It just keeps going up

>mfw bought in at $50
>mfw biz is starting to take notice but fell for the memes and too retarded to buy in
>mfw this baby will crack $1000 soon
>mfw became part of the 21 club for pennies on the dollar

Attached: 2019-06-03_1334[1].png (674x163, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based. How many have you got and what's your price prediction for eoy?

FOMO around new years is going to be crazy.
I think this can easily hit 1k.
What happens in january is gioing to depend on what Craig can or will do.

Based Satoshi

Attached: Screenshot at 2019-06-03 06-13-40.png (640x260, 44K)

>could have bought 500
>instead bought a measly 114
shit on me

kek, just 1k haha, bro you're too modest

what's the slack?

only reason to file copyright is in preparation for legal defense. so craig either knows something everyone doesn't or he's a fool.

Based, thanks for leaking that

Same here, I own almost 200 BSV. My target is 5k. Court date with Kleiman is in September, if Craig wins it will pump to insane prices.

this isnt on binance where do i buy this shit

im american .

come on sell me your bags i want some

1 BSV for 20k$

sorry no mutts allowed

ok i wont buy. i saw BITCOIN cash go from $300 to $3,200 too and never FOMO'ed

>Ok I won't buy

Good choice. Don't buy scams

you can invest in it on the robinhood app

i think it's because of this petition bringing attention to reddit

Attached: petition.jpg (968x1000, 249K)

Attached: 6686A036-A485-4817-8CCD-85A0E170D24F.png (1080x1020, 475K)

Kucoin bro or bitfinex plus vpn

simple swap io. just buy bch and swap it for bsv. takes like 5 minutes. use the atomic wallet to store your bsv.

i wouldnt use that shit. if you dont own the private keys you dont really own the coins.

I envy you, you're gonna be a multi millionaire sooner than me

When was this posted?


I use floatsv

Float SV currently does not provide service for customers from the following countries/regions/territories - Hong Kong, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Crimea, Sudan, Malaysia,Syria, USA [including all USA territories like Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Island, and the US Virgin Islands (St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas)], Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Kyrgyzstan, due to compliance or regulatory requirements.

I've never felt physically ill whilst reading biz before. Congrats, whoever made this fucking abomination.

Attached: Sanjay.jpg (696x463, 75K)

maybe you should drink some so y

>I've never felt physically ill whilst reading biz before. Congrats, whoever made this fucking abomination.

Attached: 5EED3BC1-FF92-43A3-AE13-B63E27557E57.jpg (640x723, 38K)

thanks fren
have a fractal creg

Attached: bathcreg.jpg (561x558, 91K)

Metanet slack, but you need to be vouched by someone before you can enter

c-c-can you vouch for me sempai

Yes, but this was posted recently?

I'm not in there because I don't have connections sorry, glad someone on Jow Forums does

thanks just bought 5 more BitCoin

I honestly cannot understand who is buying this, and why. Why do so many people believe Craig is the real Satoshi? I just don't understand. Why does it keep pumping. Gosh

u pretty much need to be 'known' by people already, and an anonymous neet on a guatemalan chinchilla grooming enthusiasts imageboard doesn't qualify. do u have a twitter or reddit or something or are you a developer with a github

yeah congratulations its the real bitcoin and you havent been retarded enough to buy the suppressive core propaganda. i swapped my entire BTC today for BSV and am just getting my dad's cold storage out of the bank depot. i won't buy for him, but exchange into fiat. Even when BSV will go up there will be a temporary market meltdown when the CSW Satoshi Nuke hits the news. It's not easy to see through the shit that has been piled upon CSW but more and more people do and the truth is just gaining momentum.

this is called the Dunning Kruger effect.
it's pumping because people are smarter than you fren. sorry for the reality check. have a small world mandala network fractal creg

Attached: smallworldscreg.png (1437x1403, 1.75M)

This is based and hot af. My personal prediction has alwasy been $2k eoy

he's a 50year old guy who knows how to play the adult mens game. He's not some joke like Buterin or the Core Team freakshow.

Craig wins.

lmao. seriously though, why do you think bsv will prevail? do you actually believe CSW invented bitcoin? if so, why?

have u been living under a rock?

This. It feels so good that the world finally demonstrate to O1G and the like what the dunnung kruger effect is. Man was he annoying

he said we could share it, I respect Craig and don't leak things

did he prove that he owns satoshi's private key?

>if so, why?
With that question you demonstrate that you are so far behind it's not even funny. You don't even know which Q's to ask

nobody actually believes this bullshit. wash trading to pump the price. don't buy their bags and get justed like a flaming fomo faggot

alright I'm off. gotta love biz.


>hE dOeSnT oWe YoU aNyThInG

see that picture, that's how the bitcoin network graph looks at scale but imagine each of creg's eyes in that are an entity within the network. in the middle the network is so highly interconnected that the graph of the connections basically just makes pure gray. then when you move out to where the biggest eyes are that's where the SPV corporate users will sit being able to relay any tx from the peers on the outside of the ring to the miners in less than 1.3 hops. When the network length (L) is less than 3 sybils are impossible to perform.

BitCoin will win because it is distilled capitalism. If you build something that offers value to people (and that can be value in terms of savings from using this to an alternative platform, or immutability) then people will pay for it. It has the inherent capabilities to provide every kind of economic contract necessary in the modern world and as more and more people move on there > more fees > more miners > more competition > lower margins > better prices > economy of scale around all computational resources like cycles, storage, ram, bandwidth all incentivised by the game theory of BitCoin.

there are some seriously massive businesses getting ready to jump on board and bring real volume to the chain, at full 2GB there will be more BSV in fees than in block reward. Unbound blocks in feb will let the market decide and force any miner to compete for these lucrative fees and have the necessary hardware to propagate a block or they'll get orphaned and lose their reward.
plus patents, plus 17 degrees, plus 1200 audits, plus cyber guardian, billionaire backers.

Attached: 1557927608596.jpg (1760x1850, 1.3M)

fucking checked and saved

He didn’t

You are to kind giving this gold nugget to a lazy brainlet

a few hours ago

no he is not so stupid to do it publicly. he will prove in court and that will be sufficient. seriously proving completely public the privates ownership is close to a suicide. you come to this conclusion if you think about it for a while what implications that would have. thats why he did these 1on1 sessions with a notary or gavin anderssen.

This, I had 2 bitcoin on robinhood and asked if I could withdraw and they said nah and they have zero plans to ever let users withdraw bitcoin. You can use cashapp and buy bitcoin/withdraw to cold storage/send to an exchange/buy bitcoin sv and send to cold storage. Reminder that if you aren't the 1 person who knows your private keys then you don't own anything.

not it is not? he doesn't have to reveal the private key itself, just sign a message with the private key

Try wirex to buy BTC and transfer to Poloniex and trade for BTC/BSV

Im just a humble (yet highly prolific) 4channel shitposter. no social media presence or github. I did code a hello world about 20 years ago but I guess thats not enough to hang around greatness.
>tfw you will never shitpost alongside CSWs private slack

do you think he'd let me in as a knight of the meme war. i've made dozens of le creg memes.... dozens

Attached: baste.jpg (1324x745, 139K)

I sure hope so user. We need a guy on the inside.


ironically you just exemplified dunning kruger by using it incorrectly

Attached: 1506135115707.jpg (488x432, 35K)

no, you just think i did..... but have a fractal creg anyway

Attached: 5dstiff.png (1531x1449, 1.44M)

>ironically you just exemplified dunning kruger by using it incorrectly
It's all so tiresome

Attached: 1542310233306.jpg (900x900, 319K)

>t. dunning kruger


>dunning kruger invoked
>invariably it’s obliviously ironic
>obviously done by a SVschizo

Except its literally crashing right now