
Attached: LMAO.png (1355x863, 785K)

thats almost a full bitcoin, nice

is funny

how do I short millennials

Kek, I made that last month from trading crypto and I don't even know what a 'blockchain' does

Probably skewed by all those with a NEGATIVE net worth

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It's about burgers, right? I assume average networth in EU is like 2k euro.

heh, more than mine
t. boomer

I'm 36 and not sure I have 1K.

i would kms if i wouldn't be worth about 600k by 35

im 35 and currently have $6K to my name.
kill me

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I used a personal net worth calculator and it said 5k that says nothing since it includes retirement funds

I'm 18 and have 7k, feels good man :)

I'm 33 and I am 12k in debt and haven't contributed a dime towards my 401k

I'm not expecting to have a good life past 50. I could have played my cards better but I didn't. It is what it is.

>it's real


so since I'm clearly above average financially why can't I get a gf?


You won’t settle for a fatty thereby eliminating 60% of females, if you don’t like tattoos then you just got rid of 90%

Gives new meaning to the phrase "two bit whore"

>the renting zoomers wagies
>minimum wage
>pays tax's on earned income
>half of the remain half now gets taken away for rent

its literally impossible to save money as a wagie

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Im 31 and have 150k cash and 50k in bsv. Feelsalright

i thought millennials are all in debt

Kill yourself so I can dab on your grave debtslave cuck

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what do your tax bills look like?

>he pays taxes

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How is this funny? Boomers and every other generation sold the West to third world apes

When the time comes I'm going to eat a boomers face off their skull

>live with your parents rent free
>eat their food
>buy ChainLink with wagie money

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boomers will be dead by that time
if you wanna do that do it now

thats... t-thats mean user... im a nice guy...
does having big stiff and a hot wife count?

Maybe you'd be able to save money if you weren't constantly thinking about food fatty boom-boom

>34 here.
>8k on bankaccount
>6k in crypto
>25k student debt.

I refuse to work to pay for boomers and shitskins. rate :^)

>tfw 24 with 100k due only to crypto

Bow down to the master doomer

No they won't
Boomer is anyone born before 85-90

I'm not fat but boomers destroyed the West or sat idly by while it happened because they're weak cowards

>50k in BSV
You lost all credibility


see pic related.
being born in 1984 equals out to still a millenial
boomers are much older

Attached: mellenialboomers.jpg (636x136, 36K)

>paying taxes on crypto.

No boomer is anyone before 85-90 like I just said
I don't give a fuck what pewresearch told you it is

>random amount of years grouped together
>people actually use this shit classification
why are Americans so fucking retarded?

avocado toast is expensive
boomers dont understand

>tfw above average

Feels good man

>$5K cash
>$30K in 401k
>$60K in crypto, $40K split between BTC/ETH/XRP
>$8K other assets

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>feels good
all that money and too old to really enjoy it
boomers are the worst

there is still time to turn it all around fren

>Boomer is anyone born before 85-90
Nope. You're thiking of Generation X.

Boomers are Gen X's parents and the sons of the Greatest Generation aka the generation that had to deal with WW2

SeeAnyone born before 85-90 is a boomer. Problem?

We've been through this before, newfriends. Boomer is a mindset not an age.

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wtf how is that possible?

Holy shit I love not being a burger

Then by your own definition, "Boomer is anyone born before 85-90" is also incorrect.

No savings or investments?

same. ive been avg around $1k-4k daily just swinging crypto bags around. easiest money ive ever made.

I bet median is way lower

Different ID, that wasn't me. But no, anyone born before 85 is a boomer and allowed this to happen

i'd be willing to bet that the median millennial networth is actually a negative value.

What bags swing the most reliably?

At least we'll inheret our boomer parents houses right? Surely they won't sell them to rich foreigners so they can go on cruises, get hip replacements and buy RVs right?


ive had excellent results with MCO pairs on binance over the last several weeks. then of course BTC/ETH - made some great profits off of LINK there for a few weeks when it was highly volatile, now that its settled down, not so much for day trading positions. it depends tho, i usually stick with high volume high volatility - since im typically looking to make a full trade in around 2hr-4hrs at the max. always sell off my bags at the end of each trade day into USDT and repeat the process every morning.

most of that is probably the car their parents gave them too

annnnd pop goes the weasel. economy is fucked.

>having positive net worth

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30 y/o boomer here
Everything i own is in sergeys hand.


You still can.

20 yo boomer here.
I've got like $25k to my name, none of it is earned by yours truly. the impostor syndrome is real.

No its not. You just aren't willing to make the sacrifices needed. If you aren't willing to lower your standard of living you can always work 2 jobs.

>Boomer is anyone born before 85-90

What the fuck are you taking about? Boomers are people born between 1945 and 1965. People born from 1966 to 1980 are generation X and people between 1981 and 1996 Millennials.

Poor cope.

I consider myself pretty poor and my net worth is still 6 figure. This is women with their excessive store card debts bringing the average down surely.

>voluntarily giving money to the jews
>then complaining why all women are whores

>How do I short millennials
Ask the baby boomer generation

Shut up boomer brain, you're a baby boomer