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have fun with your bags next week

We literally moooning right now faggot

you bought at the top, didn't you?

>he doesnt have at least 100 bsv
never going to make it

Attached: image.png (552x209, 230K)

Non fags are just mad because the BSV is the real Bitcoin and they don't understand

> top
There is no top with bitcoin SV.

Based and checked

Comfy af.

+ 15 rupee

yes we know your emotional about missing this moon. better luck next time lmfao

+15 rupee
Actually I have some bsv. But u paid faggots shilling it are disgusting.

sure bud

Attached: 1497586371102.jpg (640x633, 191K)

IBM always wins.


Attached: 1557352790437.jpg (491x482, 98K)

anyone that bets against sv bets against human stupidity. losing proposition by default.

You sound like an assblasted core cuck lmfao

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+15 rupee


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Haha they have been behind the times for 40 years

that photo is incorrect retard. LTC is the perfect Sidechain to BTC via atomic swap to have a quick confirmation time to purchase anything you'd ever want.

last time they were cutting edge is when they counted the jews for the gas chambers.

I'm rolling $333. SHOULD I BUY?!

> In the book, published in 2001, Black outlined the way in which IBM's technology helped facilitate Nazi genocide through generation and tabulation of punch cards based upon national census data.


Everything can be done on-chain on Bitcoin SV. Nothing can stop this protocol. Enjoy your muh "store of value" bags as they dump like the trash they are.

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Attached: truth.png (765x515, 45K)

The FUD is so pathetic, I'm just loling over here thinking how assblasted core shills have to be, watching BSV mooning and entire board sentiment shifting in favor of Craig, while there is NOTHING you can do about it.

hahaha, victory is sweet! Are you gonna cry now?

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BSV is a scam and Craig is a pedophile. If you buy BSV you are willingly downloading cheese pizza and will be prosecuted. Can't wait for the authorities to throw the book at you mongrels.

Attached: csw.jpg (1024x764, 108K)

How the fuck do I dump BSV quick. Long BTC hodler not on any exchanges.

don't be so salty user i'm sure next time you will pick better.

What pick could be better than Bitcoin?

Attached: Bitcoin SV (BSV) - Original Bitcoin.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)


NWO coin is already established faggot