We’ll be starting this oracle network using three separate data sources that go through three independent node...

>We’ll be starting this oracle network using three separate data sources that go through three independent node operators. We plan to expand the levels of decentralization at both the data origin level and the oracle level by adding four more high quality price data providers and eventually reaching a total of twenty one Chainlink nodes. After reaching seven separate sources of data, with twenty one technically reviewed and identity verified node operators, we’ll solicit community/user feedback to consider further expansion of this decentralized oracle network

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Excellent strategizing by Sergey, as always

yeah your quoting the blog post, whats new?

> Exponential cups of coffee
Simply fundamentally truly expansionary

Gotta walk before you can run, champ.

ok i'll explain for a brainlet like you that don't understand the implications of sergeys mainnet strategy.
sergey is betting on reliability and security, rather than quantity and functionality. his aim is to progressively grow the network with a core node operators that are 1000% sure and won't try to fuck the network. the idea is to have 21 independent node operators (different companies each hosting a node) a small decentralized network of trusted nodes, that will make any smart contract or dapp developper trust the network to go in production.

even the services, he will progressively "unlock" new services, this is a very solid strategy, because we will have a flow of new node operators that will announce why they decided to host, and a flow of new services everytime a new service is listed it will be posted and discussed.

plus keep in mind that big players will also join in, and partners we havnt heard of.
he could have gone full fireworks and cowboy hats, but he decided to go slow and steady wich is the best strategy to make the prospects trust the solution.

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is this supposed to be fud? only fucking retards expected mainnet to launch with 1000s of nodes and muh partnerships.

fuck off discord tranny

This was never meant for you you filthy slobbering neet covered in cheeto dust

A business solution needs business partners - some folks are watching this as a PoC on a live mainnet - expect more and more folks to get added if it works well. They want trustworthy companies which explains the deliberate nature theyre executing with.

Imagine a slow build of bigger and bigger names as the 21 nodes are revealed. Imagine around number 10 or 11 reddit starts to notice that these operators are companies they have heard of. Imagine who is number 21.

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Diversification past ~21 assets has negligible risk adjusted return differences. I can't see why decentralization risk would be much different. Is 100 nodes actually safer than 21 in any meaningful metric?

checked, and sergeypilled, the 21 node operators will all be companies that bent the knee to serg, the first idolators, the close companions of sergus of nazareth

This. As long as the initial 21 node operators are KYCd and trusted sources, any transaction between 2 parties should be easily accomplished with 100% accuracy. The need for more node operators only arises when the network needs more throughput. As far as accurate tamper proof results go, 21 is plenty. When this starts handling MASSIVE volume, and high value contracts is when 21 is not enough.

single point of failure
ie worthless and centralized

that's because you are not factoring in TEEs, remember that chainlink doesn't only provide API data. chainlink owns towncrier, wich also provides decentralized computing.

for that you will need as many nodes as possible, also for random number and data generators.

21 is a good start, but the bigger the network, the more amazing things you can do.

have sex incel

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So I won't have to kms if I hold my all in, but small stack?

>it's not centralized because the node operators are independant entities
currently the 3 nodes are cl, lp and fiews
lp is ran by jonny who is also an official cl team member
that's already a conflict of interest

checked but you're just the devil advocate, it's not centralized because the node operators are independent entitie. so in the end it's still 21 organisms giving data, and it's decentralized, you need to understand the difference between decentralization and distribution.

a decentralized network has multiple centralized entities, in a distributed network there is no centralized entity.

pic related

also have sex

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No Satan, its not a single point of failure. Its somewhat centralized, only in the sense that a single entity will be approving KYC, but its not a single point of failure. The purpose of the network is to throughput data, KYC will have no part in the actual operation. They have also said KYC will be optional, granted without KYC your node will probably be limited to certain APIs but they dont want a bunch of Nazi terrorists handling Jewish assets either. Or sybil attacking contracts handling said assets. If you arent a brainlet it makes a lot of sense. It doesnt mean I like it, but I understand why ChainLink would go that route.

first of it's 3 completely different companies, and there are 18 more to come, also i don't understand in what way there is a conflict of interest, they are all independent companies and they just host nodes, they don't want anything to do with the data provided.

Its not a conflict of interest unless their nodes are handling smart contracts of significant value between CL and another entity. Quit using words that you don’t understand.

NEETs need parents permission for KYC?

Who are the 3 node operators as of now?

The KYC is optional, though will likely be needed for high value APIs. I doubt they will discriminate as long as you have a valid government ID. They just want to make sure they can find you if you fuck up a multimillion dollar transaction.

fiews, linkpool and chainlink

> imagine buying a price data api at 10x ICO price

>eventually reaching a total of twenty one Chainlink nodes.
Dan Larimer approves.

Yeah, what kind of retard would attempt to carefully sculpt the backbone of a business to business blockchain data provider which they want big banks to use. They should just allow every retard and their dog to do whatever they want, because that current approach is what has made crypto as healthy as it is today.