Stable protocol = sound money

stable protocol = sound money.

buy now or stay poor forever.

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its a scam

i hate bitcoin

lightning ftw!

Be careful user or you are about to get chinked.

>nobody knows why
its a mystery lmao

It's a scam by Satoj

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Craig wins. Flawless victory. Tuliptrustality.

Ayre is a billionaire. It doesnt cost him much to pump this shitcoin and then dump it on all of you bagholders.

normies haven't still realised, we likely still have a couple of hours or days till this motherfucker climbs to 300-400,- USD.

>Nobody know why
The absolute state of core coiners

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and why would a billionaire need to scam plebs out of crypto coins? maybe if you applied some logic instead of shilling you might see the truth.

Go back to Retarddit, blockstream retards.

Cry together over there. This is unsightly.

It really is a scam lmao

Because he wants more to acquire real BTC. Easy

>Why is water wet?

I don't know who to believe, I bought a few just to be safe

imagine being this thick.... what part of 'hes a fucking billionaire" Don't you get exactly?

Nigger, if you truly believ he is as powerful as you say he is, then he is here to not dump but make it number 2 at least on CMC

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its not easy to see through all the shit that has been thrown at CSW. i was a full blown core-tard for weeks and swallowed straight all shit face value against him. man i was FUCKING SHOCKED TO THE BONE when i got it that CSW is legit. Took me longer research and some deeper reasoning to make sense of it all. This is not some no-brainer but more and more people get it by the hour. I sold all BTC for BSV, this is a total bargain right now at 200,- . All Hail Lord Wright!

the mans bathroom is probably the size of your entire house and you think hes sitting around in his mansion trying to scam people?

lmao. this level of cope shouldn't even be possible.

What part of "wants to fucking stay one" don't you get? Dumb cunt

Why didn't he stop at 10 million?

Any good exchanges, without KYC, were I can trade this?

I usually use bitfinex and binance, but neither has BSV.

what part of airdrop dont you understand? anyone that held btc got bch for free. and anyone who held bch got bsv for free. calvin is a whale in all 3 coins. he's covered no matter what.

>bsv is a scam
>let me scam you into buying btc which will be bled out for years with csw's trusts


Looks like schools are letting out for summer.

Because all the best devs are building on bsv. Craig is great but take off your CSW glasses and look at the product nchain is making BTC great again

How is that relevant to anything? He wants more money

That means he will dump on you or anyone else whenever he can. BSV is a fucking shitcoin, will crash to 0 in less than 5 years

>best devs
Name some not named unwriter, who is unironically probably greg maxwell

i work fulltime in crypto more or less and i will switch all my activities towards BSV. i will later on uninstall the bitcoind-Core Node i run here and likely put on a BSV somewhere in the near future.

The BOSS will attract a shitload of high-skill and high-performance HR, thats for sure.

It was the same for Trump and you can already smell that pattern will likely follow towards CSW.

in 5 years bsv will be the only government approved coin and everything else will be banned so good luck with that.

This is literally BCash 2.0. I remember back then in december 2017 when this board got flooded with BCH memes about 51% attacks on Bitcoin and how Roger Ver will take over Bitcoin and make BCash the number 1. Guess what? I bought some coins back then and got wrecked beyond good.

This time won't be different. Do NOT buy this bullshit of BSV. It might go up for good but there WILL be a point where you get dumped on. BSV has no future just as BCash has no future.

Feel free to gamble on this garbage but don' t cry if you lose.

>in 5 years bsv will be the only government approved coin

Heard this argument before...see OneCoin...complete bullshit...

I'm not trying to be argumentative desu, but you sound like the boomers who say Bitcoin is going to 0. The fact is there is a large segment of the Bitcoin community who is not satisfied with Core's direction and there are only two places for them to go, either Cash or BSV. And between thse two, who would you bet on, Roger Ver and his nobody devs or the cult leader who whether he is Satoshi or not, many think he is and has formed a professional company with really good developers spitting out crazy shit in the last few months like metanet. BSV doesn't need to win to make you rich, it just needs to stay in the top 5 because altcoins are not going away. It's going to hit $1,000 here in a few weeks and you'll kick yourself for not putting emotion aside and buying in.

Also which Gov. are you talking about? Bitcoin was never meant to be regulated.

>he thinks the US jackboot wont regulate crypto
thats cute.

>BSV doesn't need to win to make you rich, it just needs to stay in the top 5 because altcoins are not going away. It's going to hit $1,000 here in a few weeks and you'll kick yourself for not putting emotion aside and buying in.

Nice shill. Won't buy.

dude BSV is by the guy who started this whole crypto shitshow 10years ago. man....i don't wanna convice you here...but i did my research and he is one legit motherfucker. it doesn't suprise me that there's plenty of people who "dont get it yet". there's a wall of shit you've gotta penetrate through to see it.

I know who will have the last laugh when I 5X my Bitcoin in a month and BTC is only at $10k at most, but hey at least you'll still have your pride.

That wasn't my question, retard. Also why would the U.S. accept BSV and only BSV? Doesn't make sense.

I'd rather buy bch than bsv any day of the week.

craig is literally a scamming conman. he'll say anything. every word out of his mouth is a lie. wouldn't buy that shitcoin on principle. you better hope it does make you rich because otherwise you're gonna be bagholding forever

Problem is you don't know when it will dump. It's the same story as with ICOs and IEOs. Stopped counting all the smug faces that lost a lot of money.

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fuck I meant to buy some more last weekend. would have been sweet to get some extra gains.

SV is the real bitcoin.

>Nobody know why

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Have sex

>dude BSV is by the guy who started this whole crypto shitshow 10years ago.

1. STILL 0% proof
2. Even IF he was the top guy behind Bitcoin doesn't mean he's right all the time or is still important.

>man....i don't wanna convice you here...but i did my research and he is one legit motherfucker.

Sure buddy

>it doesn't suprise me that there's plenty of people who "dont get it yet". there's a wall of shit you've gotta penetrate through to see it.

...just like Bitconnect.
...just like OneCoin.
...just like any other scam.

And it's always the SAME fucking story. CW should show some damn proof or shut his annoying mouth.

Cope on faggot

Lmao sub 100 iq on display here

yes it does. bsv is about accountability amd working with government and law enforcement. not against it. what coin do you think is going to get preferential treatment from the government? it's a no brainier.

you need to understand the fiat ponzi system is almost finished. it's already bankrupt. governments are going to need a replacement money system soon. you jave no idea the major world events that are going to take place within the next 20 years.

go youtube search for peter zeihan. hes an ex stratfor/nsa guy and educate yourself.

> wall of shit you gotta penetrate through to see it

you understand that im only enticing you do to a couple of hours of research on your own?

but whatever man, have fun with BTC.

>those fast answers right one after another

I'm not even mad. I know you're some poor fags sitting in an indian call center and shill this shit for some rupees.

>bsv is about accountability amd working with government and law enforcement
>it’s chock full of undeletable pedo shit
Dis gonna be good

no im sitting in front of my cold storage, waiting for my dad's btc to hit the exchange so i can convert it into BSV but this motherfucker is SLOW AS SHIT AND CANT SCALE. What is this garbage? How the hell should go this beyond 10k again when its slow af and only useful for a pyramid of greater fools?! Shitposting here keeps me literally from NOT FALLING TO SLEEP WHILE WAITING FOR BTC

>yes it does. bsv is about accountability amd working with government and law enforcement. not against it. what coin do you think is going to get preferential treatment from the government? it's a no brainier.

I'd say JP Morgan Coin. Or Facebook Coin. Or whatever. Point of decentralized cryptocurrencies is to NOT get regulated by ONE government.

>you need to understand the fiat ponzi system is almost finished. it's already bankrupt.

Yada... same arguments as OneCoin. Just because fiat's bad doesn't mean BSV is good.

unwriter is mike hearn not that disgusting fat neckbeard grug. keep squirming shill.

here's literal proof for you you degenerate

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>JP Morgan Coin
Already patented. Yes, I say that unironically

they all are but the thing about doing that is you basically burn those coins forever. it becomes prohibitively expensive to do that over time.

BSV should be a lot faster since nobody uses it...

>1 BTC


Have cow sex

theyre never knowed heh he

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Triggered. I hope you stay nchained you house nigger

not buying your shitcoin sorry