Buy my fortnite act

So no body bought my account the last time i listed it and was asking 4-5 BTC for my fortnite account, maby some one interested this time? Help my zoomer @$$ make it this year.
64 - Skins
58 - Backbling
35 - Pickaxe
40 - Gliders

All the battle passes since season 3 plus some extra cool ones that only came out once. And i know some epic slimers like to scroll this board cause they listed demon skull pickaxe in item shop after i tried flexing it on this board.

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are you a pajeet or underage? whats going on here little boy

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>literally spending real money on Jewish video games

You will never ever make it

not pajeet just wanna ball now and buy pumps

if someone buy's i pledge that not a single satosherini is invested to BSV

Nah he just needs to have sex.

had my butt licked just yesterday. false accusations
ill sell you my act for 3 btc tho

this bait is retarded dude

Have heterosexual sex

NOT BAITING OMGEE, i have my fortnite act on a email i dont use so i could sell it one day and that day is today

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>grown man

Have sex you absolute fucking loser.

you think your god damn fortnite account is worth $40k? what the fuck is wrong with you retarded zoomers. it's like you have no idea what money even is.

Ohlook this retard is back

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time = money you silly boomer

>there are people who unironically buy Fortnite accounts

No one gives a fuck about this dead game
It will be forgotten in 6 months
Go sell it on Reddit

He bought with Bitcoin?

4-5 BTC for things you can not touch IRL? AHAHHAHHAHA

the least dead game. Probably the most relevant game out there. this act has items you will never be able to have again.

There is a website that does this but its only cash, im about that digital currencies

time = money applies only when you spend your time creating something that other people want. I think you overvalue your time by a lot silly zoomer. There are plenty of 13 year olds with the same amount of cosmetics on their accounts.

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I'll give you a quarter ETH best I can do
what in damnation is a backbling

nice pic. we seriously need the gassings back

No one here is stupid enough to buy online accounts that you can easily reclaim. I hope atleast.

This is the best bait I have ever seen on this board. Kudos Zoomer

t. Millennial

Video games are for faggots and teenagers

you just merge this act with another act you already own, no reclaim.

And this aint bait im genuinely trying to sell it so i can make it like you silly boomers

serious inquiries hmu on telegram @here2win

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lol scumbag pajeets

non pajeet

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A fortnite account will never be worth more than what you spent much less 32k+

You’re a fucking faggot

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you sound poor anons, are you the true pajeet that they talk about? the ones that cant afford tings?


Dude, you're like 25 Y/O and playing fortnite? Whats's wrong with your life?

Let someone put their big toe in your ass.

just came here to laugh at you faggot