Work full time for 8 years in a professional space

>work full time for 8 years in a professional space
>make it in cyrpto and a take a year off back packing east europe
>apply for jobs
>get a phone interview
>"so user, it says here you have a one year gap in your resume, can you explain that"
>eternally unemployed

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explain it to them tell them you took a year vacation worked for me.

enough, please

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>i received some money from a close relative passing so i decided to take some time off to better myself, which included *some bullshit, maybe hippie yoga shit i dont know*
Wow that was so hard

Tell 'em your girlfriend had cancer and you took a year off to spend with her before she kicked.

>make it
>apply for a job
Pick one

basically this
almost everyone in any corporate job loves and lives for vacations and traveling

have sex

Bro just register a business called "Shark Investments" or something fucking gay and edgy and tell them you were a sole day trader and investment manager, salary being whatever + "significant commission". If they ask why you stopped doing it just say "you know how the economy is" and "it's about timing, I got out at the right time". Basically fellate yourself. HR roasties love confidence.

>you know how the economy is
>biggest bubble in modern history all assets at historic ATH

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t. larper

just make up a company, say it was a startup, and have a friend be the "reference"

You honestly think some 90 IQ Stacy looking bitch knows that?

What the fuck is wrong with saying that you couldn't get a job and were just living off your savings for a while?
Like what the fuck is so bad about doing nothing for a bit?

Same reason girls are more attracted to guys who are in relationships. Why would they want to hire the loser who couldn't get a job elsewhere?

...Tell them the truth? Unless the truth was "I'm a disgusting greeseball that spent 5 years jacking it to underage foreign cartoons" you won't really have any issues if you match the qualifications or even come close

>be a writer and an actor
>as long as I'm productive society writes me a blank check for eccentricity

I feel sorry for you guys.

this. interview psychology has not advanced one bit in the last 100 years and they all think you're unemployable because youre not employed.
i'm reading cracking the coding interview and it's mystifying how these companies fellate themselves over rejecting amazing candidates because they struggled on a problem in an interview

>made it in crypto
>Hasn't started his own business or become a venture capitalist.
Not gonna make it.

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This fucking sucks for guys like me with close to $600,000 in liquid assets (not real estate but things I could sell right now), no debt and college educated, but completely unable to get a job that pays more than $35k a year because I have no connections. My salary ends up feeling like fucking peanuts but I don't have quite enough saved to retire so it's depressing as fuck. A year or 2 vacation living on dividends could totally fix this but now I'm afraid that'll make me unemployable and in 18 years I'll be broke and homeless.

I hate this shit.

Is that you bald?

>not getting out before it bursts

>$600,000 in liquid assets (not real estate but things I could sell right now)

Something tells me your "things" aren't as valuable as you think they are

"I was taking care of a sick relative"

boy that was hard


I dont fucking know ask the boomer corporate shill who bins your resume the moment they say a gap longer than a weekend vacation. Bankster kikes cant handle the independent sovereign man that can quit on a dime to live off their savings and see the world.

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even if you could get a job but lived off your savings that means you don't have work ethic and you're free from the system. employers want slaves chained to their job

> can't overcome a single question or concern in an interview.

Never gonna make it. Interviews are a sales exercise. You have persuade them and resolve concerns.

kek how dumb do you have to be as a company to hire a candidate that takes a year off to take care of a sick relative.