How do I profit off being angry all the time?
How do I profit off being angry all the time?
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what a faggot
he was testing his kiai punch
Absolute tard rage
have sex
Holy shit Sergey I know mainnet didn't go as planned but there is no need to destroy every thot you see on the street because it reminds you of Adelyn
serves those bitches right
who do they think they are
Find people like that and beat the shit out of them.
I was watching this retard missed the punch
Why did that old lady flop like that? She looks like a soccer player.
>that delayed collapse
anger gives you strength
ohh wahhhhhhhhh wahhhhh look what happened to me wahhhhhh
their genes shouldve died off a long time ago
Scream into a jar and sell it on eBay for 200$ a pop
Kek that old lady was acting
no she clearly wasnt
he probably shatter her ribs :/
That was pretty satisfying to be honest.
Is he one punch man?
reminds me of this
Nah, just bruises, bones are pretty damn dense.
life is weird as fuck
Call in to Radical Agenda with Chris Cantwell.
Funny question to ask him, since he makes money off being angry all the time.
not at her age - he also caught her fairly hard, the other one was an afterthought in comparison
same fukin kek. was he taking a shit?
>person that can't get sex telling others to have sex
That old woman watches too much Kurosawa.
My mom told me about a time when she was jogging on a trail, the bikers are assholes about sharing it, they'll get super close to you and speed up.
kek same, I'm so used to the webm always being some chinese disaster I was waiting for him to spontaneously combust and take out the whole block
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
What kind of man hits a elderly lady for no reason, wtf....
lol if it was me in shoe of that boy, i woulda sucker punch that retard so hard he will hit the ground.
Same. Wtf is wrong with him? Looks like hes struggling to hold back a massive shit. I stand like that when holding in explosive diarrhea.
>turns around when someone screams because the old lady falls over
I love faux anger.
They were clearly in the gentleman's way.
that's a Jow Forumscel alright
>fall over 5 seconds after being punched
did she died?
It's known as the 5 point palm exploding heart technique, and it's only achieved when one reaches 100% complete maximum fucking rage.
Hes a beggar - the old dear had just pressed some cash into his hand, then walked off, thats what he's looking at it. Pretty fucking sad actually
Young people have had heart attacks from falling on their back too hard. It's very possible the old lady had a delayed heart attack caused by a full grown man punching her in the chest with all of his fury.
holy fucking kek, whyd the old lady have such a overdramatic delayed reaction
She fell when she tried to walk.
Standing was not problem, walking was problem.
lmfao, yeah I was expecting a flaming car to mow them all down or something
This, but unironically. Why the hell would they just walk straight into him? That's so disrespectful and rude
She fell when she saw people around cming to their aid. It's a symphaty move to get attention. Women are just like childeren
Man, I wish I was there, so I could present my G25 to him.
>incel raging
>ID says "WOMAN"
This is like the ultimate Chad but with a pink wojak face?
/biz reading
This is who you're taking investment advice from
>taking Jow Forums posts literally
>having autism on Jow Forums