Fuck y'all never right bout nothin

fuck y'all never right bout nothin...

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Other urls found in this thread:


I have never seen anything FUDed as hard as BSV.

yeah but when it all comes crashing down you'll be thanking us
buying sv is like buying bitconnect really

My favorite bitCoin

>yeah but when it all comes crashing down you'll be thanking us
>buying sv is like buying bitconnect really

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What's it like to post on Jow Forums and not know the difference between Bitcoin and Bitconnect?

cope harder
bitcoin suckers version
sucker born every second, craig knows this

Take note, biz.

That is what coping looks like.

That is what a loser looks like.

it‘s from the guy who INVENTED BITCOIN.

You go search the trail, follow what you can find.
Like in a couple of months or even earlier it will be common knowledge that Craig is Satoshi.

The man‘s ethics and principles are 180degrees to what Bitconnect was. You cannot even compare those.

Seriously get educated. This core cuck ignorance is so annoying.

Who’s coping faggot?
I probably made more money in the past two weeks than your portfolio is worth

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>it‘s from the guy who INVENTED BITCOIN.
Kek imagine being this gullible

Bitcoin Suckers Version, topkek
SVconnect wassa wassa wassa didgeridooooo

I just tell you:
Look at the shit thats thrown at him if its legit. Does it add up? Is it all solid?

Then go research Craig with an open mind and no prejudices.

If you miss out next year will be Craig’s coin, new ico planned

Do you have have any hard proof he's Satoshi?

the guy who invented bitcoin, but apparently can't sign anything to prove it


>inb4 but muuuhhh dd-data isnt i-i-identity!

rattled your cage
seething sucker vision

Won't. Not yet.

I‘ll just let this from another user here in a parallel thead. Go DYFOR or enjoy poverty.

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You will always be a cuck.

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Bitcoin Seething Version

Seething poorfag with .2 BTC he bought in late 2017!

Yeah you need to think around a corner or two to figure why he doesn‘t do that. Not so obvious at first. It’s actually the most brain dead thing you could do if you evaluate that fairly. He will prove in court, that‘ll be enough then.

Daily reminder Jow Forums is now /bsv/

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Hahahahahahahahaha holy shit you fell for my parody thread, that's hilarious

Bitcoin Sweet Vishnu

> he's totally satoshi and he constantly claims to be satoshi but won't prove it using the method satoshi invented for... reasons

>1 has signed

About to go to work for 10 hours with no internet. Should I buy BSV now or after work

Bsv has unironically been my safest hold (from $62) desu

>he still hasn't learned

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So you're literally just going to take his word for it, despite no reason to believe otherwise?

Not only that, you're betting money that he isn't lying to you? Even though he has every financial incentive to do so?

There is literally no reason to not sign it immediately, if he did, bitcoin would go to 0 overnight, waiting makes no fucking difference

Is it at all suspicious to you guys that all of his promises are in future dates, and there is always a new future date to look forward to? What happened to May 31 or all the dates before that?

You're all batshit insane, this is exactly like the BCH vs BTC delusion in 2017 (you probably don't even realize how similarly this is playing out because youre all 2019/2018 newfags), hopefully all of the BCH shills have killed themselves by now and the Craig shills will follow them to the grave shortly

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But it's almost 50:50 bsv shillers and corecuck faggots. How do you decide then? maybe one could DYOR.... Nah just wait and buy high biz.

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Why doesn’t Satoshi come out and end this madness by logging into btctalk or whatever? He came out of hiding to defend some old man but let an imposter run around for 3 years now?

because Satoshi died years ago

He came out of hiding in 2014 to say Dorian is not Satoshi, that was long after Hal Finney’s death. The odds are he is still alive or his P2P Foundation account was hacked, but frankly if that were true someone would have used it maliciosly to make money, not do a good deed of getting the media off the back of a poor old man.

Have sex with a cow

Nevermind looks like Finney died end of 2014, Dorian was exposed early 2014, this is some Mandella Effect shit I swear he died sooner.


honestly i'am so glad i figured it still "early" that CSW=SN. like sheer luck that i blew my weekend digging into this cause i was sort of worried. Initially i thought "yeah well lets quickly debunk this motherfucker and find the hole in his story"....took me quite long to realize there's none. This is like a Black Swan Event no one has on his radar, seriously.



It's fucking lame that Craig created Bitcoin, but it's undeniable at this point

crypto world needs to accept this and move on. Bitcoin AND BSV are fucking shitcoins. BTC can stay as a relic, it's here for good. BSV is just a useless fucking shitcoin. Name one single thing BSV can do better than Ethereum?

Oh yeah, that's right. Nothing. It's a shitcoin. Both BTC and BSV are boring useless piles of shit but BTC is the original shitcoin so it'll always stick around. The end. BSV to $0 unless Craig and Calvin keep pumping it until they're poor.

>it‘s from the guy who INVENTED BITCOIN.

Its really, really not.

>when I read the whitepape-, uh, I mean when I wrote the whitepaper

>the creator of bitcoin only came to know bitcoin in 2011

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As a trader that doesn't actually hold any coins long term, and only trade the ups and downs, this BSV chart is fraudulent af.

Ayre is obviously buying everything himself trying to draw a "Chad chart", but good traders aren't interested in unnatural charts that look like stairs.

That's just a time bomb waiting to crash, no decent trader is gonna touch that. If he wants actual organic buying pressure besides himself buying everything, he should draw a more organic chart at least.

>calls himself a trader
>doesn't know the Chad fad pattern

Never going to make it.

I think it's Antigua buying it

It’s due for a 4-16 hour pullback. I’d wait.

i dont know man...i'm just waiting for him to deliver in court.

i know its not easy to see through the shit that has been pilled upon him and i was a hardcore SANJAI VISHNU pro-core shiller for weeks until i got it. so im not suprised there's plenty of people who are still in the state i was just a few days ago.

BTC is a dead end. It will never reach ATH again. Why?
It can't scale. It can't fucking scale.
LN wont solve that - why? Cause its absolutly fucking perfect for money laundering. It's not privacy but anonymity. You look into Lightning, which is a beautful tech to be honest, and you listen to Craig "LN is gonna kill BTC cause regulators will declare it illegal".

Craig has a vision (literally lol) on how Bitcoin is to be designed to be regulatory friendly+can scale at the same time.

The core team simply lacks the competence+expertise in these criticial areas if BTC would ever go towards mass adoption. They dont see it that their solution, what they did to Bitcoin, will in the longrun simply get it banned like Liberty Reserve or E-Gold.
That's why there's no way for BTC to ever get to ATH again.

Institutional Investors and the trading commissions do AUDITS on stuff. Craig has a background in Auditing. He has a background in Auditing, Bookkeeping and Cyber Security. Holds degrees (he produced them online) in COMMERCIAL LAW , Statistics and some other Cyber SECURITY relevant fields. That alone should ring some bells as it "sort of" goes into the direction of Bitcoin. As said, he PRODUCED THEM and they are online.

Seriously get the fuck out of BTC and into BSV if you dont want to get rekt completely the next weeks. You've been warned NUMEROUS TIMES here on this board by now.


So last week it was chinks pumping it based on fake news, now it’s Calvin behind it all, which is it?

I buy 200 shares

>Name one single thing BSV can do better than Ethereum?

suk sperm out ass after sex

Not even close.
CSW is a fraud and LN is not beautiful, it's a piece of shit.

I never bought that copyright or chink fake news junk.
Organic pumps do not happen as a single 5 minute green candle.
To me it was always Ayre alone doing it.

Personally, I think it was him who dumped BTC from 8500 to 7700, just so he can have some fiat to paint another green candle on the BSV chart (which happens right afterwards).

I thank him for that, I managed to get some BTC down near the bottom that I've already resold partially, just to get my capital back, gonna resell the remaining on the next big green candle.

As I said, I don't hold any coins long term, I just trade them.

man i provided you even the link to his docs. you think a fraud puts decades into academic studies? Like...either you're a fucking troll or brain dead.

You can even call up Carles Sturt to verify his claims with the material he produced.

I would usually recommend to DYOR but in your case you should GFY

This is what gets me... there's just no smoking gun to prove he isn't. Despite seeming like a bit of a tard, he might actually be SN. Going to buy a suicide stack of BSV just in case. It's a win win, really.
Lose some money: enjoy the meltdown
Make a fuckton: enjoy the gains

he fakes literally everything he does and has been caught several times, heres one




lol and that Reddit shit, i stumbled upon that on Saturday. When you dig deeper you notice its not from him. It's twisted around. it's a freaking witch hunt. Hope you take an hour or two to dig into this and get educated.

satoshi nakamoto, creator of bitcoin, is a fucking cringey ass loser. i watched him in stage in toronto and he sounded like a complete dumbass.
which means its time to sell the real bitcoin. i’d rather own fiat.


its literally a public document submitted to court and you can find it on any public court website


scroll down to 144, attachment 1.

You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, in the end a lot of idiots like you will lose a lot of money

Ok.. what do you think that says?

Even if Craig was Satoshi, he still asked for and got help from others to make Bitcoin. We is all up in that white paper.

What exactly is nChain coming up with? What makes them different Blockstream in how they operate. Even if BSV does things BTC needed to do to really grow and become a better p2p world currency, it has a central team developing it. I'm not on anyone's side because Bitcoin started a revolutionary new form of money. Just don't trust Craig's intentions although he is a smart lad. Too bad we can't hear Dave's side of the operations.

This. Easy come, easy go.





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It's not about the content you bafoon it's the mismatching dates

At this point l'm longed into the markets on supports/resistance. Praying that a jesus candle might give me back what I lost yesterday.

Did you take a picture of your screen? Man i even like bsv but...
Do you use white out on your screen when you have a typo?

I don't get it.

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lmao no. the shilling comes in waves (usually tsunamis) and then disappears just as quickly. the anti-scammer faggot (you) sentiment is constant.

If you dont know anything about math or cryptography stay the hell away from crypto

Ironically you're probably the most likely type to fall for scams like bsv

Heres the real truth No larp. He's obviously nit Satoshi. Does that matter? No. He will prove he is in court unless you think some podcast fuck can defeat a millionare in court. Normies dont know what the fucj is going on. He will win just as trump did. Its 2019 the truth doesnt matter. Sad but true.

Spelling errors fuck you im drunkish but im right and you know it no matter your real opinion. Normies are fucj retarded. He has the patent. He will also win in court agaun cos hes a rich fuck. Be moral if you want im here for money not tech.

I am highly sceptical about CSW but have been brow beaten into a suicide stack by a true believer I'm close to. And you might not be as smart as you think if you're certain that detailed knowledge of maths and cryptography is essential for making money.

Youd have to be retarded nit to have a few bsv. That said i traded my 10 bsv for qnt earlier today. I should prob invest un at least a few bsv soon.

Indeed. An insurance stack of BSV is now the only sensible course of action. It's going to be fun either way.

Gotta get me a few bsv.

>Gotta get me a few bsv.
I hope you all go bankrupt
BSV is a scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bisexual version cope

Lol get rekt. I wanna see your face in a couple of months

>investing enough in Craig Satoj to go bankrupt if he's found out

Holy kek. My money is safe enough in other things, but you still need to be prepared to come to terms with an irrational timeline..

>What makes them different Blockstream
bl9ckstream is incompetent but nchain is front of a pedo criminal organization and human trafficking network

>en it all comes crashing down you'll be thanking us
>buying sv is like buying bitconnect really
lol, when is crash? i am still in above 2000 interest.

Hey Craig... fuck you

Maybe at the time auto correct and predictive typing didn't have Bitcoin down as a word, not giving fuck he left as is.

You seriously think this is natural? If the price takes off from here it won’t sustain and it’ll fall to all hell

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Kek, stay wrong faggot. The tides are turning and nothing you can do about it. (pic related) It's equally as brain dead to yell everything is a scam than to think things aren't that are.

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Remember this?

> “I am about to demonstrate a signing of a message with the public key that is associated with the first transaction ever done on bitcoin”

I don’t understand why is he saying recently “I will sign after proving in court” lol. lol. Wasn't that bbc fake stunt supposed to be real? hahaha

> “I don’t want money! I don’t want fame! I don’t wan adoration”

> “I will never do an interview ever again!”


seems legit right goys?

Here the guy from bbc with his impressions, he was face to face with that clown: youtube.com/watch?v=zxMU4C6bGKw

> there will be no split
bch splits

> i will destroy bch
bch not destroyed

> btc will be $0 eoy 2018
btc $4000 eoy 2018

> i am satoshi
can’t sign a simple fucking message

> says I will sign after proving in court
but... wasn't the bbc stunt supposed to be a real signature? LOL

> submits a list of addresses of some fake tulip trust bullshit to court...
one of the addresses he claimed was signed by the real owner with a message saying the address is not belonging to this craig clown

> unlawfully registers a copyright on btc white paper and code in a stunt to cause a dump on btc
btc doesnt flintch

> next day copyright office confirms they didnt confirm this clown is satoshit and reaffirms that anyone can register anything with them
ultra fail

> some brainlets compare this piece of trash with trump, but trump is a winner
this clown is a loser

Guys this fakethosi clown is a fucking scam a pure and simple trash bag for everyone to see.

> He keeps putting a large biz budget for his trash biz shill army in an attempt to change public opinion
he fails miserably, anyone with one inch of brain sees this guy is a fucking trashbag scam

Fuck you and all you brainlets who support this fucking faketoshi loser piece of shit

okay so nambla is a legit good organization because all the shit flung at them? brainlet

account was already compromized in 2011

stay poor

craig posters are like the flat earthers of the crypto space, they need to stop

BSV = Bit Coin Shit Version

i blame the linkies for every pack of nushills who relentlessly spam the board with unfunny in-jokes in desperate hopes that it will somehow make people buy their bags instead of making everyone hate them

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Such a long sentence. Where’s the structure?

Do you have have any hard proof he's Satoshi?
Does anyone have any hard proof he's Satoshi?
Does any hard proof he's Satoshi exist?
Is he Satoshi?