Would now be a bad time for me to buy a house? How fucked am I?

Would now be a bad time for me to buy a house? How fucked am I?

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>wants to buy a house right before a global recession that will lead to WW3

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lmao you actually want to buy house just months/years before all goes to shit? wait a little and then you can buy a house if you survived WW3

B-b-ut I’m tired of my spic neighbors

get a bunker then where you can neet

Is the economy really about to get that bad?

you could live in a van, basically free compared to owning a house and you can be free of your spic neighbours

there's a lot of videos on youtube about van life

2008 all over again. Not WW3 worthy though

Not possible for me since I have a wife, an infant and dogs

Yes, yield curve is inverted meaning a recession is on the horizon. Wait and buy when you see news of people being suicidal from their home value being destroyed.

You’re one drug crazed axe murdering spree from freedom my friend

ask your wife's boyfriend if you could rent a room

>not WW3 worthy though

that's why china is creating islands out of nowhere to control the pacific

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>wife, an infant
>not rich

We had this discussion many times. How you can still believe its not ww3 worthy is beyond me

WW3 is not possible in today's world because of nukes, it will just be nuclear fire and annihilation if anything actually happens, conventional warfare is only used for proxy wars

no one will benefit from it, atleast not economically

t. doesn't understand the current equilibrium of Nukes and anti-missile defense systems.

Great idea, I’m sure he’ll understand.

I know a few billion people who would benefit from having a few nukes dropped on their heads

Op..you have to actually buy a house to regret it

OP confirmed for brainlet

Yikes user. No salvation for you

>don't start a family unless you're RICH
>meanwhile everyone who is broke still has 4+ children on benefits

Fuck off

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I'm on a military base right now and we can't even stop mortars from hitting our runways launched by 10 year old kids with 60 year old equipment. Anti missile defense systems are a meme and everyone in the military knows it.


Depends on if it's your dream home or something you intend to flip.


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Shit Juxtaposition!