Official Laugh at Linkies Thread


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>i-its never going under 90 cents again!

I think I'm going to vomit

I feel bad for anyone who didn't sell at at least a dollar. I mean fuck.

What do you guys think? Will it go down to 60? Or lower?

17 cents

Dude, biz was BUYING at $1.4. The rest HODLed all the way from 1.5 to where we are now.


What the fuck did you expect? The market doesn’t give a shit about /our/coin. There is not enough feed on mainnet for price action. Instead you got delusional and thought it was going to be $1000 eoy. You are a literal drooling retard if you thought that. No wonder these scammers are around, they are still raking in money from people like you who unironically invest their future on Jow Forums memes. You got peer pressured into thinking this was going to make you rich.

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Investing in a top 50 coin that does nothing lol

i never undersltood anyone wuo had more than 1k LINK desu. being a die hard linkie is truly some kind of mental illness, isn't it?


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buy at 60, wait for the rise to $1, rinse and repeat. LINK is a $1 pony.

Literally every alt coin right now.. how can anyone be surprised? BTC dumps, altcoins dump. and if an altcoin just had a rally it will dump harder.
If BTC had broken the 9k resistance and gone to 10k LINK would prob been following.
Also so retarded to buy any coins when BTC was clearly struggling at the insta rejection at 9k

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Most link posters were just oldfags shilling their bags via memes but they did manage to fool many newfags into actually believing in the project. Now it's up to the newfags to take up the shilling and continue the cycle.

Been buying since $0.9
I told fellow linkers to sell at $1.4 and buy back under $1. I also told them I'd buy back in at $0.9

Some said they'd wait till $0.8 but I told them that was a bad idea cause everyone seems to be waiting for that so it's probably not going to happen.

Idk why I'm just lucky on this that I've been selling the top and buying the bottom on LINK for years now. I'm not a prophet like AB I think I'm just a genuinely lucky normie

rlc has diamond support at 44c

I'll buy back at $0.17

It's not going to happen bro. It'll be back up to $1.5 and you'll have missed your golden ticket

All other coins will suckle on the teats of LINK.

Guess what; as long as they keep this radio silence and keep not changing anything to mainnet it's just going to keep tanking.

>Will it go down to 60? Or lower?
Bro, until a few weeks ago 60 was the absolute ceiling for like a year.
Of course it's dumping below that.

What about $0.50

Where's the nigger from yesterday that said Link was bullish AF lmao?

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Meme lines and charts are meaningless; all that matters is the actual news and developments.
And since Chainlink is "radio silence: the project", it's a slow bleed until the next announcement and/or addition to mainnet.
Meaning in a few months.