Alright Jow Forums, you win. I sold all my LINK.
Alright Jow Forums, you win. I sold all my LINK
Womp womp.
About to take profits and just gtfo of this stablecoin piece of shit. I’ve seen too much shit moon while I’m waiting. Could have 100x my money easy.
Thanks, major pump confirmed now.
kek sure you could have
>Could have 100x my money easy.
kek no you couldn't've'd
mess with the best,
die like the rest
Kek. Newfags are so cute. Be sure to go all in Nano. It's better than bitcoin!
I mean, its not all bad. I bought at $0.39. I just really thought this would take me to retirement. Hold me frens.
>thinking you can shortcut your way to financial freedom because a fat need who calls himself assblaster told you you will
remember Jow Forums shilled btc in 07
i shilled btc in '98
based nick
its coming
How much did you get at that price?
It will if you hold long enough
I'm holding 10k either to $100 or $0.00
Damn dude you didn't tell me you bought 10k that's a lot did you tell your wife?
If you're trying to be sarcastic it doesn't translate very well over text.
No I just recognized who you are by what you said. DW I'm not gonna dox.
That's why it's going to be mediated through a tamper proof oracle.
I ask because I've noticed a lot of people that had a chance at the low price didn't buy $10k worth. They went for a stack size. I think it's interesting how much people try to acquire at different price points.
Nigga, i just bought til i was broke, every single time, did it again today..
How much did you get?
I'm at 10.5k but recently bought. I wish I had waited to buy until now or jumped in a month earlier. Buying more as I get paid.
Being poor sucks, never have fiat ready to buy low
Anyone else about to buy but waiting to see how low it gets?
i have my 12k stack already.
i bought 4k at 1.30 tho.
really thought sergey blogpost was gonna pamp it up even more,
but i have been trading this whole way down with safe trades and made an extra 400 linkies since the blog post
im pissed because i stopped buying at 90 cents i bought all i could.
gonna sell again at 93 cents ish. and hope to see this scam coin go to 60 cents.
is now a good time to buy or is this coin actually a shit coin?
link aint going anywhere anytime soon.
buy the dip.
feeling lucky punk go all in
wanna be smart
start dca now
Good coin, just have to wait a little while to bear fruit.
Is it possible to put an order in to sell my ETH for LINK if LINK hits 90c or 80c?
So whichever one happens first, 80 or 90c it trades all my ETH for link?
oh god we're the next REQK’D
we are LINK’D
Thanks user