I have been observing this board for quite awhile now after it got recommended to me. I have a few questions/I want to seek some advice: I got a German 1.7 "Abitur" aka high school final result and I am looking to study somewhere now. What would you recommend? Right now I have selected it down to: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or some form of Information Sciences; I have also "looked at" business but I think I am way too introverted for anything remotely social ._. The other question would be: I want to get my feet wet in the crypto market. What exchange would you recommend to me? I do not have a credit card but paypal/sepa (european wire basically). Or should I get a credit card? I am not in the us and never heard of credit ratings over here.
Pls no bully, make an exception for this thread, it's my first post
study something thats high paid then fuck off to the US to make some actual real money.
Jackson Roberts
buy on coinbase and transfer to binance to trade
buy harmony one and hodl
Aaron Peterson
Unteralter raus. Und wer zur Hölle redet im echten Leben über vietnamesische Korbflechtforen?
Easton Flores
Studier an der fernuni wirtschaftsinformatik während du die welt bereist statt den deutschen boomertrotteln mietgeld zu zahlen. Dann kannste auch später einfacher abhauen nach dem studium
OP bist du in Hamburg? Komm studier WiInf mit mir, wie dieser user sagt Mit 1.7 kommst du da sofort rein. >What exchange would you recommend to me? litebit.eu und anycoindirect.eu da kannst du sie kinderleicht kaufen, und auf Binance dann tauschen.
Julian Bailey
Have you looked at welding user? Welders make 100k! >What exchange would you recommend to me? None, just buy transfer to HW & hodl, wait for 6 months before touching it! DON'T get cocky! >Or should I get a credit card? No!
Michael Walker
Welders make 50k max here lmao More like 15-25k
Samuel Turner
Kraken oder birstamp. Studieren zahlt sich nicht wirklich aus. Wenn du studieren willst, werd Richter.
Ihr kek's, als ob die Welt auf euch wartet. Viel Spaß in einer anderen Kultur, die ihr nicht versteht, weil ihr dort nicht aufgewachsen seid. Zu mehr als Sachbearbeiter werdet ihr es dort eh nicht bringen.
Charles Miller
don't do business do engineering, you can go into business very easily after if you wanted, since business graduates are complete retards companies prefer people with superior degrees
Benjamin Turner
I thought of that.. Not very thoughtfully tho. Seems like an interesting choice, I have to look into that more. Sure I noticed that Germany has lost some glory and the money here isn't really that great ether, but I also heard that a german education is highly praised around the world.
Okay, I read some shit about binance restricting payout tho...
Seems like a cheap response, but how else am I able to enter the market? Slave a way 8 years to have the equivalent experience on my resume? Probably the best choice would be to create my own job and not enter some hamster wheel but I do not think I have/I am not aware that I have the knowledge, let alone the slightest idea in which field to get into as entrepreneur...
Yes, I heard from way to many people that want to get into that/are currently enrolled into a similar program. And I often got told that I could learn a bit of business pretty fast to the point where I am able to get my own business up and running.
The "hochschule in aalen" got recommended to me, might go down that lane, seems like the most logical choice, really. Thanks anons for the advise, I will observe this thread some more in the morning.
>implying you can make money in America I mean, I guess if you don't have student debts, you might be able to stow away some cash.
Luis Ortiz
Hey noch ein OP der jetzt sein abi hat und auch in crypto will. Willkommen Fren. Coinbase funktioniert ganz gut, wenn du ein paar tage auf sepa warten kannst. Dort hab ich meine Startcoins gekauft. Wirtschaft würd ich in Deutschland nich machen, gibt eh schon so viele. Informationssektor macht mom am meisten sinn.
Joshua Thompson
yea, I want to get the fuck out of berlin/brandenburg. The parents house it quite nice and out of trouble in the greater havelland region and the cars I am able to take out are fun but the overall "fun of life" is not great (went to the technical university of berlin in my last year to get a tast of that, it didn't taste good, but I guess I have to get through university..) in comparison to earlier living spots..
Gavin Harris
get a loan op, thank us later
Ryan Clark
also, as education in Germany is mostly free, you may want to take advantage of that