LINKs chart is unironically bullish. Just bought back in. Any other anons doing the same?
LINKs chart is unironically bullish. Just bought back in. Any other anons doing the same?
why the fuck would i sell my links, ever? nice try kikes
No its going back to .80
>oracle this
>oracle that
this is a rape thread now. only rape content is appreciated.
have sex incels
is rape sex? honest question.
Im talking purely from a TA perspective. Its tested and held current support 3 times now. Golden cross will occur likely in a few hours on 30m candles, and the chart for the 3 hour candles looks remarkably similar to BTCs chart with 1 week candles, right before it started the recent mini bullrun. I sold at $1.35. The double top was obvious so I should have sold sooner, but this bottom seems equally as obvious right now.
>Im talking purely from a TA perspective.
Oh so you're just bullshitting then, ok lad.
BTC appears to have undergone a clear trend reversal as well. Bounced off of 8400 quite nicely. This is good news for the entire market obviously but I see LINK being primed for a pump on top of this.
Stay poor. TA is the only reason anyone sold LINK at $1.47. Dont listen to my advice if you dont want to, I am just trying to help anons make some money.
Meme lines don't mean shit when shady fucking chinks and makers put the price where they want. Link is the most manipulated token on the market besides btc. There is a correlation between the two if you can be bothered to look. It makes it super easy to identify entry exit points for maximum link stacking!
Shady fucking chinks
>I'm looking at you CZ
How high do you think it will go?
Theres a psychology that applies, even to manipulated markets. TA is just a method of using math and patterns to establish psychological trends. I have been quite accurate with my puts and calls in crypto, and i am up 768% from my initial investment. I know that doesnt mean shit on an anonymous Mongolian cheese squeezing blog, but for what its worth, its true.
Buy all you can before September 2019.
Strap the fuck in boys,
Calling the top is pretty much impossible until we get there, especially with LINK. As the other user mentioned, its fairly heavily manipulated. We always encounter a very strange oscillation right at $1.00, which takes a lot of steam out when a pump hits that point.
bought this after selling 1k suicide stack at $1.40
Too many people are turned on to link and think 0.9x linkies are a steal. Reversal soon
$2 waiting room.
If i were to throw out a guess, I would say my suspicions will be confirmed or denied within the next 2 hours.
Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious.
not shilling, but don't you think (barring any real world news) bitcoin IS actually due for a retrace to 6k, and would then tank the market with it? You know, unless the tradewar turns it up to 11 and the the real world economy jumps in.
>Only .80
Oh sweet summer child
>durr ChainLink will drop back to where it was before mainnet
You werent around for ETH mainnet were you?
Its hard to say, this last cycle made mainstream news. A lot of normies woke up to the idea of Bitcoin being legitimate in 2017/2018. The market has changed a lot.
yeah, that's about where i'm at with bitcoin right now too. It'll be crazy if 8k is the new floor.
The chart being bullish means nothing without actual progress.
And it's going to be months before anything is added to the current mainnet setup (three nodes doing the USD price of ETH).
So it's a slow bleed for the coming months.
>Dumping like a Pajeet on a designated shitting street
it's going to 9k at least then it will bounce back up
Your TA is weak fren.
OP here again, the MACD on the 30 minute candles bounced off of making a golden cross with that last red candle. My two hour estimate here
Will be postponed to 6 hours.
>hurr durr moving goalposts
My only actual prediction is that its going to breakout and run up soon. Exactly how soon is just a guess.
>You werent around for ETH mainnet were you?
Why, what happened?
By breakout do you mean a measly 5-10% ?
have rape volcel
Probably anywhere from 5%-20%, maybe more, hard to say. The importance of this is, if you are swinging LINK, now is the time to buy, because it likely wont be this low again after.
Lets just say LINK is looking really strong in comparison.
What else you got to shill? Holo, Nano, Fetch, Matic, BSV?
You think Link will reach 1000?
I just want to make 1 million dollars to live off of for the rest of my life.
me here
Target hit. Neutral now, will depend on BTC.
Surprise sex.
I think LINK is the best shot at millionaire status in all of crypto. I am not going to comment on the others.
it's starting i guess
are you a wizard? what TA did you use?
Sure it is faggot. I'm sure no one sold because of the 30% drops or the lackluster blog post amounting to Jack shit. Surely it was TA alone.
This guy gets it.
where is the best place to buy link? Its not on robinhood so what do I make an account on now?
Yeah, the last drop to shake fools out of their bags.
>care not what the price is
>care only what the price action is
Perception is relative to highs/lows
T. on muu way to ten K simply by swinging 500 of my not-selling-until-$1000-eoy linklet stack
>dont sell to me, lads