I am currently a STEM student in Germanistan and about to graduate in 1,5 years...

I am currently a STEM student in Germanistan and about to graduate in 1,5 years. There is a loan programm called "Bildungskredit" in which I am qualified for ~7k € with an interest rate of 0,77% (might change).
With the current climate of the economy I am under the impression that it is a good idea to take that money and invest it in.. Link, Bitcoin, a good mix of crypto. I am aware that I might loose it all, but with my future employment I can easily pay back that 7k in

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do it.
take calcutlated financial risks like these while your still young and with close to none responsiblities

do it and put it all on Bitcoin

then hodl

Kind of related but do you guys think it is smart to just buy some dollar backed stable coins with euro's on coinbase?

it is smart only in situations when crypto experiences bad market

you do realize that Sergey owns 65% of LINK tokens right. What makes you think it's a good idea to get a loan to pump his bags?

How much Rheinmetall AG shares for gf like this?

Thanks frens

I am aware of how a pyramid scheme works, therefore I want to get in before it's too late.

>tfw in bonglandistan my loans are 6% interest

Attached: fug.jpg (175x196, 6K)

that's what I am basically doing, paying off my student loans with a payment plan rather than clearing it and using that money for trade stocks/crypto

It is a special loan program by the state. They want you to use that money for books but once you get it, they don't check what you will be doing with it. kek

People talking about taking loans to buy cryptos is the most obvious sell signal.

ahh the old crypto loan plan.

never gonna change are you Jow Forums?

if you are gonna do that, why not put that money in an IRA and buy dividend stocks that pay a safe 3-5% dividend and just have free money rolling in? like a jump start?

why risk borrowed money on speculation?

there were a lot of people talking about it in summer 2017 too and that would have been a bad time to sell

The interest rate for this special loan has been ~1% for 6 years now. If my understanding is correct, I am actually gifted some purchasing power now, am I not? Because real inflation is >1%.
So in reality I am borrowing money for myself and "don't pay interest" to the kikes, which is the German state.

yeah sure that's a good interest rate and honestly, i'd harp on it myself just because i'm sure i could make way more than the interest. however, it's still borrowed money so regardless if you're paying extremely low interest, you still have to pay the principal back too. and if you took out a loan and bought say LINK at 15k sats, you'd be pretty upset right now. but whatever, you know your own risk tolerance better than i.

Thanks fren. I'll take the shot, I just need to time it somewhat optimal.

Not everything with a hole is broken

Do it, 0.77% is nothing. If 7k is a largr amount for you then I probably wouldn't invest it all in crypto. But this is an intelligent bet imo

because then you're making a 2% spread and taking on a lot of risk, at least with crypto you can make a 100-500% spread with a little more risk, but I don't expect you risk averse losers to figure it out

>Gaming a pyramid scheme
>Thinking you're not the last holder if it's obvious enough for you to figure out its a ps
>Thinking link is a ps
You will lose your 7k

try nexo maybe, 6.5% interest on euro