Is this a buy signal?

Is this a buy signal?

Attached: 1559587959758.jpg (2048x1280, 121K)

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jesus, apple needs to die.

Is that a lamp?

a fucking monitor stand.

>$200 for a vesa attachment
>$1000 for a stand with a single arm
holy fucking shit what the fuck is wrong with apple and apple cucks

What's the big deal, it's less than $1000

So $19 on AliExpress.


Attached: 1558838322588.webm (1440x810, 2.84M)

I wish the media wasn't full of cucks, I'm sure they all clapped like fucking sheep.

If I was there I would have boo'ed that shit as loud as possible.

actually the audience audibly gasped/booed at this part. it was pretty awkward

This is an entry-level price point. Should be a volume seller.

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I've always liked iPhones, but it really pisses me off the way they try to take advantage of their fanbase in ways that are painfully obvious and then claim they're righteous in doing so. They charge about 30 bucks for a fucking lightning to USB cable that must cost about 50 cents to make.

Part of me kind of hopes they take it too far (which they might already be doing with this stand bullshit) and then even their most loyal fanbase turns on them. They deserve that kind of lesson.

I'll keep buying the iPhones I like the look of, but fuck ever, ever buying anything else they sell. They've always ran at a bit of a premium which I've been willing to accept, but they're really starting to take the piss now.

>madtv was actually right

Attached: irackmadtv.jpg (480x360, 12K)

new levels of crazy

This is the thing with Apple, every focuses on the cost of the computers themselves but when you consider the insane engineering that goes into them to get them so thin and airgapped and also the level of support behind them, they actually do almost justify the price. It's the accessories where they Jew you to death, or throwing an extra stick of RAM inside.

there is no way you are going to convince me that isn't a well done Jow Forums shop

Mebbe. The new Mac Pro is a beast of a machine, but it's probably going to be expensive as fuck, same for that new display - and it's all proprietary shit, as usual, so fixing or upgrading it will be through an Apple fucking Store. These are aimed at the pro market, but they're not where Apple makes billions - that's phones, and sales are dropping.

I would say...more of the same for Apple stock. They're not a computer company anymore, they're a phone company. And, considering what's going on with Trump and China and the trade/tariff shit...I'd be pretty careful here.

6K, fuck that noise. They'll sell enough to justify it, but it'll be the same as the poor schmucks who bought the astray Pro - it'll be an abandoned platform immediately, and you will only be able to upgrade the ram/ssds. And parts will be extremely limited and expensive as fuck through their store.

Fuck you, Tim. I say that as a long time Mac user who's typing this from an Asus laptop, because fuck you and your overpriced bullshit.

Hackintosh from now on. Or until they get rid of that faggot.

I always wondered how long it would be after Jobs died when the gravy train stops. I've always believed Jobs purposely left Apple in the hands of Tim Cook knowing he'll run it into the ground so it only cements his legacy as the only guy who could make Apple prosperous.

yeah, fair fucks to them:
>'and the stand is, eh, $999'
>audible incredulity
>rebellion stirs
literally plucked that price out their ass tho, the robbing cunts. Markup must be insane

I see Tim Cook as another Kathleen Kennedy, who probably lied through her teeth that she'd do the right thing with Star Wars, and then as soon as George left the building, lit it on fire.
He was almost certainly a bootlicker to Steve, to rise through the ranks, but the second Steve died, Cook lit Apple on fire, and it's been a smoldering dumpster fire ever since. It's all style over substance. Apple has no integrity left. It's astounding to me how little people care now when new Macs come out, it used to be headline events.

6k. It's fucking mindblowing. You can build as good for a fraction of that. And it won't look as ugly.

actually you can't, this one supports up to 1.5 tb of ram yes you heard that right and has the best graphics card which is currently not on the market

They made similar claims over the last pro, especially the video card. Which never got an upgrade. And this new card is another "made for Mac" card, that may or may not get upgrades in the future.

A lot of ram is nice, but when your machine dies randomly, and you can't order parts, well, enjoy your fancy cheese grater. If you work at Pixar, you might get one.

yes but you can just link together 1080 ti's and get the same performance, its just more cards you have to buy (the total cost is cheaper though)


At the basement-low price of $50k you can't afford to not buy this.

they really started going down hill when they cut their wifi router development team, that was the first domino to fall that has since broken up the Apple ecosystem.

I think they learned 'some' lessons from the dustbin disaster, but yeah, 'proprietary video card' = maybe not learned enough. And at $6k or w/e for the base model, wait a while and see what fucks up first before sinking that. I'd guess most of that customer base has moved on by now anyway, its (at least) 5 years too late

Yep, that's my feeling too. 6k is too much to gamble. This machine is aimed at corporations, anyway, people like Pixar, and video professionals who need to render in 4/8k. But, "Pro", after all. The iMac pro is the same - overpriced, for corporate customers. This is a niche machine - Apple makes most of it's money on mobile devices now.
A new machine that would make me consider buying Apple stock is a $5-600 Air. They'd sell stacks of those.

$6,000 for a cheese grater?

Yeah, but there's an Apple logo on it, wow!

$20000 cheese grater made for departments working in billion dollar companies to blow through end of year funds so their budget doesnt get shafted the next year not meant for basement dwelling neets like us. sorry user

Underrated. Of course zoomers don't know what you're talking about.

Apple is trying to sell the idea of 'luxury computing'. You can see it starting from the 2017 Macbook pros; the device itself significantly worse than it's 2015 retina predecessor. But that doesn't matter: those who can afford it still buy it over the competition. To the user, buying anything else is a sub-par computing 'experience'.

Apple learnt this through their phones. They don't need to be superior to competition in product just like a Louie Vuiton handbag doesn't need to be a better functioning bag than a generic brand handbag - the 'experience' of owning their product needs to be superior. Buyers need to 'feel' they are getting the absolute best technology when they cough up 6k for 2k worth of parts.

It's high-level normie manipulation that, honestly, you neckbeards trying to get rich could do with learning.

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Lol it's just Jewry nigger

Smartest post ITT. You buy 999 of those babies and effectively get the 1000th free.

Even worse wow

Hey, we Americans love our cheese.

An Intel+nvidia+*nix box for 10x the price...yeah, let me jump right on that

I feel for the folks who got left by Apple's profit obsession. And i'm typing this from a $3000 15" MacBook Pro with touchbar/32gb ram. Only computers they make that are just perfection. The iMac gets wayy too hot, and the Mac Mini got nerfed. The Air is a pos and the regular macbook is for starbucks girls

i have 2018 15" mbp too dont kid yourself about perfection I bought this shit computer february this year and it's already been sent in twice due to the failing keyboard. Only good thing about macs is how they're less prone to viruses and people dont think you're a poor fag when you do your work in public.

Based and sataniapilled

>Part of me kind of hopes they take it too far (which they might already be doing with this stand bullshit) and then even their most loyal fanbase turns on them
This is happening already - I love apple products (and still use a 2015 MBP) but in recent years I've seen that they're going off the deep end, and consumers are noticing too, event if they keep buying. Now I hesitate to even consider buying anything they make, even if the product is insanely appealing, which it often is. And plenty of people I know are still using the iPhone 7s because it works and it's not $1000. Unless they do adjust their price point, they won't be able to keep this up forever.


Who the fuck gets viruses in 2019?

They didn't "learn" this, theyre forced to
iPhone sale growth stalled since 2015, which meant they had to ramp up costs to keep revenue up. The cost of their items going up nowadays is not because they CAN, its because they HAVE TO.
This is a pretty good quick read

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Buy a mid 2014 macbook pro. Its still the best laptop available. They ruined the HIDs on the new ones.

I'm still on my 17 inch 2011 macbook pro. Got my money's worth I guess.