Thoughts on sky coin?

Thoughts on sky coin?

My jew friend advised me to buy some sky since I just started investing in crypto. He is obsessed with any coin that makes him any sort of profit and preaches it but never mentions how he's ever fucked up wich I'm sure he has many times before. He's a bro but talks shit up way to much and I'm skeptical about this.

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I too fell for the sky scam. Look at the volume. It’s fucking pathetic. Link has several times as much volume. No volume means no one is interested including big money. Figure it out

BSV does everything sky can do with the added bonus of a consensus algorithm. I have a skyminer down stairs but i sold all my sky for bsv and will continue to do so each month.

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this shit was trading at close to $50 at it's peak and it looks safe to say that it bottomed out at around $1. i've been 'mining' it since day one but i still don't know how to feel about this project. coin hours are a promising concept but could just as easily be a tactic to reduce sell pressure. june is supposed to be a big month but it's done nothing but dump so far. the concept is great (albeit kind of far fetched) and the development is actually fairly impressive but that's largely out shadowed by synth and sudo's shitty personalities. there are far riskier buys out there but i don't know that sky is the most worthwhile crypto to be picking up at the moment.

Link has high volume because everyone is selling

Pretty much this. I'm also mining it but most people have lost faith at this point due to the whole robbery scam and synth and sudo's bullshit. Also the announcements so far are basically, we are on some obscure exchange no one is using

Always have a stack of at least 1000 SKY. This shitcoin will at the very least hit $15.

It could moon. I say this as someone that sold at 25 dollars in bull run. It could really fucking moon back to those levels again. It was 40 dollars bro. It's fucking 2 dollars today, it was 1 for a long time. I don't know, if it even remotely succeeds and synth gets his shit together then it will moon. The coin has a lot of bagholders from 2017 I feel, so this could be a problem in future

I think it really will see 15-20 dollars again, but not yet

Basically this, except maybe dca a small bag

Link just wash trades. Everyone is accruing coin hours by holding Skycoin in their wallets.

Why sudo have 27m in btc if sky is so flash.

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BSV does not circumvent the legacy internet
BSV does not have a programming language
BSV can not issue peer chains that give coins their own blockchain
BSV does not have a consensus method that is immune to 51% attacks

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lol, based Sudo

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The project itself is amazing imo. It needs to succeed. Idgaf about how much SKY is trading at if Skywire succeeds.

The team needs to hire a decent marketing team, and they need a personable guy to be the face of it. They have neither.

Oooft, makes me think

I have seen people selling excess bandwidth for bsv. That's all you need is a mechanism to incentivise sharing bandwidth.
It has turing complete script and a soon to be released fully functional coding language based off C and forth.
It has tokenized protocol and we don't need everyone to have their own block chain. They get less secure, everything on one is way more secure.
Sky doesn't even have a fucking consensus algo.

G can you regurgitate anymore of synths NLP sales rants?

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Reminds me of Pied Piper actually. PP could have succeeded 50x over if it weren't for Richard's bullshit.

Wasn't there insider trading in the community or w.e. before? Coin is a pump and dump
Charged how much for that rasberry pi again? LMAO

8 orange pies for 1 btc: $1200 usd per orange pi


You don’t think it’s possible it’s a ploy to have people not want to trade because of accumulating coin hours. I had over a million and when I realized I didn’t want to to trade because I had so many that this was bullshit.

Same here. I had 17m CH and held through all the dumps because of the high burn rate. Then i started asking some questions about network topology and mentioning bsv as a competitor and got banned from all channels by faglord sudo. Sold all my sky but hadn't updated the wallet so burned 16m CH in one tx. Ah well.
Anything on binance is a fucking scam it seems. Muh trading comp, muh kidnapping.

I literally paid $16k for the stupid miner. I was on board until i dug a bit deeper and thought about the red flags.

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lol, selling unsecured access on the legacy internet is like rawdogging a Hatian prostitute. Skycoin is producing physical hardware that takes data off the grid


hahahahaha, so a shitty version of smart contracts, Skycoin's CX is a full language with blockchain operation

>one chain is more secure

You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Nothing is more secure when it can be ground to a halt because it's shared with 200 other dapps on your shitty platform.


I can easily.

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oh wow you just happened to buy one at ATH and just happened to be shilling bsv, which is inundating biz right now, what a coincidence

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LMAOOOOOOOO *breathes in*

Cunt all you've got at the moment is a glorified vpn. "sky is gonna do this, sky is gonna do that, sky is gonna..."

It's not shitty version of smart contracts, it will allow the computation of the largest numbers of any computer. Kronoverse blows your faggot ass runescape renders out of the water. Bsv literally cannot be ground to a halt because users PAY to use it and this INCENTIVISES the miners through fees. Exahashes, petabytes of ram, zettabytes of storage on the network and 100gbps bandwidth between miners and SPV ring.

You have no fucking consensus algo lad. You have no mechanism to prevent the tragedy of the commons on your web of TRUST (lel), you have no mechanism to incentivise investment in hardware infrastructure other than bandwidth which isn't even fucking metered yet because you have no consensus algo on your MAIN NET (lel). Ohh but synth will implement this later..... Yeah just like he implemented reducing the mining rewards on a whim, or changing CH conversion rate on a whim while shilling sky to 800 in the telegram.

You're in a cult and you get all pissy when someone who left it tries raising valid concerns. Get rekt fags.

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Only if you're retarded. 1 million CH is nothing

If so, it's a shame. A new decentralized internet really, really needs to happen.

Total dystopia if it doesn't.

Arguing with sky shills was like my main hobby for a year. After the project died I had to take up surfing to fill the free time.

I am fudding my own investment with that post, lol. Still funny though imo. The clear box etc. Saw a thread the other day user said he peeled the sticker off to avoid embarassment of them seeing the dump when they googled it. I like Synth and the project but just frustrating

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I called synth a liar in telegram so sudo summoned him and then he called me a nigger. He shrieked and the mod deleted all the comments in the chat when i told him i was whiter than him jew.

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I'm still holding, but I'm not happy. It truly reminds me of Pied Piper, no joke. The wrong leader will completely fuck a project.

>glorified vpn
That was testnet, we're on mainnet.

Lol, it's not a programming language. It's a script.

Skycoin does have consensus while in development (otherwise transactions would not work) and is slated to release Obelisk this year.

Sure, all the best coins are cults. Better than rimming the autist patent troll that CSW is.

Yes, a main net with no consensus algo and no metered bandwidth whose parameters synth can change on a whim. So robust, this will surely thwart the ebil gubment.

You have no idea what you're on about re script. It is turing complete. A more complete language to interact with script has been developed and will be released.

It has a couple of masternodes confirming with each other to write a tx in a block. Probs the same 9 people who have access to all the coins and create their own coin issuance schedules.
>inb4 muh timelocked.
The faggot literally dictates the coin supply by saying mining rewards are this much this month because the market can't handle so many coins out (never mind the fact we dumped on you from $50).

Every person in sky was a nucoiner retard who would rather talk about some retarded interview with that bronze retwrd cryptorick than network topology or game theory. You're appearing eequally as retarded and incompetent in your damage control.

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skycoin is a great example on paper, but im on the telegram chat and no one seems to know anything when you ask them a question.
How many nodes are there currently, what is each node producing in terms of throughput
does sky*net have its own intranet system
how will skycoin deal with over the pond communications if it just piggy backs unto isps it kinda defeats the point
how many connections can a sky node host

have you seen the setup, im a very comp literate and i was a pain to setup, at their current level and rate of progress they are YEARS AND YEARS from making it normie friendly

i want it succedd because i think we need an alternative to the current internet backbone but this project will be nuked if someone like a peter theil gets involved and releases their own product

As of right now coin hours are nothing. Enjoy your bags

If they can't get their act together, then I hope somebody like Peter Thiel does.

We NEED something like Skywire. Cannot overstate that.

>can change on a whim
That can be said of any project, really.

>it's not a script but it's a script

Correct, but no coins are being minted. Muh timelocked is indeed the answer. All is on the explorer, which is monitored by investors.

>dictates the coin supply
As is outlined in the whitepaper. Entirely at management's discretion.

>ur dum
Says the Bitcoin SV guy, lol.

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Fuckhead synth gets on twitter boasting about the 9000 nodes making it decentralised. Lad, you're counting 8 per skyminer as a node, that makes actual miners something like five hundred and a few hundred DIY folk with 4 board. Not much to brag about. Also under graph theory, node count does nothing to confer security to a network it's the edges/interconnections that make something secure. This hobbyist mesh meme is a joke.

Have a look in to metanet fren. The ultra small world mandala network of the bsv miners brings the network (L) ength down to 1.3 hops and guarantees it to be sybil proof. Synth's claims of btc being broken are all based off a RBF bitcoin and a cucked 1mb blocksize. Remove those and BitCoin btfos skycoin on every single front.

Thats what I meant. Not sure how that flew over your head.

No, changing on a whim by developers is 100% centralization. It is not true of any coin hence the bitcoin forks and hence the objective of bitcoin SV to set the protocol in stone so that people can operate with solid assumptions that something won't change. Where's a single business using your trash? The only decent project was metalicoin and even they think synth is a faggot and want to bail on your scam.

The volume is 1 million that’s not bad for a shitcoin

Plz stop

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>changing on a whim
Like forking, right? lol

So I should hold a shitcoin that has a timer that counts a worthless number and calls them coin hours. I was worried when I sold before the June announcement but after I saw it was a coin hour burn reduction I realized I made the right choice. The projects idea sucked me in but holy fuck these guys are a shit meme

Yes, like BTC and BCH did. They forked away so they could make changes. BSV is undoing this kikery and restoring the protocol to how it was at 0.1.0 release (keeping the bug fixes of course).

Keep lolling on the mouthful of synth's cum though you ignorant cunt.

I’m pretty sure these fags shill for sky coin no one is this dumb

>a timer that counts a worthless number
The absolute state of Jow Forums

Ok how much are your millions of coin hours worth fag. Even a million trx has a value

just read metanet, while it sounds interesting its still built untop of an existing internet backbone. actually theres probably nothing preventing skynet from using that system untop of their system.
the issue with skycoin remains the lack of development...for which theyd need massive massive amount of funding.
running a couple "pi nodes" wont cut it.

you just made that up. The difference was paid out in Skycoin

Yeah it's not necessarily an identical replacement but when all sites are hosted onchain, all applications are run onchain, the blockchain is a universal database then it won't be much of a stretch to imagine that the facilities storing the blockchain will start to make business deals with people to allocate more bandwidth to a certain subset of the network for x amount. If any user is only a hop or two away from the heart of the network, creating a mesh network then buying bandwidth for it ain't much of a next step.

Yep which if you market sold at the time would made you a tidy profit.

No, hold whatever you want longterm and trade the rest like with any shitcoin. Assume coinhours are a meme until proven otherwise

I've got about 40,000 Skycoin. Talking about it is worth my time.

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>still built on top of the existing internet
No it's not, that's what the antennas are for. It can use the legacy internet optionally.

They have all the funding they need. They've been posting regular development updates through the bear market.

>running a couple of pi nodes won't cut it
Yeah it will when those pi nodes are responsible for forwarding traffic and running dapps.

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Apps and other elements get their own chains.

Lol who cares if he has btc. Do you have to go all in on the coin you work for?

Everyone here talks about programming languages like they've coded something bigger than hello world in their intro to CS class in community college. CX and CX Chains are revolutionary and they are more powerful than smart contracts. Programs are serialized and pushed onto their own blockchain. People subscribe to that CX Chain and the program is transacted with and updated lightning quick to have it execute it with no delay. This is actually the future of decentralized applications.

This piece of shit ruined my life

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Lol why. You get fucking paid every month.

because it will be 10 years before i break even

most of you forget that Synth (and many of the teams developers) are crypto OGs. They have a SHITTON of BTC. These guys don't care about money. They pay you for developing, advertising and building around Skycoin.
Yes, Synth is crazy but they are building something amazing.

Actually no the skycoin payouts were coincidentally delayed until after the dump from $50 to $5. But they were paid out at the rate set when the victim bought the sky miner in btc. Meaning you got 10% of the dollar value of your original 'investment' back as skycoin. Obvious scam.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night skycuck

This is so incorrect I don't know wether or not to start with the fact that my rebate almost doubled my money or the link to the explorer showing payouts were made several days before the binance dump.

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In the words of a wise man I know:
"I didn't sell at $50 and it's everyone else's fault"