Imagine being such an ADHD normie faggot that you don't enjoy your work.
Imagine not putting effort into school and then complaining when you have a shit career.
What a loser
>dude i just want to jerk off to cartoon girls and play video games
Oh you want to be a good goy slave
Never stop working.
Good post but not if you work for someone else.
>Imagine being such an ADHD normie faggot that you don't enjoy your work.
Implying NEETs are normies when literally the opposite is true. This is the mind of the average wagecuck.
It's going to be funny when mass automation hits and useless eaters like you literally starve
NPC detected
Nah, NPCs have sympathy for the unemployed.
I think you guys should be used for Unit 73-tier medical experiments. It'd be funny.
Unit 731*
Would never do that
I rather an hero than live another day as a Slave.
>Wake up at 6 am
>2 hours of commute because that's the closest you can afford
>Kill time till 6pm, if hr is bored they will give you bullshit paperwork
>Have to stay overtime because your boss just remembered there's a project due friday
>Leave work at 8 pm
>Home by 9, at least you didn't stuck at rush hour
>Watch some sjw crap TV show on some jewTV
user, why are you not enjoying life?
i kek so hard whener i see this. it's so true.
more like 60 nowadays.
Do well in all that you do.
Good post
Fuck up wagie
He's right, unironically. If you made sure you did well in whatever you do, you wouldn't be a wagie.
How does anyone find this shit acceptable
Dude just work for 70% of the time you are alive and not sleeping lmao
Gigacope. Even if you manage to work hard and invest well you're retiring after 25 years of work at best if you get lucky
I plan on retiring by the time I'm 30, and I make shit money
Inflation will fuck you over even if you live in absolute poverty
>t. 80% of the human race finds this acceptable
I've taken inflation into consideration my dude.
And my crypto stack will take care of hyperinflation too
Low cost of living? Do you own your own home?
I'm 27 and hope I'll be financially independent (living fully off passive income) within 2 years, crypto makes it possible. Also, if you have your net worth in crypto, you can say fuck you to inflation.
feels good living in the middle of nowhere, literally live comfortably off my 18 hours of easy work per week.
you don't have to, you can just do nothing and then starve to death in the street like the fucking worthless animal that you are. alternatively, you can be a cog in society helping to move things along and be rewarded with food and housing and amenities 90% of the world goes to bed at night dreaming of.
your choice really
Nice cope, here's another (You)
I want both. I want all the amenities without working. I deserve it because my time is more valuable than gold
On track to retire at 27 thanks Army.
>t. Buying Bitcoin with taxpayer money
Have fun working man I'm sorry working makes you feel good......pay your taxes
>one of the things i mentioned was dying of hunger in the street like a worthless animal
checks out, you should be there soon
>helping to move things along
Such as pic related? Does this help society to "move things along"?
most jobs don't serve humanity. they're jobs that shouldn't exist. managers of managers. picker upper of paper clips. door holder opener. jobs created out of thin air to give someone a job. they don't improve society in any way. jobs that shouldn't exist
>nobody works at hawaiian punch anymore because wageslave meme
>walmart employees out of work because there's no more hawaiian punch to sell because wageslave meme
>2.2 million people out of work roaming the streets starving and robbing people because some lazy piece of shit on the internet doesn't approve of a worker dabbing in an advertisement
But you quoted OP
You're dumber than infantrymen with kerlex
I get paid for my CONversation, and you probably talk for free. Cope harder faggot
If someone is willing to pay them to do it, then they're jobs that should exist. You're raging against a surplus. You don't even come close to making a coherent point here.
You want jobs you personally think are pointless to no longer exist? What happens to the people who relied on their pointless job to survive?
>2.2 million people's livelihoods depend on the public humiliation of a wageslave
i don't follow your kike logic my friend, so no, not really.
jobs that shouldn't exist.
50~% of the population (women) weren't working not 70 years ago. they created the jobs they have now out of thin air. they exist because shlomo made them exist to keep everything working properly and well oiled. i'm not saying people shouldn't work, i'm saying a lot of these jobs shouldn't exist. people shouldn't blindly work just because it's work.
good goy
>literally too stupid to understand comment chains and thinks replying to me is somehow replying to the OP
checks out
Do you think you somehow don't work for a wage because you're not allowed to punch out and go home like everyone else? Enjoy a job you go to jail for quitting, you actual slave.
Getting mad because you have no valid point kiddo? You still haven't clarified your point. You're not saying people shouldn't work, you just don't want their jobs to exist? What should that doorman that you think is worthless do instead?
For a few years at least until drumpf want more oil
Dude. I feel so bad for you
Im "disabled"
Buy Holochain I feel bad for you
i'm saying their jobs are absolutely redundant. they exist because they had to exist in current system and way of doing things within our society to keep it all ticking over. where did the fucking jobs come from?! where? you tell me! did they fall out of the fucking sky? how come we managed to create x million more jobs in the past 50 years vastly outgrowing demand caused from population increase or something like that? why? where did they come from? how?
they're useless fucking jobs to fill space. they aren't necessary. it's like degrees in that sense, it's mickey mouse degrees and mickey mouse jobs.
making someone work just to work for the sake of it is subhuman tier. it's like wanting someone to suffer just because you did at your job
Nah im grandfathered in
That would be a shit show
Just buy holo and nothing will matter in a few years anyway
anyway you just have a different opinion and i can see why obviously. to you, the fact the job exists justifies its existence etc. the fact someone created the job means that it's necessary. i dont share this belief
>he thinks the socialist states will create a UBI for not having to work anymore
it's true down to the mickey mouse jobs
t. work at fucking disney
Yes it is very obvious you are disabled.
You're just kicking and screaming that you don't think some people need to be at their jobs, but you haven't made a valid point yet. No one lasso'd them off the street and chained them to a radiator in their office building to "pick up paper clips". Someone posted this job because there's fucking paper clips all over the place and it's causing a problem and they're willing to pay someone money to come in every day and pick them up. What is your problem with that, why doesn't that person deserve to earn a living? Because you personally believe their job is redundant?
Just because you *feel* entitled to a portion of the wealth without helping it grow doesn't mean you get it. Every person working at a job is there for a reason, and every job is as important as the money they're paid to do it. If they don't pay enough, no one takes the job.
Even if there is a guy next to you whose job it is to take the box of paperclips you've collected during the day and dump it back onto the floor at the end of your shift, if you're both being paid then your jobs both have value.
Yes low COL, dont own my own home.
Just had a bit of luck from investing in btc
I have worked out a strategy to get welfare gibs while still getting dividends & having assets which will give me holiday money and a safety net if the stock market tanks
No answer to this one?
Oh, I figured since you were skipping the entire point of my post I would skip the no point in yours since it is obvious and you didn't ask a question. Do you suppose there's a gun pointed at him off camera? You should call the fruit punch police.
Considering Walmart is known for paying its employees extremely generously, if one of the zoomers wanted to be in on a stupid meme for Hawaiian Punch then I really don't think it matters. Just because you'd be embarrassed to do it doesn't mean it's intrinsically embarrassing. Jobs ask you to do something for a set amount of money, if you don't want to do that thing then you leave the job at any time you want and are free to be hired somewhere else.
As for the 2.2 million jobs being lost over Hawaiian Punch specifically, yes that would be hyperbole. Except it is your idea stretched to its logical conclusion. Advertisement sells products, if you stop advertising you stop selling products and every product not sold decreases the parent companies wealth bit by bit, at points in the parent companies wealth loss they need to make up for this loss, generally resulting in jobs at the company being lost. I did not know I needed to explain the absolute basics of consumerism to you on the business subforum, but here we are.
So glad I have 21 BSV and 10k LINK and dont have to worry about my financial future anymore
I don't feel bad anymore you're so faggy
>Look at me being cool on Jow Forums
Tie rope who the fuck is reading all of that shit
>who is reading all of that shit
I assumed you could handle reading one line since that was all that was directed at you, but I forgot you were #ArmyStrong™.
>being cool
If making rational arguments in the face of entitled people entirely ignorant to how their own economy works on the most basic levels is cool then yeah man I'm fucking awesome. Thanks for stopping by, hope they give you the shredded dog food MREs this time, I hear the cubed ones can give slaves digestion issues.
fuck jerbs. the only place for humongs in the economy is as investors. oh, and also consumers but that's secondary, because I believe a fridge should own itself and also stakes in other kitchen appliances.
>have a day off last summer on a blazing hot day in London
>all the parks are packed
>all museums and libraries are packed
Automation is there weapon, the (((elite))) are the new gods.
First robots came for factory workers, shopping attendants, fast food, truckers/delivery, builders and tradesman but I did not complain because I was none of these.
Then AI came for call centers, tech-support, engineers, doctors and scientist but I did not complain because I was none of these.
Then (((Chainlink))) automated lawyers, accountants, actuaries and book-keepers but I did not complain because I was none of these.
Then they came for me, a NEET, and there was no one left to speak for me.
Cope harder faggot
Why don't you start your own business or freelance if you hate your job so much?
Seriously, how much of a pathetic loser are you that you SEETHE at your position and do nothing about it?
>not being a freelancer, basically doing what you like whenever you want at the rate that you want. Better than doing nothing and rotting like a neet
Thanks for the insight Toilberg