28 year old single white American male here. This is the one thing stopping me from becoming a NEET. How much does health insurance cost if you have to pay for it yourself and don’t get it through a job?
How much does personal medical insurance cost in the USA?
I pay $500 a month for a shitty plan. Expect to pay anywhere between $450-800 a month. The cost for me went up a bit since last year, and I have a feeling it's going to go up again next year.
this reponse is correct. this is the list price of insurance plans for a single person in NY.
if you are able to commit a lil bit of fraud and hide your income, or derive fake income from certain jobs, you can do one of the following to qualify for very cheap care:
1) declare yourself poor AF and qualify for medicaid
2) show 5 paystubs of minimum wage from a company operating in your state, and use those stubs to qualify for obama care for $45 a month
hint, the company doesnt have to actually pay you the money
This is what have been sayin to the Burgers once you include the INSANE insurance cost Europe is cheaper & much lovelier as its not a police state.
>paying for health insurance in your 20's
Waste of money.
No it's not because an accident or unlucky medical problem could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars without insurance. Maybe some people take the risk but I cannot afford to risk that.
Is it worth?
What the fuck, do burgers actually pay this? That's like paying another rent every month.
For me yes I need it. I don’t know about for other people.
That’s why I want to know how much I would have to pay. It’s the only thing stopping me from becoming a NEET right now. I get health insurance through my company and I would lose that if I became a NEET.
I mean shit if those prices are real, I'm starting to appreciate living in Trudeau's clown land.
read my reply and those are your options...
You get free health insurance right?
Not managing your own health. Pathetic.
Well I'm a wagie so I get a better plan through my work anyways, but if I didn't work I would be covered for basic medical (no dental, optometrist, etc.) by the province.
What are you talking about? You do realize there are unexpected medical costs that can happen from bad luck and can’t be prevented. There are freak accidents and injuries and unexpected diseases.
fuck no. not only is the cost outrageous, but having insurance is now required by law, so if you choose not to have it, you get fined at the end of the year anyway. I'm afraid to use my insurance desu. I avoid going to the doctor as much as I can because there always ends up being an unforeseen cost that I then have to pay in addition to my monthly premiums. insurance is a fucking racket in this country. we have it because we have to, and just in case we get diagnosed with a terminal illness or something. it's not worth it though.
yep. burgers are dumb as fuck though and would rather live in poverty than support what they think might be socialism.
They got you by the balls. Fix your diet and environment. It's not luck
That will help with a lot of things but not everything. There can always be unfortunate and random medical problems that can’t be prevented.
you can do everything right and still get fucked user. life does that to people. I got rear ended by a god damn logging truck at an intersection a few years ago. no fault of mine, still got fucked up though. you're not invincible. none of us are.
Then you pay then, it's cheaper than the insurance scam.
What is a rear view mirror?
Live in Massachusetts
Mass health covers A Lot
Yearly insurance expenses less than 1k
But also v. careful about health & wellness
I pay my own insurance through Anthem Blue Cross
It's $200 a month and i'm in Niggerfornia paying for all the illegals free health care
If you WANT to pay it alone without a job in Germany, its between 120-160€.
Im so Happy that Im not in the land of the free!!!
>what is a rear view mirror?
fucking useless in the situation I described faggot.
Yes, and if you don't have insurance you are fined a certain amount evety month, like $700 dollars for the year, ballpark number i can't remember exactly.
>what is medicaid? what is just going to an emergency room and get treated because you have no way to pay but they legally can't turn you away
You aren't about that neetlife yet, wagie.
your cost is being subsidized. be sure to thank Obama to thank for that. it costs a lot more than $200 a month user, you just qualify for the gobermint subsidy that the rest of us are paying for. you're not paying for all the illegals free health care you fucking stain....you're being paid for. goddamn dead weight.
Lol, angry wageslave is so upset!!!
it's not a flat fee. how much you are fined depends on how much you make. it comes closer than you'd think to the bill you'd be paying for health insurance for the year anyway. that's the idea. a lot of people who talk about this stuff have no idea, because they receive government subsidy and don't know what the real costs are for middle class americans. you aren't fined if you don't make much money and are uninsured....in that situation, you don't pay that much for health insurance either.
I'm angry as shit about healthcare, yeah. it's so fucked up. you will be too once you start making money.
>start making money
Nope, never faggot. If you work, you die.
>is absolutely worthless
>wonders why women won't fuck him
>wonders why people don't like him
>tells his internet frens how great the neet life is
kek. you aren't fooling anyone.
Enjoy paying $10,000 because you chose to go to an American ER. Honestly some of the worst "advice" I've ever seen on Jow Forums "lol just go to the ER they can't turn you away haha". You must be a highschooler or a legit NEET with no life experience to say something so terribly ill-informed. Not a single post you've made has been a meaningful contribution to this thread, every time you post the quality of this board deteriorates that much more.
It's insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies that are fucking the system, I have patients that pay $750 a month for insulin. Why? Insulin costs nothing to manufacture, why is insulin so damn expensive? Jewish pharmaceutical companies. All these companies are simultaneously raising their insulin retail prices in unison, all in perfect lockstep with each other. It's a form of collusion. Look at the price graphs in the articles, it's INSANE and nobody talks about it.
> Lilly’s Humalog cost $20.82 in 1996 and now goes for $255.40, an increase of 1,124% over 20 years. Novo Nordisks’s Novolog first hit the market in August 2001 at $39.75, and as of July 2016, a vial comes with a list price of $255.40 – exactly the same as Humalog.
I'm a registered nurse in America and I'm done, I hope this country burns to Hell. America is such a fucking shithole.
very sneky
Sign up for the military in a paper pusher position. Stay in 3-4 years. Have free medical for life.
The effect of the American diet is starting to snowball. Rapidly expanding current and future demand = more leverage for the seller.
We are going to spend trillions so food companies can have profits of billions. Probably the stupidest fucking system in effect in America atm.
>Adults over age 20 that are overweight or obese: 71.6% (2015-2016)
>All these companies are simultaneously raising their insulin retail prices in unison, all in perfect lockstep with each other. It's a form of collusion.
How do they never get hit with lawsuits over this? Is it just because of all their lobbying on the years? Wasn't one of the reasons for crucifying Shreki because he exposed this type of activity?
Is it really that hard to exercise for a few minutes every day and have some self control? Jesus fuck.
Exactly, the problem is that America is no longer capitalistic, America has now entered corporatism. Big corporations and their lobbyists control the American government.
Adam Smith (father of capitalism) himself stated government oversight is a necessity, but currently these corporations hold such vast monetary power that the government regulation required to break up this collusion is impossible. These are billion dollar entities that represent the entirety of the healthcare system in America, how are you supposed to regulate these monoliths?
You go to the ER because they can't charge you for the services, the wageslave tax payers do. Sometimes if I have to go to somewhere near a hospital I'll use an ambulance as a free taxi (I feel fine now, get me out). They can't take anything from me, I have nothing. I've checked my credit reports, they just charge off eventually. ERs are also how illegals get treated, don't worry... CUCCKS WILL PAY!!!
In fact, in 7 years they drop off your credit if I even felt wageslaving one day, I'd just wait a few years.
Lol, that isn't what corporatism is, you marxist fuckface:
I'm so happy to live in Europe and not in burgerland.
The last year i had a cardiovascular problem, a friend that was with me called the hambulance, the come, took me to the hospital where doctors saved me.
The next day i got a lot of exams: blood tests, ECG, MRI, ecography.
The found a rare genetical diseas, but not prob, a drug can save me.
>The doctor prescribe me this pill, i have to take it once a day every day till i die
>He say to me that if i want i can make the governament pay for the medicine, since it's dangerous if i don't take it
>Naaaaah i'll pay by myself
> I go to the drugstore
> Pills cost me 2€/Month
Forget to mention i havent paid a dime for the hambulance or exams
How much would this cost in the United States?
>yep. burgers are dumb as fuck though and would rather live in poverty than support what they think might be socialism.
Please don't tell me you are so brainwashed you think Burgerland is STILL capitalist? that shit died out in the 1920's FFS!
Fuck you Burgers are dumb, try leaving your state/country once in a while!
The Jews go you faggots good!
At least I'm not getting arrested for memes.
Try leavin your country...you will realise you DO live in a police state. These laws that are being used in Europe exist in Burgerland its just that europoors are more 'progressive', fuck most of your Zoomers don't believe in free speech! How much longer do you think you have living in your police state where the kikes are always issuing new BILLS (laws for the uninitiated). Gotta keep payin that national debt in the country with the highest prison population in the world....
You think your free! I can give you the deffiniton if you want..your not!
Which European countries have a better quality of life than the USA?
Are you serious? Maybe in the 50's yea. Go outside your cities & its the fuckin 3rd world.
What about hot women?
Europe wins in that category too.
If you are a neet who earns virtually no income. You qualify for Medicare which allows you to earn up to $1300 a month. Medicare is free
That varies by climate, go to a hot place, got girls in skimpy clothing that take better care of themselves.
Funny story, Used to live in AZ, came to UK for the summer time. A guy at the pub said to me
>OY MATE Aren't you happy its summer time
>Its not Summer, I had to step over a puddle to get into the pub!
He then explained to me that cause of the hot weather he couldn't wait to see the girls outfits...these summer outfits were regular clothing in AZ & I never thought about it! Oh did I mention I was 18 & drinking legally!
Also This BASED trips poster
I would be surprised if Europe had hotter women than California or Arizona.
If I get on obamacare will it get kicked off if my income goes up?
I'm currently working at McDonald's , but graduated last week so my income will be going up soon?
It is possible to get on it and get grandfathered in? Or will I get kicked off when I make more money?!
Someone please help . American healthcare is a clusterfuck
Vote for Bernie and all of this would be a non-issue.
Eastern Europe only, the West is garbage
easy $3000 USD for 1 f**king ambulance ride.
I lived in a affluent area there, wealth is a major factor the world over...but in Burgerland even more so.
Also American girls are fuckin gold diggers!
You might have a bigger #(b/c population) of HOT singles in your area but % wise...EU
Go to some EU festivals!
Get insurance trough an employer, i pay no more than 200 a month.