/smg/ - Stock Market General

jesus take the deal edition

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Israel has no right to exist.

Israel is an illegitimate terrorist state.

Neither does the market at current levels. Expect another healthy sell off tomorrow.

b-buying TVIX above $25 kinda asking for it ... X_x
buy SPXL or SPY

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On a scale of 1 to screwed, what's your take on people born after the year 1990? Are they really in that bad of shape, generally speaking?

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Israel is going to rebuild King Solomon's temple.


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Deutsche Bank is going down! Load up on puts if you want to be rich! Take out loans if you have to!

Not if I stop them with my mind

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I think $KHC is due a rebound eventually (pic related)

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in general they're screwed
born 91, on;y debt is mortgage, making ~90K base salary, very healthy savings and low expenses
save ~50% of my base salary, now probably more.
very nice and well maintained portfolio that will generate strong and increasing gains
good health

most other people my age are doing worse, the only people I know in better shape then me had nice gfs from high school that they can marry young and share expenses with while making slightly less than me :/

not if I build it first !

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Give a little bit
Give a little bit of your FUD to me
Give a little bit
I'll give a little bit of my gainz to you
There's so much that we need these shares
So send some cash and show these bears

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the rebound has already maybe begun
maybe it has one more down leg in it, maybe not

also do you have any more of them images there
definitely makes me feel bullish

Life sucks when you have an encyclopedia dramatica and Kiwifarms. I don't think I can even hold a job anymore let alone try to become a millionaire

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W-wow lots of edge today! Very pol!
Remember, we don't have very many allies right now...
Next Tariff: Saudis?
What's wrong with more temples? Very pretty, lot nicer than mosques that don't even have chair technology yet.

I don't want to go long, but thanks
Longs are betting on Powell cutting rates on wednesday I think? I would not bet on that happening.

Only other reason is MAYBE we get something bullish from Tr*mp. But I don't think he's going to back down, and I don'tthink the market believes all the bull tweets anymore. OR maybe we get a sudden "you win!" from mexico or china?

So then why are you Long?

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Do you believe you are an outlier? What % of folks in that age group have negative net worth? Over 50%?

lol sorry I don't, but i bet Bing would help you out if you search "hotdog BDSM"

LGCY headed to $5.

Do noy miss this opportunity

Solomon's temple am critical part of judeo-masonic eschatology. not to sound antisemitic but I would prefer the world not to be destroyed/brought to pure antinomian hell in order to lawyer the messiah into returning.

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me dont care about any of that stuff WTF O_O
going long because there were alot of buying into desperate selling

>Longs are betting on Powell cutting rates on Wednesday I think?
I think the bet is that he just opens the door to cutting rates once or twice later in the year, the market isn't requiring a rate cut immediately.

But if he says 'no rate cuts this year' people are gonna get SPOOKED

I don't know what people's net worth is.
I am an outlier for my age in terms of net worth or earnings.
These days the only people who I could even guess how they're doing would be mostly engineers (people I work with or went to college with), most are positive networth but don't own houses (rent mostly, or live with parents).
The people I went to HS with live in other states, I have no idea how they're doing.
if you want more specific info you have to ask more specific questions, or post more tied-up MILFs
you can look up statistics on earnings and debt by age group you know...


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Ok, I was just looking for anecdote. I've seen some stats and it sounded like you were definitely an outlier. Plus the news media likes to screech gloom and doom for people between 27-37 years old.

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Only happens if Christian prophecy is correct. You believe their propaganda? They put the fear of god in you, you're hedging.

god damn it you're probably right. Then we really COULD rally after the fed meeting wednesday.

uhhh that very cut* but... there's always buying into selling, right? can't sell if no one to buy...

No mater who wins the Streaming Wars I'll win heh, Then once AMRN gets bo I'll really win.

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if you want doom and gloom anecdotes you can go ask on Jow Forums or Jow Forums, you might get more response. you can search the Jow Forums or Jow Forums archives if you want to read stories... ( with unreliable narrator)

most of the NEETs here are shy to give actual details, from what I gather most of the posters here aren't in significant debt but also don't have significant earnings or net worth.

an anecdote I can give is a friend who I work with who is 30, has some 5-figure student loan debt, and only pays the minimum. Spends all his extra money on video game BS for him and his GF (she's a nice person, but kind of lame and unattractive IMO). He makes a little more than I make, could have paid those loans off by now. sad.

what about yourself, are you a zoomer or a boomer?

it's not hedging, just acknowledging certain truths
o no. Is that consumer debt? Surely not student loans??

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have you heard of a thing called a mortgage

Green day confirmed.
outrages amount of Retail shorts trapped


oh I assumed they weren't counting mortgages for some reason. I think that means it's nap time

Is it bad to short SPX right now?

I'm an 80s millennial, got debt but only about $1,000 or so isn't backed by an asset of some kind. Positive net worth and all the basics covered (IRA, 401(k), etc). Consider myself lucky desu, but most peers that I know are doing about as well if not better than me.

>Forgot about CBS, Viacom, Netflix
>Never even heard of Amazon Prime Video

>certain truth
That the messiah was born to a human woman, and once his tribe inhabits a certain patch of land, that same messiah will come down to rain fire on the earth and steal all the good folks off to heaven?

You seem like you're hedging.

I think, ancient books hold much wisdom, but not too much good for "future predictions" beyond basic fundamental truths (order -> chaos -> order, repeat)

Well I'm 36. My only debt is my house. Think god me and my Wife avoided the college debt trap. (didn't bother with it). Both cars are paid off. I've got a steady state job. Pension/401k. I make shit (27k) but the cost of living is low and even after bills/etc I'm left with around $350 - 400 every month. Wife brings home a nice haul also. I can retire "fully" from my job at 50 years old. get full package. Pension is there for life unless the state just goes tits up broke (won't happen; those fucks would die of shame plus the black lash from it during the next election cycle would be bad on them)

>Be born 1986
>Have degree
>Have six figure career
>Paid off all student loans about five years ago
>Net worth of ~$200,000
>$100,000 cash on hand
>All the accounts in place: 401(k), IRAs, etc.
>Approximately $28,000 truck debt (crashed my car in January); $490 minimum payment
>Usually put $750 to $1,000 at truck to maintenance the debt faster
>Stack the rest of money into brokerage and savings accounts
>Live life

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Based edition

Days like this make me feel better about selling my AMZN share in January

Decent day, considering I was at -3.00% (almost -$130) at one point this morning premarket

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How am I supposed to tell the guy that signs the cheques that I bought TLT puts because the thought of spending 72 hours in cash was giving me ADHD?

>SPXS swan dive

nice stuff
what kind of real estate holdings, old man?
why even bother posting
>Have degree

>but most peers that I know are doing about as well if not better than me
that might just be based on the people you know.
Like for me, I don't know anyone IRL who doesn't have a decent job (above average yearly wage), but of course the majority of people have average job/below average job/no job, I just don't know any of those people. The only time I'm reminded that lots of real NEETs exist is in these threads :/

Although I may be getting a pay bump. Current Gov is the least liked in the whole U.S. I think he's even hated more than Trump. Anyway to try to curry favor with state workers I think he may be going to give us all a pay bump. Kinda a "bribe" to get us to vote for him this year. (Not me, I'll take the money though)


Doggo of the DOW edition

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How's Apple doing lads?

Risky. If you want to short during a down trend you do it near the top of an oversold bounce.

Exit my shorts?
Not making that mistake again...

Im depressed that I'll never be rich because I ruined my life ;__;

You guys need to buy LGCY

This shit is going to $7 and beyond

Where is the other user who was holding CY? I bet he's filthy rich today!

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Jesus fuck FINE.

Post your link and when I finish failing my exam I’ll tell you how I fucked my life up worse, yet still have hope.
Unless had gender reassignment, have kids, or have insurmountable financial debt, that is out of my scope.

Nope it's going to stop at $0.50 because I bought some.



a ton of insider buys on GALT just now
Uihlein bought over 5 million shares in the RO

>G-GALT is dead
>insiders buying literally millions of shares

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>He thinks Tesla is going to make it.

Attached: source.gif (500x268, 916K)


so he overpaid for some shares?
so did you, do you want a gold star?

>wut r warrants
>wut is liquidity

The RO makes sense for the actual big money who can't buy without driving the price up


>suddenly spxs limit buy goes through
>my position is now in the red


Did something happen? Something good? We going Bull tomorrow?

Buckle in. Last chance before launch.

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Bull market depends on whether or not this doofus changes into something other than clown clothes

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A couple more day of this and i might begin to forgive trump

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Has anyone ITT actually made it through stocks? Got any stories?

I hope you're right.

what kind of stories?

What happens if he gets impeached in the middle of the steak dinner with the queen? Do they have to escort him out of the palace?

IDK, how much you made, how lucky you got, etc. No idea really, just wanted to see if anyone ever made a ton of money ITT through stocks and how they went about doing it. I'm not really even looking for advice, just looking around for stories I guess.

That’s actually a good question lol

you buy index funds until you have enough to live off it

then you have made it

thats it

dollar cost averaging into safe mutual funds and dividend stocks has me at $400K in the market. it took some time but I should be around halfway there.

I once made so much I cashed out and only had to pay something like $100 iirc

I dunno about anyone else but provided nothing bad happens to T for the next 28+ yrs I'm looking at having over 35k in income money coming at me. That's on top of my other income streams. I make shit now (27k).

In the short term (relatively speaking) I stand to make around 18 - 40k thanks to AMRN alone

is AMZN dropping because Mackenzie Bezos is liquidating her assets? (she pledged 18 billion to charity)

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just bought 1000 shares of BSV on robinhood crypto

wish me luck boys!

I think it's just falling with all the other tech, that sector got skullfucked today

I got a handy T spread sheet that gives me all the gory details. If I started this at age 20 w/only 100 shares by age 65 I'd have 6,680,773.00 in income. This is just w/Drip and not buying anymore shares over time.

That's only half her worth. she still has 18 billion left

she's just pledging to donate, doesn't mean she's selling half today. likely the shares are going to be transferred to a trust

AMZN and FB are to be investigated by FTC, GOOGL and AAPL are to be investigated by DoJ.
It's kinda big news

galtboi is so cringe

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Can you imagine if you owned Google shares and the company got Split up? You'd get shares in each new company for free. Then if each company went on to make loads of Profit you'd end up right nicely

Yeah but FB is fine and it means nothing just a procedure and protocol like a doctor making you do blood work right guys?

democrats and republicans will try to determine if fb, goog, and amzn, use their power to suppress competition

I've seen this one before. Trump was under investigation for 2 years and it cost like 40 million dollars, and they found out he said mean things and fired an FBI director.

What index funds would you buy for income?

VTSAX. Never sell until you retire.

If you’re seriously longing FB you got a whole world of hurt coming. My Jan 2020 100$ strike puts are going to be sweet that shit is going to tank hard after these investigations find the smoking gun(privacy backtracking) and BOOM instant 20% decline
Get ready. Never EVER long a social media company.

How many tax dollars will it take to conclude the obvious?


c-can't c-cuck the zuck

> 1.86% yield

Ehh... gotta have a lot of shekels to live off that

I was hoping just to set my stop at 2900 and maintain margin rather than wait for a big rally that might never come. Makes for a rough ride by whatever I'm feeling very fatalistic these days

don't be daft, nobody cares about privacy. If they find any evidence of wrongdoing FB will pay a fine...
Think of it as if they lost a patent lawsuit à la QCOM v. AAPL or GOOG v. EU

The obscene amount of profits FB makes will keep investors interested for a long time.

> 9.76% yield

That’s more like it!

House Judiciary Committee announces after market close that they are also joining the executive branch in investigating the tech companies


interesting legislative vs executive turf war going on

also very interesting at how the US is front-running any FUD China can throw: China can put all these companies on 'a list' tonight and it won't matter, Trump already blew 5% off their market caps. Very interesting.

old alphabet org chart related

Attached: Alphabet-org-chart.png (1145x849, 36K)


>Div yield 8.58%

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Fat cat dividend right there


total Expense Ratio 2.09%
wow interesting