I have not had a job since 2014. I live alone, I own a German car and buy the latest tech basically every year...

I have not had a job since 2014. I live alone, I own a German car and buy the latest tech basically every year. old tech too, because I love the classics.
>find attractive but not A-List Camwhore / slutty ex GF someone dumped files of online
>alter to prevent reverse image searching
>literally thousands of men swarm the profile
>befriend the insecure ones
>invent subtle scenarios in the beginning that will inevitably create a 'paywall' for them
>excellent example: intentionally go for ones just far enough for it to not be convenient
>they'll quickly begin offering to pay for your gas if you (only when asked) say you're running on empty
Literally $35 or so for free every couple of hours. I'd say I spend maybe 4 hours on my account per day. It's not even work, mostly browse whatever looks interesting. Just being online is generating attention and reeling new ones in. I cannot imagine actually WORKING for 10 hours for someone ELSE at this point.

Attached: 07887EF7-8366-4E70-97F6-E303BAD14B78.jpg (719x1280, 209K)

You're a closet homosexual hiding behind the ruse of scamming men for money but you're really in a long distance relationship with several of them at once.

gib milkers

Do you post on twitter or what? How do you keep the account active and looking legit? Also, how do you accept payment?

I think this is illegal in the US

It is.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boohoo, dirty words on internet mean GAY xD

Pic related

Attached: 6E411FCA-42CB-49CA-8F0F-7E5A807445B4.jpg (551x517, 40K)

OP homosex

holy shit, so close to be millionaire

Kek I do this except from Philippines and just take pictures of local girls. Even roped some fool into sending me $400 a month for almost a year. Neeting is way easier when cost of living is so low.

Yeah, no shit. This is a satire board.

Anyone who does this is a low life nigger btw. Get a job.

The mod in one of my discord groups does this and thinks we don't know

Kek the boomers are up right on time. Pic above was today’s catch alone. I’m not sitting in a cubicle for 8 hours so Goldberg can add another comma to his bank.

what does this being a satire board have to do with committing crimes?

The same thing loli threads not requiring Tor means: issa goof main

You're a subhuman though.

is pic related the girl you use for this fake account?

Nope, old Tumblr whore. I use two sugarbabies material for mine

Attached: 8FB28AAC-F610-45FA-A251-99CEE699E676.jpg (540x793, 121K)

Which sites do you use to find cucks? Unlike the others here I applaud you for taking advantage of weak and desperate people.

Biggest shocker for me? Facebook is the golden goose kek. Instagram is good, MeetMe has become sort of obscure (MyYearBook successor). Tinder is really the only platform I’ve tried that hasn’t at least made me something, despite what I was used to reading.

Facebook and Instagram? How do you play off fresh accounts? And do dudes usually message you first?

How do you get paid? They send you gift cards?

How you get paid. PayPal? Lel

Obviously cashapp

>invent subtle scenarios in the beginning that will inevitably create a 'paywall' for them
Sounds like a lot of work for only $500 a day.

Same. The cuck will probably spend money on lap dances anyways. Op is servicing a need, he isn't a scamming. They voluntarily gave money and feel good helping an imaginary thot.

Right? Weird innit. I buy old accounts with followers and a few friends. It takes like 4 hours after signing in and posting some photos before you get some friend requests. Once a few boomers or foreigners add you: it starts exploding. Sometimes I’ll get 30 requests per day. I’m at my limit on Facebook currently.
CashApp almost exclusively. Really wouldn’t recommend PayPal for all their pro-buyer bullshit.

Yeah, pretending my ear drum needs an expensive surgery or my controlling dad broke my slutty selfie cellphone is EXCRUCIATING work. I wouldn’t recommend dealing with it

Based and Truth-pilled

This cash app?

Attached: Screenshot_20190603-204111.png (1440x2560, 427K)

Based Pajeet

Sounds like hell to me.

this but unironically
if you were making $100 per 30 minutes session, whatever
but 4 HOURS a day for these shit gains?
on some level you like this and you're lying to yourself
go on and spam your "irony" (= cope) memeposts. 9 already? jesus

OP is doing God's work. Bless and based expoliting thirsty pajeets.

Kek if you fags would quit glorifying slavery I’d shut up and watch the thread in silence. I fake some ewhore having a bad day. Scroll and interact just like I would on my throwaway accounts. I should I guess clarify, the 4 hours isn’t doing unpleasant gay shit for money it’s just being signed in and doing what I did on my own Facebook anyway. Same for Instagram etc. I send maybe a dozen or less messages every 4 days. Not a nonexistent amount, but nothing I’m sitting around dreading. It’s literally free money

I work 8 hour days and in exchange for work, not only am I making money but I’m being taught a specialized skill that will only increase my earning potential in the coming years.

How long does it take from introduction to the guy actually sending you money?
I can imagine you gotta build it up a little bit. What do you do if they want audio or video?

This. What if the pajeet boomer wants to video chat etc

I love this kind of dumb girl face. Especially when the mouth is open.

Good start but when you get successful you will consume Apple products.

If you work to make enough money so you can quit and retire, why not just retire now with a "job" that requires a few hours a day of work.