How long do you think it will be until we see some real price action on link?

how long do you think it will be until we see some real price action on link?
i bought right after ico on etherdelta
and i'm all in but i'm also bored as fuck
will it happen in 2019? 2020?

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>he doesn't know

have sex incel csw cuck

it is a slow rise up, hang in there buddy, we're all gonna make it, promise

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I'm all in link, but just saying if you have owned link for 2 years you really should know what's going on and when

i follow the latest updates every fucking day
but eating stale breadcrumbs gets old
when will sergey serve us big macs?

okay, so, let's just say wait for the derivatives (and insurance), which were the first use cases, little patience fren, we're gonna make it

Derivates and Swift are collapsing. Link came 1 year late for those industries and 10 years before any form of smart contract adoption happens.

yes, DESU, based and linkpilled

>muhhhhhhh 1 year late
get laid incel

wrong. link is positioned perfectly for psd2 which starts in september.

Go explore another parts of the crypto space

>how long do you think it will be until we see some real price action on link?
As soon as they start adding more functionality to the mainnet.
So at least a year.

>Sergey repeats the same old presentation
>old holders lose faith and start selling
>price goes down to 6000 sats after several days
then months of nothing as link slides into irrelevance, maybe a small pump after they release "threshold signatures" which change nothing important.

>i'm also bored as fuck
Stop coming to Jow Forums then. This board sucks dick and there's no good reason to be here. I just skim the catalog once a day to see if there's any news and then leave.

By the end of the year. Screencap this

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English motherfucker

That is English, how do you not understand?

You think it will be ready by September? Doesn't seem ready for the derivatives market, gonna need to wait for all those smaller partners to start actually using it.

Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious.

unless Oracle expo end of June flat out says they're using Link.... we all going die

Yeah but Paul Walker was just an actor in a movie called fast and furious


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they won't. We're going to 20c. Fuck Sergey. Always thought that the radio silence was because they wanted to let their work speak for them. Turns out it was just to get people to start creating deluded forecasts, like your mind wandering in a sensory deprivation tank or something. In reality, the progress by the team has been that of a hobby-project. Everything they've gained has been due to the deluded LinkMarines hyping up the project and other projects riding the coattails, or Chainlink literally buying their way into relevant partnerships, like with TownCrier.

Give me one step of progress 100% attributable to the team themselves? Mainnet? There's literally nothing else. The team has delivered absolute jack fucking shit in these 2 years. FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT.

I know you're reading this fuckers, you had a community behind you and you chose to take their 32MM and piss on them. Burn in hell.

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I want to believe but if this goes below my buying price (0.83) cents I kill myself but I NEEDED this. I NEEDED out of the wageslave life. And no one let me out.

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dude, i am holding since december 2017 and i promised myself to kms if chainlink was still under a dollar in december 2018 but here i am.
i will never pull the trigger because i am too much of a christian pussy and my survival instinct is too strong.
but i will never sell my linkies until they hit at least 200$, even if i have to hold them for a hundred years, i need the fucking money so much.
also i need to stop lurking on biz, nothing good comes from it, and checking prices every day is just beyond retarded.
i am quitting Jow Forums for this year now,
will come back on the first of january 2020, maybe then chainlink will surpass $2, kek.
see you, frens, remember to never ever sell your stinky chinky kinky linkies to satanic kikes

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I seriously need 3 million dollars minimum. That's literally all I ask. Give me that 100K a year early retirement. Buy into the boomies once the market tanks again, so I never have to work in this fucking call center again and call angry dickweeds about shit that's not my problem and that I can't even fix anyways and where my only hope for getting out is to sell fucking insurance. A FUCKING LIFE INSURANCE SALESMAN.

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I will wait a couple more years then kms if link hasnt made me a free neet in a poor asian country by then

September 2019.

Strap the fuck in boys.

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I think about this every day. This, an suicide.

My conclusion goes like this: Sergey is rock solid. The team will not fuck up. Their way is clear. The don't care about hype because they know it won't be necessary for them.

Draw I line from today to 2025. Then you will have the singularity with a very high probability. Stop worrying about it too much. Live your miserable life on. Wait.

We are all gonna make it

Can't I at least be rich while I'm still 20? I want the hot broads and private jets now.