*dabs on you* Enjoy spending the rest of your life in a basement trying to make 1/1000th of what I have LMAO
*dabs on you* Enjoy spending the rest of your life in a basement trying to make 1/1000th of what I have LMAO
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He does sex doesn't he
If real im genuinely triggered..is true?
his dad is rich
Oh no, I'll never know what it's like to have a Saudi prince shit on me in exchange for a plane ticket and a fruit tray.
hahaha These poorfags thinking the shit in front of them is anything but garbage.
Iam not even rich and eat/drink better than you clue and classless morons.
he doesn't have what i have and i don't want what he has
>what I have
a table of food that you can't eat and therefore will throw away not feeling a bit guilty about this lifestyle and literally waste of life. must feel good. must.
No money can avoid accidents of being miserable. Take care of Karma as well OP.
do you get rich white pussy? if so post pics
who is he?
Big deal, yes his life may be better than mine however I live a better life than most people where I live. There are also people who live a better life than he does. So what's the point it's all relative.
Thats the way losers think.
>There's always someone below me so it's ok
>Other people have it just as bad or worse so I'll just bear with it.
Recognize where you are and that change is needed. And then pursue it. Unless your fine with being complacent and coping every time someone better comes along.
I agree but that doesn't mean you should feel depressed because their will always be someone in a better position than you.
I'll get the same euphoria from a bag of Doritos and some mountain dew
This looks even worse than Euro train food.
All I have is 5k Link, will i be able to do that?
Honest question. What is it with the saudis and their fetish of shitting on people? Are they the ultimate pajeets? Besides camel masterbating and dog fucking, shitting on dumbasses seems to be their aphrodisiac.
Nice 20 eur spread
power over other people i think
They want to dominate white women and they don't mind paying for it. White women sell themselves for money which means nothing to the arab
It really is a patrician thing to do with your money really. They specifically pay white Western women who aren't necessarily whores, but they turn them into whores and shit on their face
Given whats going on politically and all of that then basically it means they're based and redpilled
Read through tagthesponsor.com and the white women offer themselves up to convert to Islam for money, etc. They masturbate camels and let dogs fuck them for money. But the craziest thing about it is that these women aren't just prostitutes, sometimes it's regular women, sometimes it's Instagram models with 800,000 followers. Those followers are sometimes young girls
Even extras get better shit from crafty on a non union shoot fag
The end of times are upon us, thanks jews, women and leftist cucks the ultimate trio of doom
Some of it is truly sickening desu
>Citizen of the world
globohomo cock sleeve
she learned from the best
look at the cock sleeves they trot out on TV all the time and tell your daughters to listen to
>pic related
Food looks like shit. I thought that was all sushi in the small photo then when I expand and see its a grocery store fruit plate im loling.
That's a good gif and I'm gonna save it
But yep, it's a mess
kek this website is the most depressing thing I've seen in a long time
that fucking gif man, post moar leik it if u have
Shut up cuck
It is a blackpill though hes right
Shit is grim
My bad, i thought he was white knighting these degenerates. I apologize my ignorance, the state of things is indeed sad
top bantz
Nothing to see here folks, just another day in clown world
will commence dumping
for those interested here are some leading questions:
>Why do you think ((((they))) are so intent with associating the rainbow with sodomy?
>What is it specifically about the rainbow that historically it was associated with divinity?
>Have you studied the physics of rainbows?
>Do you know why they tend to focus only on Newton's discoveries regarding Calculus and Gravity but ignore his later optical studies?
>Why did Douglas Adams (author of hitchhiker's guide) say that 42 is the answer to the universe and everything?
>Why are there Forty-Two Judges in the hall of truth where one has their heart (Ab) weighed in the balance on a golden scale against the white feather of truth.
>Prison of the mind
>Prism of the mind
>Ah, 42.
>I miss UNanon.
>Tell me about the rainbow.
>7 colors, 7 notes in an octave with the 8th
>God's beauty to be perceived only by human
>pic related
>these poor people think the stairs are leading up
>they don't realize that the stairs are leading down
fuck sand niggers, bring nothing good to the world only getting rich by having oil
I want my fucking rainbow back. And the color pink.
>drinks wine from a glencairn
Yup, you have no idea what's going on
yeah i'm thinking this is just schizophrenia but unironically.
>yeah i'm thinking this is just schizophrenia but unironically.
>t. smoothbrain
nah not at all but this is just schizo tier drivel. you muddy the waters with this
what does any of it mean? do you even know yourself? literal schizophrenic
I wonder how many models from a different country would let you impregnate them with no string attached if you pay them.
>what does any of it mean? do you even know yourself?
that God is real and exists
>Tell me about the rainbow
>7 colors, 7 notes in an octave with the 8th
>God's beauty to be perceived only by human eyes
that this fact is purposefully kept hidden from the population as a means to mislead them and for them to instead adopt the globohomo ideology
instead these smoothbrains believe in a ((((big bang)))) and their religion of mud (materialism) says that humans are simply animals and that our sentience and consciences are just random natural accidents
they are implying that we were built from the bottom up by a natural accident
they don't want people to know that we were made from the top down and are children of God
>dark side of the moon
>2001 space odyssey
>what did they mean by this?
>what else happened in 2001?
>surely just a coincidence...
I'm thinking you're right. I wonder if it's because of religious upbringing.
you do know that 2001 by Kubrick is a not-so-subtle joke right?
>what does the monolith mean?
>it represents a theatre or television screen
>Kubrick is implying that the movie you are watching (2001: a space odyssey) is the same thing as the footage they showed of Americans landing on the moon
>pic related
>look at the top left footage from the moon landing
>they sure liked to use a lot of glitter and sparkles for their special effects at the time
Rofl, yup, called it.
how do I find instagram whores?
On instagram
>I wonder if it's because of religious upbringing.
modern man is the true dogmatic religious person
speak out against their dogmas and see what happens
>muh globohomo
>muh darwin
>muh we're all just a bunch of matter and nothing else
the modern globohomo belief system requires unprecedented levels of faith and obedience compared to actual religions
let me guess, you fell for the meme that God doesn't exist
so I just dm every girl?
almost everyone is hypnotized by language and is unable to see beyond
you are bound by your imaginations and unfortunately for most people their imaginations have been programmed and uploaded into them from a young age by nefarious groups
>instagram models with 800k followers
So they're prostitutes.
>why are there so many mushrooms featured in Christian artwork?
>what happens when you ingest magic mushrooms?
>a rainbow appears at the peripheries of your vision
>pic related
They can have pretty much anything they want and nothing brings them joy so they have to turn to fetishes is how I see it
Kek you've set him off
>Kek you've set him off
we've got a couple of (((wise))) guys over here
Yes. literally
You're schizo you dumb faggot. Go to the doctor. I believe in God but this has nothing to do with God, you're unironically mentally ill
>you're unironically mentally ill
nu-male speak
>is this the power of amerikkkan edukation?
>I don't understand his world view so he must be a schizophrenic xxD
brainlet normie cope. afraid to even try to sample interpretations of the world that might scare you and too proud to admit to yourself that you're a dumb coward.