Bought this boat with my link

Cashed out my link at the top anons 1.45 and bought this nice River Yacht I'm going to take this baby down to Costa Rica. So I'm assembling a Team I need Crew Members, an Engineer, First Mate, a Piano Player and Women and of course a card dealers.

Attached: SternWheeler.png (808x467, 829K)

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if you're serious I'm in
I can be a crew member/card dealer

Great user What games do you deal ?
Also Card dealers must heel up with a smith and Wesson wheel gun

X dealer here. I can deal everything except tiles. Count me in op.

>Also Card dealers must heel up with a smith and Wesson wheel gun
should be a problem
I know several types of poker and am well versed in blackjack, also familiar with baccarat if the clientele prefer that
where will we be launching from

Engineer needs a crate of Whisky, Skipper

shouldn't be a problem*
will you be providing the firearms or should we bring our own

Stowaway here I can play a mean accordion tune

Central Florida we will take the charted route down to Costa Rica from Port Canaveral

sounds good to me
I'm flying into tampa next week so I'll have to hitch a ride across the state
when are we going

as soon as we get the full crew,
But we have to leave before hurricane season I don't want to get ship wrecked on some nigger island in the Caribbean with out supplies

if you actually have a river boat we should go fishing or sail to cuba to trade stuff they can't buy over there

Attached: AnitaD.png (808x490, 906K)

Are we catching shrimp

No joke my dad went to school with a girl named Anita Dick

>anons try their hand at an international smuggling operation into a communist pariah state
please livestream this adventure and make sure to shill LINK as you're being fired at by the US navy

Can we hire these guys to stay on the bow of the boat and jam or what ?

Is this a gay thing? It sounds like a gay thing

>we will claim it then bring Sergey in as President and Link King
fucking cringe.

>communist pariah state
Just wait till Pic Related is El Prezzi. Business be booming again in no time

Attached: CmNk7Vx[1].jpg (885x516, 58K)

thought I edited that out I am the only king on this island

you think the US navy can just engage trade vessels in international waters?

>assembling a team

>Are we catching shrimp
Ru serious? I've 16 - 50 gal tanks breeding shrimp for consumption 24-7. Just reach in and grab a few.

I would like to apply for all positions sir

What skills do you bring to the table.
Do you carry a watch?

But hurricane season already here. That’s why you need a captain like myself to keep your ass out of trouble while out traversing the seven seas

I can join as the woman, I have a feminine penis if that matters

I have several sir. It’s how I know hurricane season is already upon us

Holy shit, please don't be a larp. What variety of shrimp? How often do you harvest them and how much do you yield?

Some of my skills include not taking shit from anyone. I could make for some mean security. If we had any issue at all I’d shoot first and ask questions later. I’d be dumping bodies down the coast to Florida if that’s what was required of me

Jumbo gulf shrimp

You're just really really slow with punch lines

>Ms in the ID
checks out