I don’t expect them to do any better tomorrow.
Google is in the shitter for over 6%
it's going triple digits
This whole market is completely irrational I mean we have totally forgotten how any of this was possible post crisis.
Nah, the PPT will boost this shite up like that have done!
It’s not the whole market. It’s google specifically. Antitrust is coming. Not sure what this week will hold for the rest of the market
Brother this is it.
Why is everyone being so fucking stupid just look at the number of fucking funds dumping cash into mining stocks
Uncertainty in China and other things. I’m betting on Crypto. I don’t think a collapse is coming in the US. Maybe I’m dreaming
Like dick is going to happen. It's just posturing.
You think this has anything to do with trade???
This is about rates, this is about QE#506548276 and the state of this economy being so shit even with the fed at 2.5%.
Where are we going to cut to?
How the fuck are we going to deliver stimulus when we need it??
If they cut rates the market is going to collapse.
Fucking Dalio was right
I’m nit well educated in the economy, but I was under the impression that the US economy is in good shape? I know it’s the strongest in the world currently. And fuck the FED. I don’t believe they are looking out for me.
What are your thoughts
Can't wait for this tariff war to turn into a real happenining!
~3.2% GDP is a mask when everyone's retirement is locked up in the stock market
Hmm. You might be right
It's a lie friend, the US economy is nowhere near profitable.
Think of it that way. Inflow vs outflow, debt vs growth.
The debt has grown fraster than the growth rate.
Typically, we've seen economies deal with this by either printing (until that no longer works because of devaluation) or dumping their exports.
Idk how it works for the reserve currency of the world tho.
Kid go take a look at China and Russia's gold reserves. Ask yourself why they are loading up on the yellow metal (boomer rocks).
This. QE was an unproven experiment, and we have NO idea what the long term implications are. Essentially the FED is placating investors, the large institutions are essentially holding it hostage by keeping rates low. Low interest rates = more people borrowing money to invest. We have no intention of ever paying off our national “debt”. Do you guys even know what our debt is? Treasury bonds mostly, that are payable in US dollars. We can just print more money to pay off our debt every time, which would fuck the entire world over.
Additionally, our economy is still the strongest in the world. China and Europe are going to feel it harder than us
I fucked op my post. The institutions are holding the stock market/fed hostage, as they’ll pull al their money out if the fed raises rates
Unless the Chinese decide to sell the bonds, which everybody knows would trigger a massive worldwide selloff of the treasuries, so China doesn't do it.
It does rattle that saber once in awhile tho, especially when cucks like the Donald talk about China 'The Great Enemy'
I think it's all fucked.
China is NOT a friend to the USA.
I think Don just realized we have more leverage over the Chinese and can make more money off of them. It makes sense, we’re importing more shit from Mexico, China needs our basedbeans, and there’s other up and coming cheap manufacturing hubs in the world. China doesn’t have a monopoly on dirt poor Ching chonkers making bullshit in factories
>China doesn’t have a monopoly on dirt poor Ching chonkers making bullshit in factories
You mean child slave labor?
>Thinking Fed Funds Rate actually matters
>He fell for the media meme
The only reason Fed Rediscount Rate would matter is how it would affect perception of investment around the country.
Stop watching so much CNN and NBC, it blurs out reality, (((they))) control the media and the news brainwashing people to believe what they want to