How do I retire by 35

>5k savings
>10k in crypto
>22 years old living in midwest
>electricians apprenticeship, 45k/yr
>should be going up to 80k in a couple of years
>0 debt
>living with parents rent free still

How do I escape wagecuckery early and young?

Attached: boom.png (1080x675, 355K)

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you can't retire by 35 with that career

you're gonna need some long term hold cryptos if you really want to do that. research and dca a bit into crypto each paycheck

can't retire by 65 with that salary. 80k/ year is comfortable middle class in the midwest. OP will be able to afford pic related but not retire by 35. kek. we're all hoping crypto sets us free, that's why we're here.

Star a business and make other people work for you. You are just doing what everyone else does which means you are following a system designed to not make you retire early. Also 10k in crypto is not that much, it could go along away but won't make you retire that early either. You should just put a % of your paycheck in crypto but it depends which crypto ofc

To add to that, maybe you should put most of your paycheck into it while you live with parents. Try to live with your parents as long as possible. If crypto doesn't work out then look up compound investment which also means investing % of your paycheck in bonds or whatever and just snowball your money.

With 130k in savings, what should I be investing in to retire by 35 @ 21yo?

Crypto is great and all but I don't want to hang my retirement and potentially years of freedom on it. I've also been looking into index funds, I've heard good things about those although obviously less upside than crypto

you renting still? considering looking for a property to live in to reduce costs and then use rest in saving account with maybe 5% in crypto (eth/btc)

Lmao "middle class" this board is full of stem millionaires

lots of assumptions in this post but if you are willing to adjust your definition of "making it" you could easily retire by 35. it would be stupid easy if you wanted to retire in an asian country like malaysia or vietnam. malaysia was colonized by the british so there are a ton of expats moving there. rent is like $500 a month for a ballin ass apartment. 80/k by the time youre 26 nets you around 580,000 about by 35. If you are constantly investing especially if you get in when the stock market takes a dump you will easily be able to have a living that supplies all your basic needs and can afford status. Buy your house/condo pay $400 a month in condo fees.

Living with my parents working remote. I have ~1k in crypto 60% BTC, 25% ETH, 15% BAT making ~30k a year.
the rest of my money is sitting in 2 bank accounts.

not sure what you mean. are you saying that 80k a year is rich in the US? it's comfortable middle class user. you don't realize this yet because you still live with your parents and are insulated from the real world. at 80k a year in the midwest, you can afford health insurance, a modest mortgage, a wife, 2 car payments, 2.5 kids, and a dog. if you budget wisely you can also afford a vacation to disney world once a year. what you can't do on 80k a year is retire by 35.

Use that 80K/yr to get a rental property and live with your parents until 35. Spend nothing at all and you'll have 3 million or so at 35. Then you can retire.

Sometimes you've got to be risky if you want a large payout (early retirement). People who don't take risks stay at their jobs and retire like everyone else.

chainlink tokens

yea buy all the boomers bags who are looking to sell and retire soon, idiot

I was creating a post to disprove you with math but after I went through it all I realized you were right. At 80k in the Midwest with those parameters you're at middle class with very little money left over. The biggest suckers of money were kids at 1,166 a month, so I guess if you want to be rich on that amount of money either have your spouse get a job or don't have more than one kid.

Care to explain without ad hominems why investing in the total stock market is a bad idea? I get it, we're all 100% pro crypto here. But is BTC or ETH or ChainLink that sure of a thing? I mean if the US economy tanks and never recovers then aren't we all fucked?

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If you're concerned of the economy tanking you should take out a decent chunk of your money so you have cash on hand. That way you can take advantage and buy things for cheap. If it never recovers, which is insanely improbable, then everyone would be fucked regardless of their positions.

I'm thinking of getting into an apprenticeship for electricians as well. Did you have prior construction experience? What did you need to get in?

Health insurance is another big money sucker for me too

>cash on hand
Don't forget to hedge with precious metals like gold bars from jmbullion. If the economy tanks, the dollar could tank with it.

net 60k for a single male is more than enough money to be stocking away at least 30g/year if you are really trying to be done by 35. millennials aren't having kids, getting married, or buying houses.

20,000 principal starting at 25yo.
Annual addition of 30k "investments"
10 years
12% interest rate
600k by 35

Retire in some 3rd world expat country.
Not ideal but can be done. I just used a compound calculator so sorry if the math is fucked up. This could be complete bullshit.

the boomer meme is fucking real user. making it for most of us is going to be OPs pic. unironically, that's the comfy life that we can actually reach.

you dont need to be a fucking multi millionaire to retire, you absolute memer

a single male that lives with his parents maybe. I'm defining 80k as comfortable middle class though. a single male living with his parents saving half his salary isn't comfortable middle class.

leaving your parents house at 35 is a good way to be rich and an even better way to know nothing about life

thats with $750/month rent factored in. all im saying is its doable. the older you get the less you need.

With an $80k salary in a couple years, let's say a modest $95k average salary over the 12.5 years until you turn 35. If you save 70% of that, post 30% income taxes, thats $46.5k a year saved and $20k a year to live on. Now, take that and compound some yearly interest on that, and at 25% interest, you have $2.2 million saved at 35.

As far as how to do that, probably crypto. Stocks and Forex would also work. Don't go crazy trading shitcoins. Just aim for a couple good Bitcoin trades a year. For example, if every year you took 25% of your savings and made five successful compounding 15% gains Bitcoin trades (ex. buy on main support, sell on main resistance), that's a 25% gain on your entire portfolio. Do that until 35 and you have $2.7 million saved.



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The answer to all of these threads is always real estate

thanks, the math here really does make sense. just needed it laid out for me

i'm definitely frugal and just want a simple life of no work, so no pressure to keep up with the joneses. this looks doable for sure.