The crash has already begun

Millennials didn't notice it yet while they're busy flipping their homes.
Boomers have still not noticed it yet while trading stocks and buying the top.
Zoomers and normies have still not noticed it yet while trading magic internet money.
Jow Forums has still not noticed it yet while shilling their shitcoins and dreaming of lambo's.
The media is dead silent.
The rich are silently selling their stocks while covering up their ass with stock buybacks.
The greatest depression of all time awaits us.
Start to prep before its too late.
Deutsche is about to crash btw.

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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

what is a smart move if you have about 10k euro in your savings account?

good. i hope it's 100 times worse than 08. i want to see a complete breakdown of society so i can live out my post apocalyptic fantasy.


My dream is as follows.
>full crisis starts with db
>fiat dumps
>btc pumps to 100k
>normies can't afford it.
>crypto exchanges dies after a last alt season
>bakkt eats the market
>the fed dies

The dream

Also, I want to buy a house I need the market to crush

Where I should my 20K in stocks?

There is a reason BSV is moving like this, the Bitcoin elites knows the crash is coming and are fully aware BTC is still wholly unprepared to scale to real-world use. BCH and BSV are the only chance at Bitcoin tech being a safe haven else everyone leaves for Ripple or Ethereum. Hate Roger Ver all you like but he was right about one thing, at the end of the day economics matter.

what would the time of impact be?

Q3 2020?

You're right, the 10Y yield is heading lower than 2% and the Fed is predicted by 85% of investors to lower rates in September.

We're unironically heading into a depression again. Ray Dalio's book explains how whenever interest rates approach zero, you are absolutely fucked. We thought that things would normalize, but the government just keeps buying up assets to effectively pump the money supply like they have been doing for the past 10+ years.

We're heading into the endgame of a economic supercycle. The only ways out are an actual largescale war, an extensive trade war on the rest of the world lasting decades, or a massive rework of the US dollar. It will probably be all of the above. I encourage you guys to put your money in real assets. Stocks should perform ok, but any fixed income investors could get absolutely shafted.

There will also probanly be massive transfers of wealth to spur economic growth but this this will mostly help poor people and the elites. Working class people will get fucked.

>War with Iran
>Trade war(s)
>QE making a return

Pretty fucking comfy right now in crypto desu

It doesnt matter, could be already happening, could be in 6 months, or 3 years. Either way, you will be in the bulldozers path if you don't position yourself correctly.

Own real assets & real companies. Avoid fixed income like the plague, and a small amount of gold if you want to improve risk adjusted returns. Avoid miners though, most are a scam and their objective is to make their managers rich by stealing shareholder wealth, also they are overpriced relative to their asset value and earnings.

Possible yes.
2020 will be the decisive year.

>Doom and gloom
>I've been wrong for over 10 years, but now I'm right!



Its crypto you faggot, only crypto will save your ass

Why do you think institutional money is coming hard on bitcoin, and futures volume on cme are hiting records

If you think normies are going to buy crypto to hedge their portfolio you are delusional. When they see their portfolios tank during a severe crisis the last thing on their mind is to buy some obscure investment such as bitcoin which lost 90%+ of its value in 2018. Yes , we on Jow Forums know its a good asset but that doesn't mean it will moon during an economic collapse in fact it will probably crash because people need the money to pay the bills.

This next QE will be Obama era helicopter money, overpriced infrastructure, and taxing people making six figures to funnel more money to niggers (the great thing is niggers always spend every last cent so there is a huge money muliplier effect).

There has been zero direct institutional investment in crypto. The only investment has been in crypto start ups rather than the coins itself. Prove me wrong.

normie money means nothing

if institutions are coming is, thats what matter

And they are not coming and never will.

Normies don't buy shit, that is why they are normies. You think normies bought anything during the Great Depression to save themselves? No, they had no assets and nothing to trade for and because of it got hurt the hardest and spent their years in the soup lines and begging for farm work.

What crypto will be is the one of the greatest transfer of wealth seen in history. Only the smartest and brightest will have the brains to get in early and hold.

It's naive to assume people will be buying stocks when all of society will lose faith in the stock market as an institution.

>what is Bakkt and Fidelity

Binance report literally stated that bitcoin growth in 2019 was due to institutional money, why you think it pumped since december? Normies doing price average after getting rekt? Rofl

What about precious metals?

Psychological FOMO dictates every aspect of a normie's life. You think they're gonna let chad make 5000x gains in crypto and NOT get in even if it means buying the top with a loan?

> (You)

Please show me an example of an institution that listed bitcoin on its balance sheet. Don't you think Binance has an incentive to lie about the market?

This. I'm a leaf and prices are already dipping in Vancouver - hoping for the same but in a smaller city that won't be underwater in 50 years.

and of course MSM is responsible for driving a lot of the FOMO. We haven't even reached normie-shilling on cable news yet. CNBC Panel on Friday obliterated Bitcoin while it's up what $4000 in 2 months?

I want to add that investment funds report to boomer investors and oldtimers. How would you explain to the 60 yr old CEO of a pension fund who is a big client of your firm that you invested the money in some coin?

i was aware of biz being retarded, but the amount of people here who live in a fantasy dreamland thinking their memecoins are gonna magically moon in a financial crisis is beyond me. And to say that institutions will jump in on cryptos in a crash... my fucking god why would they speculate on btc when they can literally buy any business with INTRINSIC VALUE for pennies on the dollar?
Have fun bagholding the biggest dip you'll ever see, i'll sure enjoy buying them from you.

You're already seeing the Chinese move their money into crypto versus the USD after Tariff man slapped them silly.

when bitcoin facilitates trade in a worldwide trade war it gives every business and institution a reason to have some

Look at the list of names buying the shit out of Overstock. Why would big names like Why Morgan Stanley and Black Rock take huge positions in a dying retail company unless they wanted a piece of Medici Ventures?

Look up what Medici Land is doing with the World Bank.

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I don't really care unless LINK pops off. I have 20K in real stocks but I don't want to touch it because that shit didn't even budge during 2008 and I'm poor as fuck anyways so what do I care if the world goes to shit?

They are just shareholders in the company. They invest in all kinds of new technology . It still isn't proof Morgan Stanley bought bitcoin.

>What is custody

Gtfo brainlet, go buy apple stocks or some shiny rock that a third party company will keep for you

You can't provide proof that institutions directly bought the COIN other than being invested in blockchain startups. You can't because they didn't. Any public company has to report all assets on their balance sheet in their annual report. I have yet to see bitcoin listed on there.

this is unironically bullish for bitcoin

yet another retard boomer

>muh intrinsic value

stay poor brainlet

Which cryptos to buy though?

this, im going all in on bitcoin , its the one thing that will save your cash during the next great depression on the way and also housing here in Dublin is fucking ludicrous holy fucking sharing rooms with 15 Brazilian immigrants in the kitchen with bunk beds for 1,5K a month this shit is going to pop and im coming to fucking cum when it does and im hedged and ready

Sounds like a good timing.

Will put all my cash on sexcoin

you should see ur stocks soon, hold as a cash reserve hedge cash in gold/bitcoin and then buy back on during the great firesale of 2021-2022

the dream of every neet, god I wish you were right, but (((they))) would never allow it

They want a piece of blockchain tech and investing in the company that was at the forefront in the beginning, how is that not bullish for crypto in general?

Also Overstock is betting big on PUBLIC blockchains like Raven and FLO. If it were private chain bullshit like Ethereum is doing with Microsoft I could see the criticism.

Also since cryptos are not a stock, I do not believe there is a legal obligation to report actual coin holdings, correct me if i'm wrong. They could have treasure holdings of BTC and we know nothing, I know Overstock has not reported their FLO holdings but have reported Raven for instance.

See above. Very bullish on FLO and Raven.

When I was young teachers used to say life in Germany was easier because of cheaper rent and that Sweden was the most developed country of westerns civilizations.

Based. There are only 3 coins that matter. The third one should be 100% of your portfolio until it reaches at least $30

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ITT people trying to get you to buy their buttcorn bags because >muh crash
>muh store of value.
If you can't see the writing on the wall for what it is and you lurk here then you deserve to lose everything.

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how can I make money off this
I heard the SQQQ is risky as fuck but is it riskier than crypto?


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Fantom makes ethereum obsolete

I don't get enough shekels from my wagecuck job to DCA into all 3...should I just DCA into Chainlink/ETH and forego btc? Already have 80k linkies

my bad. i was playing the teeka card

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I agree with institutional interest being bullish for crypto, however I am pointing out there has been no proof of institutional buyers of the crypto coins themselves as of now. Therefore institutions buying crypto before or during a financial crisis and a resulting moon in crypto is a fairy tale.

Huh dur, what is the rush to custody solutions all about?

Ethereum has such a huge first mover advantage that I don't see anything overtaking it as a smart contract's like saying this and that is the btc killer; however, btc will live on despite having inferior tech.


You're a retard, can't believe I share this board with brainlets

ETH is a mess

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Isn't this a sign that we are early? Sounds good to me.

go onto tradingview
look at gold charts from 2007 to 2013
now we have a digit gold
have a big think

Instrinsic value is so subverted in mal investment that you are in for a rude awaking in shifting values

Agree, there is no proof and I wouldn't bet my life on it but. But there are also plenty of rumors too, I remember way back in 2013 there were rumors of banks seeking big BTC holders and quietly cutting them checks to get ahold of their supply.

My philosophy has always been this, I'd rather have a big bag of gold than crypto, but since I am a middle-class guy with no wealth to preserve, I have a greater chance at creating wealth and crypto going up 100x than I do buying gold at the pawn shop. Life is all about risk and I find the risk-to-reward ratio more favorable with crypto than precious metals.

It's nice that degenerate scum keeps getting tricked into buying shiny rocks and camo pants instead of participating in the greatest equities boom in history. Thanks doom preppers!

They are offering a product for POTENTIAL users.

Fucking complete brainlet, they have bought 20% of all mined btc in March...fucking child..

Good call either way fren.

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It's brand new technology that is being developed, of course it's a mess. Windows was also a mess when it was first released and look at it's less of a mess.

>The Dublin meme
Honestly it's your own fault

Coinbase custody/institutional has had investment firms for a while. You would rather bait than use a Google search

Is LINK part of this great equity boom?

Good argument there, subhuman nigger

Go back to the favela

When I mean institutional investors I mean firms such as Blackrock not some fund no one has ever heard of outside the crypto cult.

Problem is the “money multiplier effect” is a meme

Ask me how I know you're poor.

what is your problem

fucking brainlets cant connect dots or google, ffs

i know the country is much cheaper (im on the border to dublin) but the prices there are still way overpriced its ridiculous for how much of a shithole it is especially cramming in with 15 brazilians sleeping on the floor in a kitchen lmao

It's not my fault your a fool, like I said they bought 20% of all mined btc in march...if all you can do is name blackrock you will never make it..look at there holding You will never make it^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

2 billion in crypto assets....

Only pajeet shitcoins will not be a good investiment

The original question was whether institutional money from Wall St would flow to crypto in the event of a crisis. So far you have listed one firm with only 2 billion in assets which is pocket change on Wall st.

Wait for real estate to crash, "buy" a property on mortgage at the bottom. Or hold regular bitcoin.

>i already have 80k linkies

... youve already made it bro...

How you holding up on the mainland friend? Are you getting blacked hard at the moment? Its starting to feel like they've dumped half of Haiti on the island.

Where do I convert my neetbucks to hot pockets?

My indicator is global warming and tranny propaganda. When those things stop being talked about in the media, it means they're talking about how bad the economy is, blaming it on the rich, etc. which means is time to buy.

In the meantime wagecuck and get cash to buy stocks because it may take years until it all ends, or even starts.

Are you retarded? VC firms own truckloads of crypto

So should I just accumulate btc and eth? I was going for 100k linkies

Wow, kids these days are funny...
2 billion in crypto pocket only trades otc also....go tell Mommy 2 billion is pocket change

I am hopeful this is still the way average people think.

I can't believe the BSV hype. Millennials are fucking retarded lol.

>yfw Greece did literally this when the drachma got liquidated for eu reparations
Repeat in the civilized world isn't out of the question

You can do whatever the fuck you want. If i were you id buy some ETH and KMD to diversify and keep the rest in cash or physic gold

The crash might not be here yet. We've had too short of a bounce of the inversion and volatility is through the roof.

Okay...I'm just gonna accumulate eth then...I think eth and chainlink have the best potential long term.

>moving the goalposts this hard


>Deutsche is about to crash btw

that bank is awful and has been crashing for awhile. its debt will just be bought for pennies on the dollar from other banks and be turned into profitable loans for them

Not being tied to central banks is intrinsic value. And it’s better than gold exactly because it’s digital

>Only the smartest and brightest will have the brains to get in early and hold.

Imagine developing a massive ego just because you bought some internet meme money before normies did lol

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