Secure BSV (and other crypto, I guess) wallet

I feel like I'm too much of a brainlet to generate a a BSV wallet that I'd be ABSOLUTELY 100% sure is secure. It seems like I need a special hardened router, a new laptop that hopefully doesn't have any chink backdoors, I'd have to learn how to install and use an actual OS, and a bunch of other bullshit. Fuck that.

How autistic should I be worrying about securing my wallet? Should I be protecting myself from Globohomo, and if so, how?

Attached: young-woman-technician-repairing-computer-student-girl-technology-fixug-hard-drive-51285001.jpg (1300x957, 132K)

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Bump i want a simple wallet for bsv too

user wrap your cold storage in tinfoil

Then its safe

BSV electrom

If you are thinking of investing in BSV, the best way to do so is send an envelope full of cash to Mumbai.

>I'm too much of a brainlet
That explains everything

>Calvin & Craig buying up bags
>I had Best Buy them up too!

Are you useless niggers going to spoonfeed me or not?

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Shove Ledger in thot snatch.
>nobody would think to check there but TSA and only if she's got dim tits

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I'm done being a no coiner. Idk which one to invest in yet though. I've been told chainlink for like 2 weeks now, and now all the gossip is BSV. I still am not sure if any of that is credible. I don't have loads of money to invest so I figure my best bet will be an alt coin that isn't skyrocketed, and cash out at the first opportunity that it yields a significant payout.

Related to OP's post of security, how far do you go? I have an old raspberry pi, should i put some sort of OS on that thing and keep it separated from my pc? Or would allocating some hard drive space separate from windows be enough? Can someone hack through anyway? Computers are scary and I don't understand where I'm vulnerable these days.

Check out this video for how to use a offline phone as a cold storage wallet. This is what I'm going to do. Jow Forums takes the link as spam so I had to split it.

I can tell you that the crypto space is a DEEP rabbit hole when you are new. I been in crypto since 2012 and I'm all in bsv. The problem is you will hear people like me shilling BSV and then there are they who say it's a scam. You are literally helpless in this place until you have done a ton of autistic research. Good luck

i use electrumsv with a trezor>The problem is you will hear people like me shilling BSV
im unironically ballz deep in BSV and fud it just for the lulz. fucking newbs need to do their own research.

i'll leave my new BSV on the exchange until Ledger brings an update to fully include BSV on the Nano S (they will eventually do one, i have little doubt on that).

My fellow BSV holders. I have something in a pic attached you can share with BTC Lightning Network proponents. Maybe interesting for them.

Attached: Capture3.png (1045x304, 54K)

>and fud it just for the lulz
Haha, so do I. About 20% of the Crej Sanjey Satoj posts are mine.

Pic related is Creich Saranjatachi

Attached: 1554481355132.jpg (329x494, 33K)

Has anyone tried out the "HandCash" mobile app wallet for bsv?

All my BSV is on robinhood

Yes. It is very good. Simple to use with handles instead of addresses and instant transactions

same just put in 250, we'll see if this was a larp or not.

250 BSV or $250? shit how would you spend $55,000 on that? I'd find a real wallet if i were you

Retard OP here. At least tell me how I can purchase BSV in the US, without a VPN, with fiat?

Holding 500 BSV in a handcash wallet. AMA

1. Use Coinbase to buy ETH (using credit card or debit card)

2. Send ETH to Bithumb

3. Use the BSV/ETH exchange to buy BSV with your ETH

Note that it takes about 5 minutes every time you send ETH for it to appear at its destination

What price did you buy in at? I have 17, not sure if ~$220 is a good or bad time to buy more

When handcash 3.0 is out you can buy it with credit card straight from the app. I don't know what the price will be by then though..

Attached: SmartSelect_20190603-212622_Reddit.jpg (1364x2030, 802K)

Holy shit where has this been spreading?

Thanks fren. But is there a way to keep it all on a single exchange and not need to do business with gooks?

I traded all my bcash for it at 1 to 5 ratio

Here you go:

It's just a prediction, essentially of no value despite coming from Satoshi

no 250 dollars, I'm a coinlet.


lol its really obvious that most of the pajeetposting is done by BSV holders. which makes the entire thing even funnier because low IQ plebs think its a shitcoin.

Just get a laptop with tails and generate offline and never take the laptop back on again. Take out the wifi card for extra tinfoil. I use like a decade old laptop