>believing that your company cares about you
Believing that your company cares about you
>letting personal life impact your professional performance and/or vice-versa
Not gonna make it.
I know my company doesn't give a shit about me but I do my best anyway because I want to be better than everyone else. I want to be the best so nobody else gets to be smug about it, and I try to act humble in their place.
Isn't this the wageslave attitude neets talks about
imagine if he killed reddit OP's parents
That guy's 100% killing himself.
Wagie mindset. Cucked for life
A friend of mine's father was killed while working security, shot during an attempted siege. Yeah sure the company cares but their main concern is getting back to business and forgetting the whole event and you even happened. Just like HR, frens, companies are not your friends.
im not sure what website that is fren, but it don't look like a very good place. I'd suggest going back there AND GETTING THE FUCK OFF MY GOD DAMN BOARD
Based as fuck.
All the crying NEET faggots in this thread aren't people and I would gladly fire you in a heartbeat if you went through a tragedy, I'd probably laugh about it too
Stockholm syndrome
If you cry when your parents die youre an oversensitive bitch and you won't make it.
Who says he cried
You're crying right now faggot.
>having emotions at all aside from greed and disgust
Not gonna happen
Eh at the end of the day none of this will save you from death
>i would glady fire a neet
how retarded are you?
Cry more slave morality bitch.
Hello pot
Must be a bad day in crypto for you faggots to be arguing over a fucking reddit larp
Women should be beaten
Hello dogfood
I think you missed the point, it isn't about the work for me. I like to be better than other people I don't do it for the company they can go fuck themselves too.
I just don't like seeing normies think they're better than other people because they "work harder" or some bullshit like that. Once I make enough money to NEET it up for a few months I'll do so and lie to the next company just like I did with this one, but until then I enjoy being the best and often there are benefits that come with it.
>be me
>IT in fortune 500 company
>make a little over 60k a year (nothing compared to the average Jow Forums 300k starting math major but it lets me live comfy
>our entire department is boomers that take 30 minutes to send a 200 word email
>read the catalog of Jow Forums, /ck/, and Jow Forums every day on phone at desk
>do all of my work in last 2 hours of day
>get huge praise from manager and his manager for being one of the most productive people in the department
I don't care for my company and I don't put in extra effort, but all you have to do is be better than the average pleb and you get rewarded. It's not hard.
People who work harder are better than NEETs, though. NEETs would be more useful to society if they were used as fuel.
based domestic assault user
I want to work both smart AND hard resulting in such gains that I can live off my own work for years to come. That's the sort of NEET I'm talking about, not the greeseball jacking to anime girls. I agree people who work harder are better from the perspective of a community but I am a selfish person. I don't care about other people outside of my immediate sphere of influence.
This. That kid is a huge faggot. At least have the self awareness to know ur fucking up. U still have their sympathies
Faggots who think the company are assholes will never ever make it. They think the world owes them something. The world owes you nothing. A business owner can lose a kid and must still work the next day, or else lose his business.
All women should be arrested
How does one lie to a company? Any standard procedures?
Maybe in a better time or a better company, but most people probably feel the same as this semi NEET does, they just can't hustle like him
Ah the typical corporate wageslave mindset, hopefully I pray the apocalypse comes soon
No i mean I literally hate NEETs so nuch that I think we should find a way to turn them into fuel. They're so useless they would be better for everyone as human batteries like in the Matrix. Especially losers like
I don't really "lie" exactly. All you need to do is give enough information so that they don't ask any in depth questions. For example:
>6 month gap
>Format dates in year increments instead of monthly
>2016-18 Company X
>2018 Company Y
>Little do they know you didn't work for half of 2018
I've never had anyone ask me specifically which dates, if they do tell them the truth and have a good sounding reason why you had a gap. Plenty of excuses to use, ailing parents, medical issues, traveling the world some bullshit like that most normies these days actually find those fascinating and would like to know more. Helps if you've actually done those things before so you can simply rehash stories from 5 years ago.
As for experience I always just take a few months on the start and end if you have less than a year at a company but this really only applies to people with almost no experience. As for education if you haven't finished just put you attended school _____ for ______. People WILL be turned off by generalizations, but realistically more would be turned off by the blatant truth. Technically I never outright lie if I can help it, simply withold information like the companies themselves do. Just keep in mind while you do it that the people you're talking to have heard all manner of excuses before so the best lies have the truth sprinkled in.
Based psychopath user.
Coffee is for closers only.
Good goy. Difficult to free wagies from the chains they revere ain't that right, like in playdohs cave
>implying you are not the goyim in this scenario
I am not the goyim in this scenario.
t. Future human battery goyim
I used to be a NEET but I didn't enjoy it, I hated sitting inside all day playing video games it was a disgusting lifestyle. I wanted to change but at the time it was as if the idea of being able to change was foreign, glad I got out of that mindset but it left a big black mark on my wealth building years. If any of you are NEETs and don't have anything going on you better get to it because you don't want to reach 30 and have no job skills especially if crypto takes a big fat nose dive for some reason. Highly unlikely but since when is anything 100% certain
If you say so kikeberg
I went the full-on lie route and it worked magnificently.
I was in community college in 2013-2014 and maxed my student loans every single quarter to buy Bitcoin, which means I was taking the absolute minimum number of credits which eventually landed me on academic probation.
At this point I dropped out entirely and began lying on my resume, saying I had a 4 year degree, and then proceeded to apply to tech startups that don't have the time or budget to background check (I'm in Silicon Valley). I started making $60k-$90k in various entry level tech jobs, eventually getting into database admin and data analysis, pretty technical work.
Then 2017 happened and now I don't need to lie to anyone or even work at all.
You're not supposed to embark on a path of mediocrity. You're supposed to embark on a path of self-improvement. IMO if you're not blackpilled then you just don't know enough. How anyone can earnestly want to participate in this captive society is beyond me. Ignorance and apathy is the only logical explanation.
It's one thing for the work to ask for vacation and being denied but how can you expect to get paid for not doing your work?
It's not like NEETs give a fuck about other people. What are you even arguing for here?
I already wentpast the blackpill and took the honkpill user, that's why i don't care anymore it's all so fucking hilarious. I'm just going to try to make as much money as humanly possible so I don't have to work anymore. Part of taking the honkpill for me was realizing that after self improvement I am able to do things faster and better than normies for little to no effort, so it's hilarious to me to see them struggle to keep up
Did you land any snags? There aren't much for those jobs around here and I get the feeling they would check. What type of work was it that you did? Can't you get in legal trouble if they catch you in a position that actually requires a person with a degree for certification?
The worst part about this is that this dumb bitch wants to virtue signal so hard that she will "reach out to him". I hope she gets cancer.
why make neets human batteries when people like you already fill that purpose
If by snags you mean did it ever become an issue, no.. that's why I only applied to small startups. They don't have the time or resources to do lengthy background check processes for every applicant, they need to move quickly and cheaply.
I did growth marketing/sales development work at first and then moved into more technical work involving databases and data analysis. It definitely helped that I had already self-taught lots of low-level programing/scripting. I am now a self-employed software engineer working on my own game and game engine, to put it into perspective.
As for legal trouble, no. They take responsibility for hiring you. Jobs where you are legally required to have a certain cert/qualification for the job will ask to see that upfront and/or background check you.
Interesting, do you have any tips for someone that's currently looking for a job with no degree but basic technical skills that also has self taught low level programming? asking for a friend
Wageslave here you are a pathetic bitch who has no own ambitions just his bosses. You think you are better than a neet. Better at beeing pathetic yes. No respect for bitches like you people like you are the reason these companies think they can treat people like that you are part of the problem and should be removed.
Obedient worthless cocksucker
That's a lie they care about me a lot. I am irreplaceable in what i do once i leave my experience leaves with me(aka efficiency/profit). They are trying to hire someone to help me but can't find it for 2 years.
Nah, that guy is going full postal on his workplace.
Besides the obvious (lie), I would focus on filling your GitHub with as many personal projects as possible.
GitHub is the engineer's resume, it speaks for itself in a way a resume can't. The more you can show you know in terms of completed software, the easier it will be to get hired for that sort of work.
I hear that one a lot so it must be pretty important thanks user
cool larp, have sex
You're not gonna make it
sounds like someone is an exploited loser
Holy fucking cringe
They left him 1 months paid vacations, minimum requested by laws is 2 days, maybe 4 like it's two parents here.