeah you know I probably won’t
If you post your position though I might listen to you

Just buy long term calls and collect today's cheapies at a later date.

futures were -0.75% yesterday why is it inching closer to being green

my sqqq nooooooo

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go back to your EC101 class you pathetic incels

Patience, my friend.

go back to take your daily dose of semen you fucking europoor.
soon more tariffs to your shit country, german trash

PROTIP: Patience is a virtue.

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Im gonna laugh so much if the jerries bail out their shitty banks and crash the euro zone after getting angry at the southern euros for splurging on neet bux and boomer pensions. Although it will be a bitter laugh since im a europeon too.

Im not German you mutt.

This shit has been failing for years you brainlets are acting like this is the next big thing are pathetic.

Keep buying puts before the bailout kek

Cypress has been bought out! I'm up 47% on CY!

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PMI at 9:45
other manufacturing stats at 10:00

if you think the current market is bad you haven't seen anything yet

good job gwim

>mfw green shoots

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I’m going long on the open all these delusional bears here and stocktwits are about to get raped lol

If you back test this scenario we are up 80% next week

But most of you are investing.com retards who follow MUHH SENTIMENT on CNBC lol

Why would a company die if a stock goes to a certain value? Besides 0, of course.

WTF I thought we wuz bears and shit?

>your opinions on future of EUR as we know it today

When PIGS implode and they will, don't hold it against them. It's mostly the fault of bad policy from EC and ECB.

>Fear and Greed at 19
Remember to start DCA'ing when it reaches 5

Its totally not buying submarines and having 13th and 14th paycheck for state employees a year.

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Here's my TWLO RH history. It feels akin to dating a 6/10 girl, dumping her, and then meeting up with her years later to find she turned into a 10/10. My emotions tell me to load up, but I am trying to be patient for a dip (it's up 1% pre-market).

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Yeah we're due for a rebound, I'll give you that. We'll see what Tariff Man and the PMI numbers say.

>better take muh 12 dollars profit


Pay your taxes Hans, you aren’t paying enough now! Who will bail out your banks and the poor Italians and Greeks and Spaniards unless your taxes are raised to 90%?

> dat sudden AMD spike

Premarket shenanigans due to low market liquidity or something else?

The market also bots running on AMD servers have an unironic backdoor directly controlled by Sue that allows her to turbopump AMD stock at any time

Intel chips also had the same kind of thing but they messed up unit conversions in the design and it dumped their stock instead :(

*also = algo

Imabout done posting on iPhone why does this thingy always wanna mess up my words

Futures are fake and gay!

something else

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Samsung announced they’re partnering with AMD and paying licensing and royalties to them
Shit might see 30 by EOD

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YOLO'd some calls.

>spy opened green

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Actually Trump's attack on T could be a good thing. Trump ain't popular by any means so people may buy T stock just to tell him "fuck you" or to show support to T. T already up a bit.

Fuck Deutsche.

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GOOGL is going to jail

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We found the absolute, certain bottoms on NWL and KHC lads
Looking for TSLA under 180 next
MMM looks stable at 160 but I’m not going hot for her yet, just light touching for now

Kek. I warned you guys.

Bought in premarket. Fuck jews, fuck the jannies too

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We rollin sixhundo again bb aint nothin changed

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Impressive, very nice.


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Welp, my CGC stop loss sold

What should I buy now to recuperate

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Evry1 wave bye bye to NIO!

We red now

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I feel a pullback coming

That's it, keep rising fella. Tell Trump to suck it.

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