How much money did you just lose in the past hour?

How much money did you just lose in the past hour?

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I did lose $120k in a week after the bubble burst tho so I’m numb to it

was long eth/btc so i made quite a bit actually thank you for asking

None because I tethered at 8.6k because I'm not delusional permabull

im short, so nothing



4k. It hurts desu

Only a couple hundred somehow


2k. down 6k total from last weeks dump

I made $40.

Maybe $1500
My folio lost $12k in value the last 2 weeks

None, been sitting in tether since FET stomped my asshole in.

None. Sold at $9000. Will rebuy at $1-2k.

$7.99 on a Pizza Hut New and Improved Original Pan Pizza

i haven't realized any losses at this point haha

That's actually a really good deal holy shit.


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Nah bro Lil Caesar’s 2 pan pizzas 8$

the lowest you can go is Blaze pizza



I made 50$
Sold yesterday and did a quick scalp, waiting for this fucker to cool down

$300 bones

a few thousand

I lost -650

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Nearly identical figures. It still hurts just as much, though. It felt like monopoly money back then to me. Now I understand the value of a dollar.

Up $3.65

100 to fucking coinbase fees.
Wiped out my daily gains.

I'm all in XCM so I havent had a red day in weeks

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$10.14 in hour
2k in a day

I'm all in with 200k LINK so about $100k, but I bought in at like .20c, but it is probably going to zero.