
I started being super racist towards my Chinese gf and it does nothing but turn her on. Calling her slant, chink, zipperhead, gook (I know), etc while pushing her around and choking her. She fucking loves it. It drives her crazy and she attacks my crotch and I have to yank her off by her fucking ponytail and slap her, which makes her pout but still remain obsessed.

MY POINT is that being racist towards Chinese only excites them. It doesn't demoralize or annoy them.

I was trying to break up with her but she completely changed when I started legitimately treating her like shit. BE CAREFUL THE OUTCOME OF YOUR RACISM IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE EXPECTING.

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>ywn race play with a qt black slave grill


You are awful. Couldnt you just say: i break up with you. And after that, you ghost here.
God,why cant people just act normal...

Where the fuck do you guys get these racial slurs from, lmao

user you better start treating your qt Chinese like a little princess also

Why the fuck would I "act normal"? I am much happier with my psycho chink gf as my sex slave and maid than I was as near equals. She is DEFINITELY happier too, like it was what she wished I had been doing the whole time.

If I had acted "normal" this would have never have happened.

It would be nice if things were that simple, but they usually aren't

Please post pics fren. Even video of said abuse.

I know a lot of Jow Forums type guys would never date a nigress but slave-play will fucking do things to her brain, I swear, and she'll treat you like literal royalty. It's a good feeling.

It’s not necessarily about race women in general like to be controlled regardless of what they say. The simple act of not being a complete cuck in the modern world is enough to make a woman drip.

Stop dating your dog.

this guy has sex

Race play makes me diamonds. Especially impregnation. The thought of impregnating Asians with my white cock and forcing them to raise the child turns me on.

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The only people who actually care about muh racisms are Jews and frizzy haired mulattos who were trained by Jews.

Cool story user.
Also by experience non white women are into raceplay if you know how to bring it.

Nice larp user!

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You are younger than 25 and probably still frequent reddit

nah he is just not fucked in the brain like 95% of ppl in here...

this "play" is gonna end very badly very soon..possibly with rape charges and prison time when user doesnt understand whats real and whats not

ITT we post pictures of our girlfriend
Pic related. I love telling her the white race is doomed

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Korean and Vietnam wars when their heads would unzip (split) from a headshot