my pee pee hard
Nothing burger.
Link token price will remain 1$ until true Satoj reveals himself.
$1000 EOY
Finnaly after 2 years and 32mil dollars later I can see the price of ETH in a decentralized manner.
Thank you chainlink!
this means that real life tony stark millionaire playboy larry ellison (founder, cto and majority shareholder) probably knows about chainlink, or will shortly
pls let him build a jarvis to replace rory as community manager.
bumping for src. op deliver.
Just imagine in 5-10 years
as always
Yet the nibba who posted this was too braindead retarded to see through the false flag fud. Really makes you think...
Here is the problem OP... The Chainlink token is not a speculative source of value, like BTC. It is literally just the the value of running a digital contract. How valuable do you honestly think that can become?
Even if the star align, and everything works out exactly as all of your linkfags think it will, all in all, it is just a utility token.
It is like buying and holding onto a shitload of subway token for a subway that hasn't even been built yet in some shithole, and hoping that the value of a subway ride there will suddenly blast through the stratosphere. Even if this subway ride was just a euphemism for having your pee pee sucked by endless hot bitches, while they massage your ballsack with extinct animal oils, it still wouldn't be worth what you imagine it will be.
Except subways aren't used by every business in the world. Try again and make a more concise argument against Chainlink.
its not a subway though, its a moon mission.
Monetizing data, wonder what that’s worth
so it's a a subway ticket to the moon?
>Here is the problem, OP...Oil is not a speculative source of value, like gold. It is literally just the value or transferring energy. How valuable do you honestly think that can become?
>Except subways aren't used by every business in the world. Try again and make a more concise argument against Chainlink.
I don't even need to. Even if it is a wild success, it will never be a lucrative investment, simply because of its utility. The value of a service can be overtaken by competition pretty quickly. This isn't unique enough that anyone else won't be able to do it, and it is open-source. So you are hedging your bets that it will not only be wildly successful, but that it will be the only game in town. Nobody is even using it currently, and adoption could take years. Why even bother holding onto this now?
>oracle session
>Oracle of sessions
It's going be big
So a physical barrel of Oil is a service now?
I'm getting 2016 election vibes with this chainlink shit
>Monetizing data, wonder what that’s worth
Nothing apparently in this iteration of it.
If they were giving out gaybook accounts with Link, i'm sure all you faggots here would line up to provide them with ample data of your donut hole punching activities for them to market the exact buttplug you need for this particular evening though.
I'd buy that for a dollar!
Ty user, switched ip’s.
Nigga, I could be dead by then.
That's hot. I hope you are.
Yes. The service of getting your ass from A to B.
People would be buying the train tickets if they had limited supply you fucking mongoloid
Don't get mad. Just never buy LINK, and we'll continue to hold. Everything is okay.