I have the cure for Ischaemic Heart Disease. I'm a future trillionaire. I'm working on FDA approval right now.
Dubs decides what I spend my money on.
I have the cure for Ischaemic Heart Disease. I'm a future trillionaire. I'm working on FDA approval right now.
Dubs decides what I spend my money on.
Fuck off.
we arent drinking our piss you braindead faggot
Fuck off.
>I have the cure for Ischaemic Heart Disease. I'm soon to be a dead man because big pharma will never allow a cure to go public
What do you get about larping about accomplishing groundbreaking tasks on the Internet? I hope you’re happy, the person who actually discovers this in a decade or whatever will be a great person
Angioplasty and stents? That already exists.
Is it arginine based at all?
cam girls
It's called calorie restriction faggot
^ trips get.. spend your money on sending me money
Actually it activates the enzyme lipoprotein lipase to dissolve/digest artery plaques.
>I have the cure for Ischaemic Heart Disease
>I have the cure for inflammation
>I have the cure for macrophage and smooth muscle migration
No you don't. Good larp, though
No it doesn't affect the nitric oxide synthase enzymes at all. It doesn't need to.
Spend half on market buying link, trade other half in rupees for a nice life in india. Thank me later.
don't be a piece of shit and sell it to some drug company so they can patent it and charge hundreds of thousands
spend your money by sending 10 BTC to my wallet
here it is OP. Dont be a faggot
wtf all of my linkies are gone
I'm going to produce it myself but I'm still charging $1,000 a bottle
What clinical trial stage is it on? How many years before you take it to market?
That's literally what repatha does. Pcsk9 inhibitor.
I mean, technically it doesn't "activate" lipoprotein lipase, it just prevents the liver from breaking it down, increasing its concentration in the bloodstream, and therefore increasing the amount of plaque it removes from arteries.
But still, already exists, 3/10 larp
First stage is going to begin soon, I estimate about 3 years to market.
Give me a ticket and I'll buy 1000 shares
OP is obviously a faggot larp and doesn't understand the rules of dubs
good night gentlemen
Right, but my drug allows the body to produce as much as is necessary as opposed to working like an ssri
Helping me get a gf
I'm not rich yet, it'll be years before I see any money. But I want to mentally masturbate about the Shit I'm gonna do with it and want some ideas.
Burgers, lots of grease dripping burgers.
Well said my fellow magapede.
Keep it up user. Best of luck
Do not insult me.
10,000 pounds of gain laundry detergent
If no larp prepare to being suicided very shortly.
has anyone ever become a trillionaire from a medical treatment?
dibs and you give me a billion to build a ufo
Haha lol. Trump cuck BTFO!
whats your scam penny otc stock ticker going to be?
We may not even go public
Coke, mansions, whoooores, ridiculous food and cars, whatever hobbies you've currently got, that's all the traditional hedonism stuff.
Philanthropy to get genes, species, professorships, or research institutes named after you are a common "science-y billionaire" extravagance.
Could also do a bankshot route and setup some think tanks, fund some lobbyists, and loot the federal government for billions in additional research funding. You don't get direct credit, but the ROI on lobbying is fucking insane and definitely worth checking out for any richfag.
Finally, thanks. This is the kind of thing I'm looking for.
thats retarded
How likely do you think it is that this will happen? I actually worried about it before.
I figured it was OK because they let the cure for HEP C get out, but I could be wrong.
It already exists. It’s called the Carnivore diet. I eat eggs chedder cheese and 4 tablespoons of raw honey every morning. For lunch I’ll have bacon and smoked summer sausages. For dinner it’s always ribeye steak rare with raw milk ice cream sweetened with honey.
You'll be fine. They won't even touch your company till positive phase 2 and into phase 3. Make sure you actually get stock options as you said "we." Make sure you get yours user. Then don't fuck it up. You've got a loooong road ahead and sounds like you just saw clinical promise. Hopefully you're through phase 1 but this would be all over the news already if + phase 1 data was out.
As for money, if you love what you do spread the wealth for more research to happen. But take care of yourself first. get the right lawyers and protect that wealth for you and future generations. Protect it from greedy bastards and beggars. Then, buy the shit that's purely material, carnal, and pointless. Then buy the experiences and enrich yourself. Finally, play some head games with afformentioned beggars. Buy and island, let lose some people you don't care about. Bring the big pharma boys out with you (you're one of them now) and go hunting Dr moreau style.
Yeah I actually want to funnel money into research of the opioid-immune system connection.
I’m actually a cardiologist. Shill me on this. Btw, the most promising drugs never make it past phase 2, so quit your gloating already.
Provide research funding into SENS research institute and reverse aging so you have eternity to wallow in your filthy wealth as all Americans are simultaneously cured of heart disease (from your drug), cancer, and age-related disease (SENS)
Unironically this. Give it to de grey or George Church
This is why i am in crypto. We are gonna be alive for hundreds of years if we play it right
A PMC to guard your ass a private island and of course contacting me to be a vessel for tax avoidance.
lmao OP is a faggot and won't deliver
best of luck user, I hope you can do some good work
OP post discord let's discuss.
I figure I'll just move the company to Hong Kong for low corporate taxes and no capital gains tax
A couple months back there was a thread on investing on pharmaceuticals. Some user wrote about an upcoming statin that had all the benefits of lipitor without any of the major side effects. Shot in the dark but would anyone know of such drug company producing this?
Fund white nationalism
Is that some peptides shit?
You know that a drug working too good is not a valuable investment don't you?
buy bitconnect or bitcoin sv!
Vitamin K2?
How do you fda approve sports and healthy nutrition?
this board could use some more trillionaires. god speed user
This me might have ip changed.
True but care for local Indians trying to sell you shit watches. Hit us up with some btc in the future so I can retire happy as well.
that image clearly contradicts the general consensus of pol or sometimes even biz in certain threads
The message within would resonate within any sane intelligent man of any political orientation
I have heart disease. How soon can I expect this to be available?
Yeah med student here. OP is a fucking faggott
If you own the patent, cool dude.
I am working on some med shit but am wagie, so all my discoveries go to sheckelberg
You've figured out how to get fat cunts jogging, eh?
>for profit medicine
Is there anything more kiked than this?