why fucked? made x10 on this shit. no one would be stupid enough to still hold this coin on it's way from 300 to 100 sats
Larp + cope = lope
I should have known it’s a scam coin and wouldn’t pump like matic or ftm...
Larp Faggot. Kys
Most people bought around 2 cent so why would anybody sell down to those levels you're talking about
Cope to what. that we didnt lose money. Are you retarded?
IEO Buyers and whales
Most IEO dumped at the start, right down to 100 sats so they can't dump again.
In fact I bet you sold at those levels and desperately want back in
IEO was $500 per ticket. You dumb?
Actually 300 I think.
It's going to 99 sats
>massive volume and accumulation right now
Literally not going to dump before whales make it 3x first
gratz you made 10x on $300
did your mom give u that pocket money?
Only fud i see on every thread about harmony is some double digit nigger ranting about IEO price, when in reality it was capped at $1500 per person, artificially keeping whales out. Huge fucking buy signal, ty user just bought 300k
> thinking it will ever make above 300 sats again
pure delusion
it literally can't
This, expect it's going all the way down to 0.
pay attention in about 12 hours to the chart :)
All these desperate dolphins FUDding to get in as cheap as possible.
Lmao. CZ really fucked you over this time with the lottery, didn't he?
shut the fuck up pajeet
I got my five tickets and sold at 8x
you jealous?
Lmao I triggered someone.
>8xed his foodstamps
>brags on biz
you're not fooling anyone, rajesh.