Who do you think is Satoshi Nakamoto? Why? I'd like to keep this thread free of Craig shills if you don't mind. I'll go ahead and as a gesture of good will post here several of your threads where you are more than welcome to continue your shilling:
Now that we got that out of the way, let's have a rational debate. I would like to hear your ideas and read any documents (preferably old and long forgotten) you might have found with theories about who Satoshi Nakamoto is. For instance, I stumbled upon this reddit thread from very long ago:
ca.linkedin.com/in/satoshi-nakamoto-35ab8935 This is just an example, maybe you can find others that are more interesting or show better evidence. I feel like since Craig has clouded the debate with his wild claims, we don't see such well thought analysis anymore. While he hasn't managed to convince the public that he is Satoshi, he has managed to attract so much attention that the focus of de debate has narrowed down to disproving Craig is Satoshi. Continuing along this path will not get us any closer to the truth. Now, I know it is likely we will also see some shilling in this thread. To the shills I ask, please, leave this thread alone, you get paid by post but you don't get paid extra for ruining rational debate. I was kind enough to link your threads to get you some more visibility so please do me a kindness in turn and don't post here. To the regular Jow Forums people I beg not to reply to the shills, so that once and for all we can recover the true question: Who really is Satoshi Nakamoto?
I have no clue if that's true, but I hope it is. Le Roux is pimp as fuck.
Carson Anderson
Bump for good post
Grayson Smith
James Moore
"La roux is satoshi" explains the entirety of why craig and those in on his operation behaves like he does. It explains everything. Craig is a fucking government snitch who used to work for le roux. He likely does have a private key from the genesis block given to him by la roux, but it is NOT the key with access to the satoshi coins.
The "ayre is funding an effort to brute force crack the encryption on le roux's hard drives hoping they contain the key" hypothesis explains Ayre's behavior and the "2020 tulip trust unlock xd" bullshit.
"I'm satoshi" is literally just a scheme to allow Craig & his partners in crime to cash out satoshi's coins legally.
I hope there's nothing of import on le roux's hard drive and when they finally crack open that safe, they realize their long con was all for nothing.
Joshua Hughes
Jumper Satoshi mentions get threds nuked here now. idk why
Sebastian Miller
Btw they're even more ambitious. I think they actually will try to make BSV and metanet an actually adopted thing as a play that extends beyond the cashing out satoshi's BTC play.
John Wood
The original thread was deleted from the archives too
Jaxon Rodriguez
yeah, interesting. DONT post that pic tho, then, its guaranteed gone >no bans mods - as said, no idea what fucking rule we allegedly breaking here
Dylan Reed
How plausible is this article?
Dylan Bennett
Hmm G I dunno user, I guess we'd be looking for a genius though. Someone around 180 IQ, probably a lot of certifications around networking, perhaps a few degrees, I'd say they'd have a good understanding of law and economics too and probably a business man with libertarian/minarchist ideals. Hmmm surely we can narrow it down a bit with that ---------------------------- --------------------- ------------ ------ -- -- -
le god
Evan Taylor
that's Benjamin Fulford
Landon James
That is an extremely interesting story, sorry that I left the thread but I was just fascinated reading all about it. Truly sounds like the sort of stuff you'd see in a movie. The only thing I have to add to it is that it would explain why Craig was so awkward during the public signature thing. It's not that he was nervous to be found out as a fraudster, the problem is that he was very afraid of the consequences. He knew the man he was fucking with. Maybe he's counting on Calvin to pull strings for him and keep him safe but nevertheless he was and is very afraid and with reason. Thanks for this theory, anons, I came here trying to dig up some old forgotten theory but you brought me a brand new one. Maybe someone else has some other interesting one to share? Something older? Me, I'm gonna be googling the fuck out of this.
Carter Ross
Toshi is certainly a known person
I listen to his podcast and read his medium
All I know is the real Satoshi doesn't want any one to get stiffed by fraudulent activity, bloody hell
Its' Craig. I didnt like it myself, but well, he is it.
Luis Barnes
Nick Szabo
Christian Smith
kek that's what I thought at first. the guy is a fucking larpmaster extrordinaire. maybe neil keenan is satoshi!!! Cobra is a BCH cuck
Aiden Cook
La Roux is exactly the type the anarchos would love to be Satoshi. Be real, an anarcho Satoshi would have come up with a Monero or Zcash right off the bat. A fully auditable public chain fits the Craig Within-the-law version of Satoshi. Especially the original Satoshi copyright, which covers patents.
Stiff knickers anarcho cucks
Ethan Bell
Hal Finney seems like the most likely candidate to have participated in the creation of Bitcoin.
>helped create PGP >recieved first bitcoin transaction >cryogenically froze himself (what middle class guy with ALS would freeze himself) >Satoshi mining tapers off after Hal Finney is diagnosed with ALS
Jace Garcia
If it would be Craig, he would have already dumped his stack on our heads at $3200, and kill BTC once and for all. I believe it's Le Roux, but in that case I don't think cracking this hard drive's password is even possible.
Aaron Jackson
Sergey Nazarov
James Mitchell
>Benjamin Fulford Came here to say this! >Don't believe his lies! This faggot had 'ninjas' save him or some BS
Nolan Watson
The Yellow Pill: Satoshi Nakamoto is a Japanese man named Satoshi Nakamoto (ie not a white scammer).
The real Satoshi was captured and his 1.2M coins were confiscated. In the meantime Blockstream was set up to stall adoption due to the extreme complexity of the LN and when it's ready to lock BTC in a dead-end coin with a vulnerable 1st and 2nd layers, while another operation was set up, nChain, to take over the reference client of any serious attempt to fork away from BTC, with CSW who was hired to assume SN's identity and use his authority, and eventually the confiscated coins to flip BTC with a government-friendly permissioned BSV.
I find it much more plausible that Craig is only serving his own and Calvin's interests, since Calvin is the only one that can protect him (using his money and influence). Also, your usage of that pic is evidence that you're just a shill. A thing that people aren't mentioning yet: Solotshi met and married an Australian woman in 1998, and fathered a son with her. I think that is the connection between Craig and him, and I think Craig is really afraid of what could happen to him for fucking with Le Roux. He's counting on Calvin Ayre to protect him for the moment and Calvin will, as long as he is a good boy and keeps playing his role. Man, I don't envy Craig, he might make a lot of money out of this but what a fucking scary predicament he finds himself in.
Nathan Lee
Isn't the point of creating an anonymous pseudonym so that you can't be personally identified? That's at least what whoever created the moniker intended, so I am skeptical of anyone attempting to reveal themselves as the creator especially when huge amounts of money are at stake
Leo Evans
i believe he's going to reveal himself but not before bitcoin or any other crypto currency will actually be used as a global currency
Luis Robinson
>Various Usenet newsgroup postings made by Le Roux are known from the second half of the 1990s. Some of them are highly technical encryption discussions, while others can be summarized as trolling. Le Roux would frequently post angry, sarcastic and offensive messages, including harsh verbal attacks against Australia as well as racist comments. On various occasions, he would later express his amusement at the reactions of other users. from the wiki page lmao
Luis Gomez
It's Nick 200% He's just never going to admit it.
Benjamin Gonzalez
It's Craig Wright, it's already been confirmed.
Game over.
Jeremiah Bell
guys its C R A I G i just saved you a fuckton of time SATOSHI = CRAIG WRIGHT
Juan Morales
Julian Murphy
Its me, I am Satoshi AMA. I hired a bunch of pajeets on Fiverr to build me Bitcoin. I'm waiting till BTC hits 1 million so I have 1 trillion dollars and my descendents can all NEET for eternity. That's the sole reason I did it. I made up a bunch of stuff about the financial crisis so people would get interested. Every good product needs a story.
Dominic Butler
I was just wondering this today. Reading satoshi posts in bitcointalk is really interesting. He has weird mannerisms, and comes as a serious get-it-done man (Le Roux?) but I dunno man he was really good at staying hidden
Ryder Murphy
Isaiah Kelly
>creg shill free zone do us all a favor and post JUST ONE piece of verifiable evidence that can be independently checked and isn't hearsay ? JUST ONE Protip: 'somebody said creg once flashed them a key at 1 min to midnight in a random hotel room' is none of these things. Protip2: forging blogs to make it look like you were aware of 'Bit Coin' 4 years before you actually were is NOT 'trying to throw magazines off your track' either (aberrant fucking nonsense) tldr, POST PROOF, otherwise kindly stfu and fuck off with inane 'its creg because Dude just trust him' garbage as requested, for one thread at least.
Henry Bell
Eli Ramirez
It's legit Paul Le Roux
Lincoln Long
Whenever I see your obnoxious posts im happy to be reminded that your piece of shit scam token topped out and sees a newer low every week
Same and it will probably not be a likeable person.
Jaxson Brown
Pic related is the post he made the day before his disappearance. Wikileaks made a lot of noise about switching to Bitcoin when all payment providers blocked them. I think the American government tried to shut Bitcoin down because of that. My guess is Satoshi was killed by the FBI.