It's gonna recover right

it's gonna recover right

i didnt waste all of my money right

the fundamentals havent changed

Attached: Tesla-Motors-logo.png (2000x2890, 81K)

please go back up

Sorry bro, you got motherfucking musked.

Sorry, your money is my money now.

we are going to 10$

Justed and Musked
Enjoy your bags, mine are super heavy too

>the fundamentals havent changed
yes. And i guess honestly thats why its going down.

Should I buy now or wait till it gets lower?

wait double digits will come

just in time. I was planning on rolling over my 401k to a roth ira. going to go all in boys. wish me luck

>the fundamentals havent changed
nope. still fundamentally flawed, fucked, finito, musked. no change senor, please remain calm as autopilot approaches our final destination, a large white sidetrailer marked 'bankruptcy'

what fundamentals? Musk ran tesla into the ground and has been trying to meme it into profit.

it might go lower to 150, hold till 600

bagholder brianlet

Teslas run on fucking coal from the power house where they burn it to make power retard

target price: 10 dollars


the bottom is around 180
then to the moon from there

meant to say 170

I only go on /biz /o and I can tell you are fucked. The Tesla model 3 fucked up Tesla's brand by turning from a luxury car company to an economy car company. Sell now user and put it into a good company like AMD

when thinking about Musk you have to keep in mind that (((they))) dont want him to succeed
can one man take on governments/hierarchys already set up in place


No tha'ts bullshit, they are picked by the oligarchy to succeed.
Everyone whose a real engineer knows electric is cancelled tech. It only makes sense if you live in Siberia.

shut up u fuckin kike
if you've ever been inside a tesla you'd know better

the only obstacle in the way of superior electric was battery and the grid, now we have that down

by your logic we should run our refrigerators and air conditioners with petrochemicals

Tripled down

The fundamental thesis is short you numbnut

can't wait for you to get liqd, my gains will be in a span of a week, it will be the biggest upset in recent times

he's literally about to undercut F150's and enter into a brand new niche. that's going to change the narrative and then china is going to cave to trump

>Everyone whose a real engineer knows electric is cancelled tech. It only makes sense if you live in Siberia.
I'm an engineer and you're a retard. The cold is terrible for batteries.

What crypto is this?

I don't care. I never shorted tesla because tesla bulls are fucking crazy and unpredictable. But now you guys are paying for what you have done. You guys are getting what is coming to you. I have crunched the numbers and TSLA is worth 150$ at best. At worst it's going bankrupt.
Also, you should short TSLA and buy their junk bond: it's garanteed profit.

>sense in Siberia

Attached: olly_wut.png (980x794, 503K)

You dont have to be an engineer to figure that out lol, just start your car in the winter once or twice.

big, power station turbines are significantly more efficient than tiny individual car engines retard

Lol hi Ross

He just bought maxwell, who make ultra-capacitors. If he makes a car that runs on those, he's shooting through the roof.

They're not planning on using those, that company claims they have a dry electrode tech that's more efficient.
That Tesla is trying to get better batteries than what they currently use is not news. Any of the tech they're looking into actually being viable will be. Maxwell has yet to demo a working prototype, it's all research. Tesla's will be using 70's tech 18650 cells for the near future. If you think Maxwell's tech will work...yeah, you might want to pick up some shares now, while the price is low. I'm skeptical.

only bounce from here is when ford buys them for 30 bucks a share

just the newest run-and gun shitcoin.

please buy