How do I profit from increased testosterone?

So, summer is coming and whenever I look around I'm starting to see legs, tits, butts exposed by all the thots.

How do I focus my testosterone to make money and not end up like Bezos?

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You need to go back to r eddit.

I'm running LGD-4033 right now and not only am I making huge gym gains but I'm trading and like an absolute chad. too bad I have a gf cuz I want to fuck everything in sight.

If you're so weak minded or that big of a virgin that random T&A distracts you, you probably shouldn't be gambling with crypto.

What happened in 2018: Usually I never went out or something, till an very old friend from primary school contacted me and said that it is socially acceptable to go to a bar alone. It is okay! So I went to the nearest bar in my hometown, drinking and make some contact with girls.

The problem is that after a few approaches some girl went to the bouncer and complaint about me. Without any discussion I was kicked out of the bar.

So I switched to daygame.. I have a lot of approach anxiety and try to curb that with drinking alcohol. Mostly girls will ignore me and continue their way. But this time the police came to me and said that I was harassing girls and got an fine and criminal record for €100.

and since then I've decided to stay inside.

This is a scam, you'll end up buying fake TrueChain. Check the contract ID on ethscan.

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go to a different bar. Go to the library. Go to the mall. Use the 100 different dating apps and you will find someone you click with.

ignore the thots. rome is forever.

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redpill me on SARMs user

is this pasta?

Ya if you are bad at game you'll end up the guy everyone hates. Not really worth it IMO

>he doesn't watch Honest Signalz on Youtube or Real Social Dynamics

not gonna make it


Seriously fuck off you stupid underage faggot

Why is this board so obsessed with sex?

Summerfags. We're being invaded by teenagers on vacation from school.

Society is obsessed with sex, seemingly moreso in the past five years.

I know for me, it's been almost 7 years since I've put my penis into a girl. Exercise, proper sleep and eating healthier is making me hornier than I've been in years.

Focus on deep dicking these thots

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fuck... why are tall thin girls so attractive?

>tfw dating short chubby girl whos a 5/10 looks but 8/10 personality
>tfw tall girl fetish

What do

enjoy it while it lasts. Your HPTA will shutdown in 6-8 weeks, or less, depending on dosage, natural T levels, and time since you began. Expect a limp dick and lethargy. 70-80% of the weight you gained is water at best, and adipose fat at worst.

testosterone levels peak after around 1 week of nofap

if you adhere to only having sex once a week, over time your body will produce & process more testosterone than if you had sex every day (counter-intuitive)

use the increased testosterone to make more alpha decisions, eventually it will reflect in your life situation, and ideally finances

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alright that's pretty much what I expected, thanks

A nut a week keeps the incels away

Do you even know how to read charts? The line plots the INCREASE in testosterone levels

what the fuck, it's the meme chart again

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bought to jump on some andros - test about to skyrocket boys. Just in time

Zoom out.

Bang on our Lord's day to sell high. If you wait a couple extra days, you'll sell low.

Curious if testosterone on average would be higher for no ejaculation after a month versus ejaculating everyday?

Or you can not nut at all and be at full test all the time.

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>and not end up like Bezos?
>implying Bezos didn't do it to strategically force liquidation of stock to prior to the inevitable trust busting that started today

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Oh yes! dont have sex for one week for a temporal (less than 24 hours) increase in testosterone!...

lol I feel yea. same thing

It continues to increase after 24h, but at a slower pace. Holy shit I'm surrounded by morons who can't read a line chart.

Try having sex raging incel

No imbecile.. The peak is at the 7th day then it regulates itself.

You idiots should do as well steroids... The increase is in free testosterone which is not that important. There are benefits of nofap, nonethless, testosterone is not one of them.

I actually do this kinda. Gf lives in a different city so we only see each other on weekends. I lift monday/wednesday/friday and feel test/energy spikes after each session. I also take 15 g
>monday: very calm and rested all day, not really horny
>tuesday: same as monday, a bit more energy, start occasionally feeling horny
>wednesday: libido is back to regular amount
>thursday: libido higher than baseline
>friday: really horny all day, see gf in afternoon, have sex between 4-8 times between friday and sunday, cycle begins again on monday

worth noting if you want cum and energy gains you should take zinc every morning and magnesium every night, my first orgasm on friday is MASSIVE and I'm super sensitive that entire time, I usually only last 2-3 minutes. That decreases until sunday when I have a small load and last around 25 minutes.

Decency is dead.

Go all in LULU and MTCH

So, hour or two relationships = best sex, eh?

Yeah, you niggas gotta zoom out like the other user said. The 7 days thing is a con, a trick. Because if you make it past that week then your body starts to reabsorb the seminal fluids and send it up the spine to creat cerebo-spinal fluids that will then go up to nourish the brain once a month (usually around the day of your birth is the cycle). For example if you were born on the 22nd you may have noticed that every time that date comes near you become sharper, more aware, more energetic and more in tune with things. If you continue this process and do not ejaculate or limit ejaculation to when you are with a woman (although ideally you should pratice tantric or multi-orgasmic sex; ie. sex with out ejaculating), then you will become manlier the number of androgen receptors in your brain will increae and your baseline testosterone will steadily increase especially free testosterone. Note: free testosterone is all that matters, this is what your body is actually capable of using. High testosterone is meaningless without the androgen receptors to receive the molecule.

Consider yourselves lucky as fuck that I have bestowed this ancient knowledge of semen retention to you. If you can go multiple years without ejaculating (almost impossible) you basically become a wizard.

Have any links for more info on that?

You're a fucking boss mate do you think those
stupid cookie cutter bitches would have the guts to do that. All the best you deserve to make it.

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>watching the hourly testosterone chart
>put in a 10x long position day 5
>close position and sell bags at day 7
>short testosterone 10x while it crashes
>fap, then repeat

easiest way to make godly gains

>100x short testosterone day 7
>start taking estrogen and t blockers

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>If you can go multiple years without ejaculating (almost impossible) you basically become a wizard.
This is what people in some religious orders can do.

Your intuition was right, you shouldn't have listened to primary school guy.

you are smalltime

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Same, only good thing is she is into kinky stuff.

Still thinking about breaking with her every day just for some better looking & younger thot.

Holy fuck you sound that spastic from american pie that fucked stiffler's mom

ive been walking around with a constant halfie to 80% boner for the last couple of days. my dick is pretty big to begin with, but it's very noticeable when i walk down the street. I'm a bit embarrased by it, but sometimes when girls walk by i can see them looking straight at my junk.

t. tall long dicked dangler chad

Have sex (unironically)

Checked. Don't listen to that faggot sarms retain very little water and the shutdown is minimal. At 8 weeks I'll be off it and running nolvadex to bring natural test back ASAP. I've done it before and kept nearly 100% of what I gained. You should dyor obviously but don't let some incel on biz scare you away.

fuck man this was a depressing read

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Record the reactions of girls to your hog. Post

That's why you run PCT brainlet

I assume you live in germany?

Your describing perfectly fits for german girls.
German bitches are the most horrible things that nature itself could ever create.
It wasnt like this until a few years ago.
Most girls are paranoid as fuck and if you walk behind them because you are heading to train station via escalator most of them begin to sweat for no fucking reason.

Too liberated , too much extreme feminism , no propper education from their parents , probably vegan , leftist , workaholic , studyholic , universityholic , mostly allergic to dick , meat. No wonder why germans are dieying out. They try to import more niggers and sandniggers to force/rape their women to breed since their own citizen are not able to do it properly
Seriously user , what would any girl expect if they would go to a bar?
You either go to a bar to have a nice time with friends (even this is a meme) or you go there meetup. Its not your fault , you should probably work on your communication and gestures.

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>Most girls are paranoid as fuck
Might be something to do with the rape gangs Idk

Wow the energy and effort that went into your little fantasy rant is astounding. Thanks God all you do is writing up some dumb stories instead of actually doing things. American, I assume?

>when he shows his ugly snout get out
Almost had me. 10/10 larp

reality often is

Can confirm. I ignore them complettely and do my thing.

You might be cursed m8

women are naturally programmed to show disgust/rejection against social misfits

Every time you feel horny, suck dick for money.

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jesus... this cant be real

Stuff like this is real, years ago I've seen reports in the newspapers about similar guy around my city.

Jesus Christ ...
After 2 or more rejections i just would have go to the gym working out forming my body to alpha from lookingwise. Poor user should have done that instead of trying to force himself into something.
Was hard to read tho

Guys like that have a great way of making themselves seem perfectly normal. It's called being a sociopath. He's 99% likely to be a full blown autistic creep who can't pick up on obvious social signals.

His appearance has nothing to do with his inability to find a woman. Plenty of hideous dudes do just fine.

He's just a fucking psycho.

The reason women are cruel to men is because the hot ones get bombarded by attention from absolute losers all day long and at some point you start telling people to fuck off. The ugly ones copy the hot ones because they want to feel hot.

Greta is out there trying to save the planet while you are shit posting bs reasons why you can't get laid.

Post vid? Also the powers that be often play out similair scenarios in the media you consume and make them seem ridiculous so when you encounter them in real life you scoof at them and reject them. Look into: ‘predictive programming’. None of the shit I’m saying is new at all, the ancients have known about this for a long time and there are studies proving it. When I have free time I’ll post the studies.