>price tanking
>no threads
where are you faggots now with your shill threads?
>price tanking
>no threads
where are you faggots now with your shill threads?
Everything is dumping dude.
FTM holders are like the victim of an abusive relationship. No matter how many times they get dumped on, they always come back
>Everything is dumping dude.
You wish, FTM shill.
fuck outta here with that volume. you have to go back.
Should I be investing in GoToken?
We already dumped this shitcoin for NKN which is going to 3x this month. Pumping while everything else is dumping
I allready dumped ftm for eth after spaming next eth memes for 30 days
lost 50% less on eth during dip if it dumps more ill probably gonna rebuy infest this board with Andre shills and dump again for more eth
Tnx for money retards
what the fuck are those. you might as well show us some tradeorge coins with 100% gains
Lmao. 10k volume shitcoins
>lost 50% less
>thanks for money
imagine to be so retarded that you believe you FUD affecta th price in the slightest. FTM has been #1 in volume on Kucoin for months
Yeah exactly. Biz memory is horrible. This was sub ine cent just bit ago. Only peoolr who are hurting bought the top. Even tbeybeill be fine if their timeline is longet than a few weeks. Thats said yeah it is tanking today tho.
I hope you guys can decipher drunk text.
My ftm was a bigger % of my folio than Quant just a bit ago.
Its fucking 50% more ftm next round you mongo lol
What fucking fud Im saying i sold enjoy my bags
Yeah also try selling any of thise gains into such mow volume. Maybe your new.
Show some proof fag. Im not sure you know how any of this works.
Larp city bitch larp larp city bitch lol
Proof or go back downstairs.
Heres sime proof i madr more than you by selling mine for qnt today instead of faggy eth.
So even if your larp is true you went for boomer coins. Get fucked loser lol
good luck with your peasant gains, i bought below 1 penny
Hahahaha 2k$ poorfag talking like niger wtf is up with biz 2019...
>Look i jump from coin to coin with 2k enjoy your boomer gains
This is my fuck it money for sunday you sething bagholder Im sorry you are alte to game and need to jump from shitcoin to shitcoin before you lose little you got.
Btw I will rebuy ftm below 10 sats and dump on you fags again
you can't dump on me when i hold retard. i bought sub 1 cent