The absolute state of boomers/zoomers
millenials must be stopped
We’re headed for some shit aren’t we?
>tfw zoomers and fellow millennials can't buy the dip
My net worth is 500k. None of it from crypto. I don't really care if other millennials waste all their money on avacado toast and iPhones.
Hi inheritance
>17k in crypto (as of right now)
>$5k in the bank
>$1k in precious metals
>-$8k in car loan
So I have double the average net worth of zoomers?
>All of your portfolio in crypto
Hello retard
based zoomers not participating the globalist Jew Kike bourgeois death machine
Found the boomer
Give me one reason why penniless zoomers shouldn't be torn apart for their organs in privately-owned organ farms? Each zoomer probably has a cool million in organs that can be sold on the global market.
> uses old money banking over new money
From what
99% sure a larp tho
Inb4 reply is “i don’t care if you think I’m larping”
>Black guy: bankers/zog
>urine: cryptocurrency
>white guy: boomers/zoomers
Organ harvesting is vastly superior to your shitcoins
Millennial here fuck 8k is pretty good if I count loans my networth is -60k
I’m a zoomer and I have infinite money and fucked all the supermodels just git gud millenials
wtf is this
>be millennial
>spend $500 a month on avocado toast
yeah, no shit
Boomers DESTROYED the West in its entirety
It is in ruins right now you just don't know it yet. Well, some do
Damn, my net worth is like -$18k
>no degree
>100k in LINK and ETH
>guaranteed income of 2.7k a month because of some wrongful death lawsuit (idk)
life is good i guess. used to be a NEET but I learned how to take care of myself and now I spend most of my day reading. I'm in school now too. It's humanities but I don't care, I'll make a couple mil in crypto (possible 10 mil or more).
Found the retard zoomer who thinks that he's a genius for speculating on the equivalent of penny stocks without any intrinsic value
>tfw millennial but hate avocados and don't particularly like toast
Both my parents are heavy smoker and drinker.
Best case scenario they will die by a hearth attack within 5 years, I will inherit everything
Worst case scenario, they will realise they have cancer within 5 years and waste everything on cancer "treatments".I will inherit nothing or maybe even some debt.
100s of generations to build up, destroyed by one generation even rome took a few generations to destroy.
Zoomers != Millennials
Yeah it took me awhile to realize this, but we’re slowly but surely becoming another mexico. Really the only thing that could fix it is eugenics or ethnic cleansing.
niggers being niggers
kids these days don't have a work ethic
>I'll make a couple mil in crypto (possible 10 mil or more)
>kids these days don't have a work ethic
whenever i hear boomers say this i have to laugh
its really code for why wont younging's work for slave labor wages cuz when i was young just on salary i could afford kids,a wife and a house why cant you do the same but with much less kiddo?
I agree, too many mutts, 90% of Burgers are should be killed.
Your all so fuckin brainwashed
But you live in a police state!
Start with the lawyers, bankers, politicians, then the police.
Lawyers (in their current capasity) were NEVER supposed be in burgerland anywho! Have a look @ the war of 1812 & the original 13th amendment.... Here's a clue, BAR, stands for British Accedited Regency!
youre correct but the sign we are becoming mexico will be massive troop withdrawals and base closures around the globe and its coming.
People cannot overstate how much the college lie ruined an entire generation of Americans.
Way too many people are in tens of thousands of debt. Only half of Americans that go to college ever graduate. Only 10% of that half graduate in STEM. Even fewer go to professional degrees like Medicine or Law.
What you wind up with is people owing $20g with no degree and a workforce that refuses to train (in most but not all places) and an inflated housing market + parents that don't want adult kids living with them. Or you also have people that do have a degree but also are still completely unhirable because colleges have inflated and dumbed down their curriculums.
Zoomers are putting more interest in trades and avoiding college because they are debt averse, so they'll probablt turn out just fine.
And you guys know what is even more fucked?
Boomers will live up to 100 yo thanks to progress in medicine.
All of you will be 60-70 and you would still have not inherited jackshit.
Got fucked by the college meme to the tune of 23k and counting. 5k in crypto is my Hail Mary and I’m launching it 90 yards into the endzone, MOON OR BUST
ye, but we have free porn and were going to have UBI soon, yeet. YANG GANG
hello university bro
Even if I sell everything I own I'll still have a negative net worth
I guess I can thank my boomer parents who made more than enough money to pay for my college, but decided to spend it on new cars, clothing and horses instead
wagie you need to get off the internet. Its almost time to get back in your cagie.
Fiat has no intrinsic value
It's backed by government, and your comparison is retarded.
"Backed by government" means jack shit when the dollar has lost 99% of its value since WW2
Muh government
Fuck niggers
You're trying to compare investing in corporation to speculating on one of the thousand odd "currency" ponzi schemes
I'm gonna guess its a weird raceplay gayporn
Don't quote me on that, not a gay racist
My net worth is around $8K but I’m mostly a NEET and work part time occasionally. IDK how normies with real jobs are as broke as me
Who else got started in the dead zone between 2008 and 2012?
>become working age a week after the 2008 recession
>spend years building experience with dead-end jobs in a dead economy
>opportunity was non-existant
>spend first few years competing with laid-off boomers and gen-xers with decades of experience for part-time minimum wage jobs
>economy finally recovers when im in my mid-20s
>relatively high-paying jobs and opportunities springing up everywhere all of a sudden
>companies are so desperate for people that some of them are actually deciding to bring back youth mentoring programs and apprenticeships
>zoomers in high demand for their youthful energy and high malleability
>xers and boomers seemed to find jobs that match their actual experience again
I'll be 26 in a few months. I've had a ton of different jobs in different industries, but I didn't decide to specialize until I was 22 and couldn't find a job in my trade until 2017. Now that there are tons of malleable 18-year-olds jumping into the trades who will undoubtedly be much further along by the time that they're my age, I'm quite the straggler. Who would want some old burn-out?
The most I can do is keep my head down, study economics, and prepare for the next economic downturn. I don't want to be on the shit side of it this time.
I wish the zoomers well. Who knows how bad the next economic shitstorm will be. It will be their first one.
26 isn’t even old, you’re probably better off than a lot of people
> 26
> old burn out
Guess this answers those "Why aren't millenials buying houses" threads and hopefully see less of them.
Thanks anons. I'm probably overthinking it. My work ethic is permanently stuck in survival mode aka "bust your ass or it's out the door with you because where else are you gonna go and you're replaceable at the drop of a hat".
It's probably not the best mentality to have, but it motivated me to break free of the rat race more than anything else.
On that note, that one article from last year about employees ghosting their jobs was hilarious. Serves em right
Millennial with net worth of $330,000 here. What's the point of the fucking article? I made it investing like other boomers. More attacks will lead to "trouble".
Reading that gives me anxiety.
I have - 11k credit cards
+10k in retirement
57k income based on taxes.
Three year lease on a truck, 410 a month.
Plus I smoke week, drink once in a while.
Boomers did not destroy the west don't blame your problems on the success of others
Shut the fuck up and suck more boomer cock. Fucking blow your brains out, grunt.
FYI Zoomers = Niggers!
Rise up, Zoomies!
lmao just don't work no point partaking in boomers pyramid schemes
Day of the pillow soon for you.
The Zoomers are even more brainwashed than the Boomers!
bahahahahahaha mfw have 70k
zero loans, zero debt
owned new car (not proud of this actually could have 20 grand more! its actually only worth 9k now lol. )
quitting 6 figure job and all my normie coworkers are like
"OMG dude you got no plan! like how can you quity man! like omg!"
STOP wasting your money!
This is why I don't want student loan forgiveness. I want everyone else to be our feudal serfs after we make it. Serves them right for falling for the student loan scam.
the only success you can have in this world is secure your lineage
boomers have failed at this in a way no other generation did, as they had the greatest power to influence things yet have or will see their children and grandchildren become childless faggots and mutts
the rothschilds are successful. boomers aren't
>millenials arent spending enough to keep the economy afloat, we just cut rates
>actually it turns out they are spending all they have and most of them barely have a nickel to their name in any savings account
When will boomers open their eyes and realize they are the problem? They keep all the jobs to their in circle, they hoard all the money, and they still want more from us. They want us to give them our fucking last pair of underwear. When will the greed stop? When will they take their foots off of our necks?
This is before you get to a root cause analysis too
Protip: what act was passed in 1965 that imported fucktons of low wage labor from shithole countries? What happens when you increase the supply of something?
Boomers don’t even have the self awareness to realize how they totalled the country, let alone understand how theyre trying to total the future via unfunded pension liabilities
>net worth greater than 0
This is true. Boomers thoroughly destroyed everything without even trying. Jobs gone, marriageable women gone, affordable housing gone. All we have left is vidya, anime to balance off debt and hordes of third-worlders coming here
>civil rights act
It was also the 1964 immigration act, and the Reagan ending of protectionism. Basically the boomers cut off the limbs of their children and grandchildren to make a quick meal... then they looked at the deformed quadriplegics and asked why they weren't putting food on the table. No other generation has so selfishly sabotaged the futures of their descendants like the boomer has. Yes, this was cause of jews, of course. But I don't expect anything less from them, the boomers did it to their own people.
We should enslave them and force them to repay a part of the future they stole from us.
Just learned this the hard way. 3 weeks post graduation for Computer Science and I can't get so much as an email back from the companies I've applied to. Wish I had just become an electrician or plumber.
I just want to get out of this place, I hate living with these people so much.
>graduated uni during that time
>couldn't get a job and turned into a NEET for far too long, felt like a piece of shit
>Went back to school a few years ago to start over and was able to get a job no problem this time around after 1 yr in school...
net worth about 120k 30yo boomer though
Same I have 300k, its really not difficult to save >50% of your income if you're not a onions faggot who MUST live in a big city and have the slightest grasp of the concept of delayed gratification.
Dividend growth investing and crypto.
It's the governments the boomers voted for that screwed us.
Boomers are the largest tax paying generation but they blew all of their tax dollars and that still wasn't enough, they racked up massive debt.
Next to nothing is saved for the payouts their are expecting in government which is why they are importing 3rd worlders at insane levels to try to create a new tax base.
By the time the boomers are dead the west will be unrecognisable, and the pyramid scheme will end in this generation or the next anyway
Thanks boomers.
I hope to be boomin by 2023
>muh avocado toast
>muh iPhones
You forgot your minion reaction, boomer
you can not inherit debt in USA
intrinsic value is a retard concept.
all value is subjective. always.
I live in NYC and make 120 K a year. I'm 24. I have 95 K in savings. I spend a lot but enjoy life. I still save a ton because I have a 401 K, Roth IRA and make decent bets with crypto.
>70k saved up
>employed full time
>live in 24 hr gym with wifi and all utilities for $50 a month in rent
you'll never get me lucky charms fucking rent jews
the value of a part ownership of a cash flowing, goods manufacturing, service providing company, is equally as subjective a sequence of data points on an irreversible ledger?
where do u sleep
yes, because it is other people who decide if they will place any value at all on said ownership, goods or services.
all value is subjective.
I inflate an air mattres and slide it into the sauna to sleep between 10pm and 6am. It has been an entire year. Nobody has called me out
You're not wrong of course, it's just a bit disingenuous to say that in this context. I can see someone talking about it in the scope of 'market psychology', where current events can cause irrational frenzies. Your suggesting that 'all value is subjective' would mean that shares of a stable, dividend-yielding, blue-chip company are only more valuable than the disposable plastic cups at a party, since there is random value assigned to them.
The ownership value placed on those goods and services usually happens with reason, I think you know that.
Because Millennials are the "most diverse generation ever".
This is Jow Forums, you're supposed to be able to add 2 and 2.
Amazing. Surprised that a night guard for the property hasn't come across you yet. What do you do with they money you save by this? Also what do you tell people when they ask you where you live?
>Doesn't understand what the Constitution is
Hint - A CONSTITUTOR: In the civil law. One who, by a simple agreement, becomes responsible for the payment of another's debt.
What do you think the civil war was about? slavery! kek
why not buy some cheap as fuck old van or something?
what the fuck? Why are you living like a hobo with 70k saved? Are you actually insane?
>precious metals
wtf have you spent 11k on with a 60k salary
If he didn't sign for it, he doesn't have to pay it. A parent can't pass debt down to their non-consenting child.
He realizes money is more important than claiming your own little rented space in this world (yes, boomer homeowners, you rent too. From the government)
I hear that & that is right!...But I am takin about the unpaid debt from the revolutionary war! Its still never been paid off! It has been passed down for generations! Hence the Civil war.
The constitution just lists unalienable rights.
Burgerland has never been free, here is what your owners have done to 'Merica. ex. Lawyers (in their current capacity) were NEVER supposed be in Burgerland! Have a look @ the war of 1812 & the original 13th amendment (forbidding titles of Nobility aka Esquire).... Here's a clue, BAR, stands for British Accredited Regency!
There is literally no night security whatsoever besides a front key code entry for members, but only like 20-30 senior citizens know this place exist. The spare money fuels my fun and occasional getaways
At night I park my truck in a rental car company's open parking lot next door to the gym, but gym's way cozier. Better ventilation and access to kitchen
I really only felt insane on the first morning I woke up in the gym and realized I'd unironically been paying 40x more just for a bigger box to close the door and sleep like that