Anyone else notice how dramatic and hysteric everyone is on here? It's like every expression on here is an overreaction...

Anyone else notice how dramatic and hysteric everyone is on here? It's like every expression on here is an overreaction. "btc down 1k for like 2 days therefore my life is over and its going to $100 omg!"

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what a faggot nigger you are

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First week on Jow Forums? Its always been like this

It's a buy signal you fool. Jow Forums is the best sentiment meter. If you see pink wojaks and doom calls BUY. If you see green wojaks and overeager buy calls SELL. It's that fucking easy.


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It's 'the dramatic instinct'
99% of people are bored apes who desperately want something, anything, new and interesting to happen.

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Yeah. Everyone here seems to believe in the collapse of the world.
The funny thing is the belief that buying bitcoin would help in that kind of situation.

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Welcome to Jow Forums

Yeah, like the user asked: "First week on biz?"
But I agree with you; it gets irritating after a while.

Wow she is an angel. I would kill someone if it meant I could just hold her for an hour or 2

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>First week on Jow Forums?
>Its always been like this
Take your non-sequitur and shove it up your ass.

nom nom

Makes sense, I guess without it this board would be a lot more boring.

I think I'm becoming autistic and am going to start using IRC.

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have sex incel

I don't want sex, just hugs with a qt

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t. incel

you really need to do the sex incel sirs

jesus christo, i want to wife them all so bad

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you as well sir, have a the sex

Post milkers faggot.

It's just shitposting. It's a coping mechanism and it's fon-to-due.

They are so beautiful, I will never have such women be madly in love with me. I only have 7k links

I have only been hugged by a woman I was sexually attracted to a handful of times.

The debt based fiat currency system can certainly collapse. The transition to a decentralized crypto system would be rough initially, but I think it's possible. It would be similar to gold and silver but just digitally instead. Back in the day people carried around silver, but no one would now.
That girl also wants her brains fucked out. Without that, she will never properly pair bond with you. Get into a stronger mindset.

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End of the world, as always, boring as shit.
There will never be this hard reset ppl are screaming for! People in charge stay in charge, same goes for the poor.

What might change is americas dominance over this world, thats what Im afraid of only, a Tiger with the Back to the wall wont go under silently.

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You're saying an anonymous imageboard populated by loners without life experience and without prospects in life overreact to normal life?
im shocked

I wish a hard reset would occur, but I know it's unlikely. I feel like I will win in any scenario, but perhaps that's because I'm a healthy male. I have diversified assets, including the most important of them all, food and ammo. A reset would leave a massive power vacuum to be filled and I would become a lord.

>and I would become a lord.
LOL ok pal.

Do you hate fun? That's literally the best part of Jow Forums.

Dont think I'll bend the knee!

Yeah I dunno if it would be a power vacuum like you think, there's already forces way more powerful than any of us just waiting for their turn.

Relax, there is room for all of us! Jow Forumsrealites unite!

That's a big zipper.

We cant build a new world if we still think in Terms of lords and servants imho.

Give me Star Trek Utopia!

The zipper is normal sized, the girl is extremely tiny. That user is a pedophile.

people on here are nasty as fuck to each other. its become the shitting streets of delhi. its depressing. im coming here less and less

being overdramatic about prices or market movements is a meme.
youd know that if u werent a newfag