>seek enlightenment
What did he mean by this ?
>seek enlightenment
What did he mean by this ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Never assume when CRAB-17 is over. It's still going on
I think he means enlightenment by improving your personality through learning from other people
do as many drugs as often as you can and enlight
He said dmt was the real deal and that lsd was not relevant. Anybody with experience in psychedelics care to explain?
Also all great civilisations and religions throughout history showed knowledge of dmt usage.
When did he say this
What is that?
In one of the rothschild threads, surely somebody here has the link?
It means occupy yourself with magical thinking while we get the money
This. Or maybe he was sincere and meant it like "There is no way you can win, so seek enlightenment because maybe you can with that" but I doubt it
That's fake you absolute retard
Jesus Christ, the state of this board
It means you won't make it unless you are insider trading.
I have heard many very smart people say that they gain higher level of power through the consciousness they achieve through dmt, while they make sure the masses don't take to it, so they are sure to stay sheep. It sounds like some hippy mumbo jumbo but the more you research it the more it seems like dmt is related somehow all throughout history.
אלו שידחו את הנתיב להארה, יושמדו.
How can you be so sure? Have you at least read the thread?
This . Smoke fat woods all day erey day. If it aint chronic dont blaze it up.
>how can you be so sure
>some random forum from 2011
Fucking schizophrenics, fuck off ruining this board man
Everything he said and the knowledge he has makes perfect sense. If he is larping it is done at an extremely professional level which is just as strange.
But go on calling me a schyzo for asking a simple question about how the elites rule society, fucking lame glowfaggot
You are absolutely confirmed 100% schizophrenic. You actually believe Lord Rotschild, the billionaire, made those comments on that site? You genuinely believe this unironically? And the reason you believe this.... wait for it... is because he said that he is Lord Rothschild? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I'm the Queen. I'm a lizard, faggot. Now fuck off ruining this board you fucking cunt
Great argument there m8, you sure pointed out the logical fallacies in his thread.
>have sex
Your days are coming to an end Mr Rothschild
I have had sex with so much girls but I find it more fun to learn about conspiracy theories these days, there is some shit that is so crazy but litterally proven that it is real. All throughout history.
He's right. Fuck off.
This is YOUR thread faggot, you post it all the time. You are fucking schizophrenic and I don't have to put up with it. Fuck off to /x/ and stop ruining this board
Take your meds and fuck off
This is my first rothschild thread. Maybe on a business forum there are multiple people that are interested about the richest family in the world? If you are not, just post in another thread.
Based and conspiracypilled
literally what enlightenment means.
what buddhists call nirvana, greeks ataraxia or what abrahamists call to be one with God in mind
>globe earth
Enlightenment means: assume nothing, start from scratch in all dimensions of life. Everything that was made by other humans is not for the benefit of you, but to benefit them.
To be enlightened is to see reality for what it is and peel all layers of bullshit off, may they be made by other humans or by your own delusions.
To be enlightened is to SEE CLEAR
No it isn't, check the archive. You've posted this same thread numerous times before.
While he is a kike and kikes are business related, this really isn't
Based and redpilled answer.
What do you think about kundalini meditation? Can that really give the same trop as dmt or are the people that say it does larping ?
Ah yes I must have forgot I posted them due to my schizophrenia, thank you sir
להכיר אחרים זה חוכמה, אבל להכיר את עצמך זה הארה
when and where did he say that. LSD is legit, but DMT takes you directly there, no stops or collecting 200$ etc. DMT will beam your brain directly into the underlying fabric of reality, which is consciousness that is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.
I have no idea. DMT, as I understand it from the Rofschild, is a shortcut that only leads you to the destiny if somebody (a knowing shaman) shows you how to reach it. Never tried it before but its on my bucket list this year.
Nothing wrong with meditation in general.
You are delusional. The link you posted is just some LARP bullshit. They even use American spelling while larping as Lord Rothschild when he's ""British"", you retard. Have you ever read anything he has written or heard him speak in an interview? He is very well spoken since he's high iq and had good education. You are just fucking stupid lmao
Go bully someone else glownig, we're trying to figure things out here
Ok perhaps we are just stupid schyzos and you are smarter than us. Just go look at another thread Surely your smarts must be able to find something more rewarding to do with your time?
He said it somewhere in the thread when he was asked about lsd, answered the true secret is in dmt.
Stop shitting up the board you fucking faggot
Take it to
What do you mean by lsd is legit and dmt will take you there directly?
I don't have much experience with psychs other than a couple low dose lsd and shroom trips.
Since I've started watching Joe Rogan Experience it seems like the most interesting thing I've seen in my life.
Anyone done ayahuasca?