Give me the red pill on finance Jow Forums

Give me the red pill on finance Jow Forums.

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money is debt
lavage debt to get real assets

all money is debt and we'll never pay off all the loans made to the government
it's an endless cycle, until the curtains fall down

i like to say that debt = wealth

only if you can enforce it

wealth distribution is a pyramid, and basically you will never be free

People overwhelmingly hating people, replace murder by trade in an acceptable, hence childish, soft kill massive operation, mostly successful, both geographically and historically.
Essentially a game, as useless as crosswords, it
also partially replaces nihilistic, desperate and evasive occupations such as sports for the intellectually weak.
Anything else is a scam by the aware to keep the remaining perpetually unaware.

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Chainlink is literally your first and last chance to escape a life of debt slavery.

You will literally never make it.

Money and social relationships make you powerful.


Money will not buy you love, which is what you really want.


I want a lambo though

Finance makes the world go round. Without financing we'd still be living in Hammurabi era mudhuts

Jow Forums doesn't know the difference between shysters and jews.
so Jow Forums ain't gonna make it.
the red pill is just koolaide. don't take the bait.
think for yourself.

with that out of the way, fractional reserve banking is the oldest scam in the book.
if only 3% of the economy withdrew their cash from the bank in a single day the pyramid would implode.
until bitcoin fractional reserves were necessary for digital transactions. now they're not.
this is the biggest financial opportunity the world has seen in generations.
don't fuck this up. and don't listen to Jow Forums because they're going to fuck it up.

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The system is designed to keep you from making it. If you have money, it’s extraordinarily easy to make money doing almost nothing, through legal exploitation of those who dont have money. If you dont have money, it is staggeringly difficult to acquire large amounts of it. To file a patent in the US costs $10,000-$30,000 and most of the population has less than $5,000 in savings. You ever watch “Shark Tank”? Pay close attention when the sharks ask how much of their own money they have put into it. The number is rarely less than $200k. Most people would have to take out a second mortgage to get half of that, and the ones that do rarely succeed because they have no safety net afterwards. A very minor setback could make them permanently homeless. Where as someone who just emptied their savings, worst case scenario, has to start saving again. Thats what it takes to become rich. A shitload of money that you are willing to gamble with.

Also this.

real redpill: if you're like such, you'll never make it

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