Announcement soon. I hope you guys bought as much as you could

Attached: SdbtPeEs.jpg (512x512, 28K)

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Apple offered him a job as an intern? Partnership confirmed!

give me a fucking break. try harder

The rumor is true.... oh wait.. that's another chink scam

It's actually a local Chinese apple orchard his buddy runs, but technically it is an apple partnership.

We did it! Big win for the #blockchain community!

Attached: DVppd1xUQAAyyRI.jpg (651x736, 52K)

They would never work with such an unprofessional pajeet-tier company. Screencap it and make it your wallpaper troncucks.

>announcement soon

That's funny, Apple using some chink scam based on Java

still at it, are you?

fucking pathetic
This is the news. You got Just-ined

I’d like to thank all #tron supporters for buying my $4.5m lunch! hopefully I can continue to have my multi-million dollar lunches at the expense of $TRX owners. go brockchain! $TRX #justin #justinsun #justinsuncrypto #troncryptocurrency #10000aCoin

Price Predicitions for the end of day? My guess is less than 380sats for TRX and 11 for BTT

Attached: 45643931.jpg (574x795, 40K)

hitting new ATH for BTT as justin turns on his market makers

TRX is pumping though, how does he do it? It must be one of the most stupid announcement yet.

Buffet is vocal that BTC is a scam just imagine what he thinks of scam coins like TRX and BTT, kek.

TRX pumping lol? It went up less than 10% followed by a dump that is still going on as I type this.

Attached: jswb.jpg (1200x675, 188K)

its still up from 430, spiked to 470 fast, now rebounded @ 450. Where this goes is anyone's guess. HODLing.

>BTC and TRX are the same thing

tron is now an app on the app store


u buy now!

You're about to get Just-ined even harder.

>What they thought they were getting
>What they really got

Down. Its going down.
There was a transaction of tron into binance last week or so worth a couple mil usd. Now we know why.

Also love the pump after this shitty announcement to just everyone who shorted kek

I am not so sure. They are already publishing this in non-crypto related publications. This will serve as a very effective advertisement and bring both TRX and crypto in general more exposure. I doubt he will convince Buffet of anything, however the man is an icon and simply having your name mentioned with his brings exposure that otherwise would be difficult to achieve. I bet we pump again within the hour.

Imagine spending 4.5 million dollars to have lunch? I understand you're probably some paid shill but anyone reading this should steer clear from this obvious trap.

It's 430 sats and falling.

Attached: 56444894.jpg (320x320, 16K)

It is more than lunch, it is exposure.

Some could even consider it a bribe or a tribute. Why do you think it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to have lunch with the Clintons, or any politician for that matter?

On x20 leverage that's a good profit.

>justin sun buys apple phone to replace old phone
>apple partnership imminent