Ive been warning you faggots for weeks

Every day Im trying to warn you. Have you not seen the flaming fire bobo. I post it here every day. were going down to $5k faggots and you will get absolutely rekt.

Attached: 1532684592580s.jpg (250x162, 7K)

one day you might be right bobo

still more longs than shorts after the dump from 8,7k. i think we're going further down

6,5k EOW, unironically

slowly to 3k afterwards

we are not seeing 3k again. sure it might flashcrash, but the interest in bitcoin is way too high for it to stay that low

like when we were at 3k, am i right?

you fags are only here because you fomoed above 8k.

others here are since 3k and every single one has cashed out at 9k, you know why? because history always repeats itself

Ya bro bitcoin was $10 at one point so we're going to $10.

Bought 10k$ at 3k and im bullish. You faggot permabears got left behind at 3k and still crying at 8k. Get fucked retards.

i'm shorting bitcoin right now you fucking turbocuck. haven't bought jack shit since 6k
it's just not going to bottom out for a long period at 3k like it did last year.


screenshot or gtfo + current wallet holdings

>current year
>not investing in cardano
>still hodling btc
>pic related

Attached: traitor.png (494x260, 25K)

>current year
>not investing in USD
>still investing in shitskins
>pic related

Attached: 1559561152493.png (590x366, 75K)

Cardano is the world's most expensive wallet

well it will one day be 10 again yes

Guess what. No one gives a shit what you think. Because you're wrong.

How can i get rekt if I'm in fiat right now?

get rekt by fiat being worthless

I tried to warn them too.

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-05-17 à 19.06.59.png (327x576, 24K)

what's a realistic decent buy order to get into? will it go below 8100? I see a lot of buy orders and barely none willing to sell, seems like an artificial dump by shorting

remove the 8