The Chinese Economy is Literally About to Collapse

GFC 2.0: Ultimate Edition imminent.

>Beijing is now racing against time to prevent a widespread panic after it opened the Pandora's box when it seized Baoshang Bank two weeks ago, the first official bank failure in a odd replay of what happened with Bear Stearns back in 2008, when JPMorgan was gifted the historic bank for pennies on the dollar.

>And with domino #1 down, the question turns to who is next, and will they be China's Lehman.

>We may have gotten our answer, when the Bank of Jinzhou, a city commercial bank in Liaoning Province, the second name in the list above, and with some $105 billion in assets, notably bigger than Baoshang, announced that its auditors Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP and Ernst & Young had resigned, not long after the bank announced it would delay the publication of its annual reports.

>For those confused, the delay of an annual report and the resignation of an auditor, means a bank failure is not only virtually certain but practically imminent.

>The real question facing Beijing now is how quickly will Bank of Jinzhou collapse, how will Beijing and the PBOC react, and what whether the other banks on the list above now suffer a raging bank run, on which will certainly not be confined just to China's small and medium banks.

Attached: china dead.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

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fuck you

>C-China's about to collapse!

Said the nervous American for the 20th year running

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just accept it, 300 million degenerate mutts lead by the big nose tribe cannot forever hold down a billion of high iq pure asians

>murrica stronk
OK I agree, but what does this have to do with Chinese banks collapsing precipitating a new global financial crisis?

>yellow id
I wonder who could be behind this post

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holy shit. how much to bet that this is going to make Deutche go under too?

I told you.

If true, 2500 USD reserves will spread it to global crisis.


ahahahah world economy is totally fucked, how do we profit from that?

If Deutsche Bank fails, and Jinzhou Bank fails, how do we profit?

Could this be a global crisis approaching?

Could the Chinese government find a way of making the crisis disappear?

Amerifatts lose their world dominance and crying like Babys, this is delicious!

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you must not have gotten very far in. Dude outlines chinas problems and makes quite a few accurate calls like Xi declaring himself leader for life.

>how do we profit?
sometimes there is no profit and everyone loses
economy isn't a zero sum game

hit the gym, do some survival training, prep a little bit just in case

When you put it that way, kek...

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OK but China having problems and America being rich and powerful doesn't mean that America or the rest of the world is immune to the effects of a major economic collapse in China.

Yeah, and since the US isn't insulating itself from a collapse in Chinese production by reducing its trading partnerships with China, the US is surely fucked.

We defeated the soviet union similarly, the US knows what it's doing. Don't let the Donald Trump puppet play you, the brains behind this move is going to save the US. China will not find demand for products in Africa and the EU + Brits are sticking with the US.


Fuck the Chinks.

Imagine the money we can make.. please crash it faster

From 2008 to now money lost 45% of its value while bitcoin increased by 1000000 %

Obviously doesn't know anything about the US.

War solves financial problems

wasnt bitcoin kind of created literally as a hedge for this kind of event

based on what? genuinely interested

This is good for crypto actually because the Chinks will be fleeing to preserve their wealth and converting fiat to BTC.

except that shit's been outlawed by god-king Xi Jinping, heavily. And they track people day and night

basically in a nutshell china has the worst geography in the world and that's why they literally can't compete with the US.


Isn't China fertile as fuck? Yellow river and all that, maybe I'm wrong

That just means the nominal price of conversion goes up for locals. They'll still pump the coin.

That all ends within a hundred miles of the coast. 80% of that country is desert, mountains, or desert mountains.

>based on what?

Just look at the inflation rate and price of food vs real loan increase.

Yes it is. The reason China imports food is not because it requires food imports to be sustainable. It’s because the growing middle class wants more protein from swine, so it needs the extra imports to ‘refine’ into.

>the brains behind this move

You mean the "Donald Trump puppet" who literally campaigned on economically confronting the Chinese in particular and barely won the election, going on to be the single most hated U.S. president in recent history for doing what he'd said he'd do in that regard? (economically confronting China and our other rivals on the world stage who'd locked our companies out of their domestic markets for decades by implementing tariffs and other trade restrictions, for example)

Take your L with dignity faggot, they'll be putting Blumpf on Mount Rushmore by the end of his second term lmao

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I raff at your mutt race

>pure asians

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Trump won the electoral college by a landslide and has similar approval ratings as Obama. Nice try chink shill.

>pure asians

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buy puts

oh what the fuck. dude fuck you for posting that.


we need to nuke africa and china

this lmao

>believing yellow race has any redeeming quality other than slaving 12hrs a day, 6 days a week.

>believing some redditor who writes as le "tyler durden"
You idiots have been saying China will collapse any day now for over a decade.

every article on zh is written by "tyler durden" just like every post on Jow Forums is by that "anonymous" guy. lurk more you facking noob

before china collapses they would dump their treasuries and kiss the US goodbye.

>believing some redditor who writes as le "tyler durden"
>calling anybody else a "facking noob"

>highest approval ratings mid-term of any recent president
>orange man bad!
Reaching pretty hard my dudette

Fed would be more than happy to buy up those treasuries, you are fooling yourself otherwise

with what exactly would they buy it?


Attached: chinacollapse.png (1080x1109, 193K)

He lost the popular vote and is being fud'd by the media constantly, meaning that over half of the voting population hates his guts to the point where they will vote for literally anyone or anything opposite of him. The point I'm trying to make-you fucking retard-is that a desirable puppet would be as uncontroversial, as conventional and as beloved as possible, and they'd start by showing deference to our "allies"-even as they close off their markets to our companies and do everything they can to exacerbate our healthcare crisis by passing the medical research buck to american patients.

It's funny how you can actually say positive shit about who you consider to be the best president we've had in your lifetime (not that that's saying much) and still get attacked by autists that don't understand sarcasm.

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